Playing while lightning?

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Freshman Team
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Playing while lightning?

Post by Trivium5 »

Last night during the Waverly Post 142 and Portsmouth Post 23 games, they played the first one without any problems. But, as the first game ended, there was heat lightning in the distance with some "storm" lightning strikes as well. During the break, Post 23 covered the mound and plate and tarps as if they were going to postpone the game. (It was about 9:30 p.m. at this time) Then with all the lightning still in the background knowing there was storm on the way, they decided the play the game, with lightning. They were saying that during an American Legion baseball game, it is not in the rules to stop play while it is lightning. You'd think the umpires would cancel it. No, they didn't. You would also think for all the parents, fans, and especially the players saftey they would have called the game. They played 2 innings until calling it. But in the OHSAA rule book, you are not allowed to play in the lightning. The umpires were even affilitated with OHSAA so you would have thought they would have canceled it, but instead, once more, continue the playing of this game. Why would you put everyone there, especially the players in such harm? I still don't understand that.

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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by nerkfan »

Wow. I can not believe in this day and age any one would let a game be played with lighting in the area.

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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by 222 »


Riding the Bench
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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by cooperstown »

I too was at the game. American Legion is played using American League rules. The umpires were well within their rights and obligations regarding game management.

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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by rockyraccoon »

Would depend on the type of lightning. There is no such thing as heat lightning, which is actually lightning flashes being seen from a far away storm. Cloud top lightning can also be many miles away and not a threat, but if you see actually lightning bolts and can hear the thunder from the storm, then it is too close to play ball, or at least switch to wooden bats (Just kidding about the bats).

Freshman Team
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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by Trivium5 »

You could actually see the lightning bolts and I was hearing thunder constantly after the first game.

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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by turncoat-ump13 »

Talk to the Waverly coach. i was told that he kept coming to the umpires wanting to play. He was even wanting to play when the lightning was by the stadium. The waverly coach is also an OHSAA umpire and he kept saying american legion rules were different. Both coaches agreed to start the game from what I was told.

When the game was started there was no lightning in the area. The game was called when the first lightning bolt was seen by the umpires according to my source.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by cooperstown »

I was there too. Being a parent of a Post 142 player I too had concerns about the weather, but before we throw anyone under the bus let's examine a few things that we KNOW to be facts.

1) no one was hurt
2) danger was not imminent ( evidenced by the fact that no one left the field or stands running & screaming )
3) the umpire behind the Plate is the "umpire in chief" and controls ALL game decisions.
4) Legion Baseball is played under "American League Rules" which differ from high school rules
5) Waverly's Coach is a OHSAA Umpire ( although I fail to see how that fact is relavent) as this is American legion Baseball. The umpires employed to work the game are also OHSAA umpires, but are obliagated to work the game under American League rules.
6) Had I thought danger was near, I would have put my son in a vehicle and he and I both would have been heading home, every parent has that right and responsiblilty
7) As it turned out: all involved made correct and well timed decisions ... Isn't that A good thing ?

One other question to you " turncoat-ump13 "

Did your source tell you that the Waverly coach made a trip out to the umpires to request additional delays? I didn't think so.

Did he tell you why that trip was made ? I didn't think so.

Did your source fear for their life, while out in that dangerous weather? Is your source so dedicated to the safety of others that they would be willing to take a "lightning strike" to get the low down and skinny on a non-story? I think we should back up a step here and examine facts only.

Be sure that you get the correct and whole story please. Too often we go off with half truths and try to destroy good people. It is easy to throw stones. There were a lot of concerned people working together to do the right thing that night. I think they got it right. If what they did fell short of your expectations, (even though you weren't there and everything you know is at least second hand) I am sure it was not because they weren't trying to do the right thing? I know all of those gentlemen. Each is a veteran and a professional at what they do. I am sure that each man would offer you a sincere appology.

Well turns out that once we examine the facts and leave the other 3rd, 4th or 5th hand stuff out of the equation we find out that there really isn't a story here. Just someone looking to minimize the efforts of others. That i not a new thing, it happens on here all of the time.

Freshman Team
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Re: Playing while lightning?

Post by turncoat-ump13 »

cooperstown - My source happened to be one of the umpires. so he was there. Your coach was not out there asking for additional delays. He was out there trying to get the game started sooner when lightning was in the area. They held up the game for about 35-45 minutes until the lightning was out of the area and started the game.

And I agree with you the game situation was handled correctly and the game was called when it should have been. No one got hurt and everyone was able to leave the field.

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