2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

Paladin wrote:Won't happen !!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Paladin, you seem to be a semi-intelligent individual. You have to know that it takes "two to tango", so if the cow-patty schools (your description) are so bad, why would a "top notch" team want to drive or not all the way to "nowheresville" to play a ballgame?
By the way, it feels really strange to defend Jackson. :122246
Go Blue!! :?

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Paladin »

Hey, I've said this before............ there are all kinds of competition no more than an hour....hour & a half away. If they are any good, they somehow seem to avoid playing them.


Watch how long the tiggers are kept on the schedule.

You'd have to be a real idiot not to see what has been going on down there for 30+years.


here come the excuses

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironman02 »

Are we really doing this again? I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but how many times does this same conversation have to occur? "Jackson plays a weak schedule". "Oh yeah, well Logan's a big school and can't beat schools their own size". If I had a dollar for every time I've seen those phrases on this forum, I'd be retired already.

Yes, Jackson could, and probably should, increase the overall difficulty of the non-league schedule. They will have played Zanesville last year and Ironton this year as non-league games, which I really like, but it wouldn't hurt to add another higher difficulty game. However, I completely understand why Wellston and Vinton County are on the schedule, and I'm sure that probably won't change anytime soon. They're both rivalry games that bring in a lot of money, and that's obviously a driving factor for the administration. (And before someone thinks I'm insulting Wellston or VC, or counting them as easy wins, just stop. That's not what I'm saying at all, but the Rockets haven't beaten Jackson in two decades and VC has only two wins in about fifteen games against the Ironmen. Wellston and VC are fully capable of beating Jackson, but there are definitely teams out there who could be more consistent in doing so, providing better overall competition, which raises the bar for the program as a whole.)

Logan's program, by increasing schedule difficulty throughout the varsity, JV, and lower levels, has definitely benefitted. There's no doubt about it, and that's why I'd like to see Jackson do the same thing. I do think it is tougher for Jackson than it is for Logan to find quality non-league opponents simply because of geographic location, but Wheelersburg and Portsmouth West are definitely games that I would like to see sometime in the future. Coach Hall is an SOC guy, so those games may be more likely to happen than we think. The key is finding games that provide stiff competition, but aren't impossible to win. It would do Jackson no good to play DeSales or Watterson and get hammered, but playing Burg or West (for example) where you win some/lose some would be helpful, in my opinion. We'll see what happens down the road, I suppose. Until then, can we just semi-agree/agree to disagree and move on?

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironman02 »

Paladin wrote:
You'd have to be a real idiot not to see what has been going on down there for 30+years.
You've achieved your goal. I can't resist. Now that I have partially agreed with you, Paladin, I'm going to disagree with you. What is the above comment even supposed to mean? I realize that you don't like Jackson's schedule, and that is justfied to a point, but come on. I don't have my information in front of me right now, but Jackson has won plenty of SEOAL titles and had plenty of playoff appearances during that timeframe. And yes, I'm willing to bet they've played your Chieftains pretty even too since the all-time series is something like 45-40-4 in favor of Logan. It's one thing to disagree with scheduling, but it's quite another to act like Jackson is entirely inferior to Logan, or that they haven't had hard-earned football success over an extended period of time. You're a knowledgeable guy who definitely knows the game of football, but you can't diminish everything that Jackson's football program has done. For that matter, I don't even understand why you would want to. I feel like Jackson and Logan have a mutual respect for one another, at least in most cases. I guess that doesn't apply to you. I'm sure you'll have a nice, sarcastic reply about Jackson's schedule for me. Can't wait to see it on Sunday/Monday when I get back on here.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by noreply66 »

Jackson plays their division schedule.
They are a Div.III team and they play a even Div. III schedule.
Logan is a Div.II team and they play a tad under that at 2.2 Division.
Division wise you can't really get on Jackson, but it might be the games out of the league that people talk about. ---??? weaker Div. III teams????
Wonder what the div. average is for every team in Ohio--right off I would say most team play the schedule of Jackson.
I lot of schools like to have their record show a lot of wins and hope it gets them in the playoffs.
Also teams like to play where they can get the most bucks in the stands.If you want your sport to pay some bills you better get the fans to the game.


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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Paladin »

Lets take your point of view. You acknowledge that Logan HAS benefitted with a more difficult schedule ( even the year they went 5-5 but yet won the league) by playing bigger, tougher schools. I gave some area schools that somehow never get on your schedule that are competitive. Let me be clear -- both VC & Wellston have no business being on your schedule. Waverly? You remember why they left the SEOAL ? They got the crap kicked out of them. Badly ! Maybe one for $$$$$$$$, but not all. They are outclassed. Give us a break ! If you would be willing to make a drive to Columbus for competition but are afraid of DeSales & Watterson, how about something not as tough -- Hartly , Ready, St. Charles ? Some outer ring suburban schools .....D-II ? For just ONE game ? And BTW, a loss can provide a wealth of wins. Other people around the state practice that and reap big benefits.

The truth , for the most part, about Jackson is that you have gone out of your way to AVOID competition and stunted your program. Coaches are more worried about getting a good record so they can move on or avoid getting canned.Keep the home town happy but stupid about how that winning record is built against inferior competition. They do it against inferior competition which is good for the coach but ruins the program. A bad year in the league still gives them a chance at a winning record. And lets be clear, you are now living in ancient history. Your program is nowhere near where it used to be and doesn't appear headed where it should be. Trying to sneak off to the TVC ? Thats a huge step DOWN.

FRankly, I don't have a problem with Jackson except for the portrayal of the current program by Jackson folks. You have ducked good competition for so long your only challenges have been the SEOAL, which grew vastly tougher with ZHS, the tiggers, Chilli and Portsmouth added. But that has quickly faded as the tiggers found out they couldn't win here anymore and ran and ZHS looks for closer travel arrangements, so both pulled out. Let me also be clear -- the SEOAL ,unfortunately, is not a tough top to bottom league. Sad to say but true. If you are serious about getting better and shooting for extending the playoffs, you have to play bigger or tougher people.

If you are going to play a schedule of patsies, as you have done, expect criticism. If you will play tougher schedules with tough teams, then you get resepect. Its simple.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Ironman92 »

I know 02 has definately been a person who has chosen Jackson's schedule fo the past 20 or so years.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Ironman61 »

First off i am sick and tired of reading JACKSON threads and having to read the redundant statements from some loudmouth....i think the admins just need to boot this doucher..... its not that his opinion means anything to me quite the contrary in fact, but they do give Logan posters a black eye at least in the readers eyes ....however i do find it ridiculous that someone has such a personal vendetta against another high school football program that they make sure they take every opportunity to post a negative comment ( usually the same one over and over again) on every thread with that schools name. I get your opinion... got it, so does everyone else, now you spoke your peace ..yet you keep on kicking that horse that died years ago..... so from now on if you got a problem how about you feel free to contact the Jackson AD or school board or hell write your senator ....and if a Jackson thread happens to come up we can just make a mental note of Paladins thoughts on our scheduling and save you the trouble of ever having to post again...and finally with a slight twist of what im sure your mother quoted to you non stop as a child or in your case perhaps even yesterday ( and yes im saying you need to grow up) "if you cant POST anything nice then dont POST anything at all"..... thank you and have a nice day

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironmen1987 »

Just ignore his comments. He has posted once in the Logan preview out of the forty some at this point but has made several visits to spread his knowledge about how other schools should be running their programs across seo

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Copay »

I think 7-3 for the Ironmen is a best case scenario, I think they could be anywhere from 4-6 to 7-3

Games they should be favored to win: Wellston, Vinton County, Chillicothe and Marietta
Games they should be favored to lose: Ironton, Portsmouth and Logan
Toss-up games: Waverly, Warren, Gallia Academy

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Wellston Ironman »

One thing for sure, Jackson starts another season 1-0.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Ironman92 »

Man that's a hideous user name.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Paladin »

Now , let me make 02's day when he gets back to work Monday --

Jackson's schedule really hurts the SEOAL by keeping the program weak and non-compeititve. But thats wishful thinking , isn't it ?

So, 02, tell your Jackson folks to keep that schedule. Let me assure you its fine with all the Logan folks, me included. I'm sure that playing that schedule will do what you want it to do. The Logan folks couldn't agree more with it. By all means , please keep playing it. Yes , we are worried you might, might rise up and win an SEOAL title sometime over the upcoming years. Yes, you'll get some points for those times when Logan gets lucky and actually beats a Jackson team, adding to our possible qualifing for the playoffs with your points. Those winning records of Jackson will just keep rolling on. What a powerhouse. I should wish you guys luck this season, but with all your talent and that brutual schedule you put together , no sense in making it more difficult for us. Lets just say let the better team win. Thank goodness we only have to play you once a year.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironman02 »


I think I've made way through your posts. Thanks for being very thorough. If you want to offer criticism, that's fine. I just don't see the point in saying the same thing repeatedly. We know how you feel, and that opinion is somewhat justified, in my opinion. I don't believe that Jackson avoids competition as badly as you say they do, but I do believe the non-league schedule could certainly be improved. That's the best you're going to get out of me. Now, for the last time. How about we agree to disagree, note that you think Jackson's schedule is awful, and move on. There's really no sense in having this conversation anymore. It has been covered completely.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironman02 »

Paladin wrote:
FRankly, I don't have a problem with Jackson except for the portrayal of the current program by Jackson folks.
I do have one final question for you though. How exactly do Jackson fans portray our program? I see a school that has won 550 football games in its history, 20 SEOAL championships, and made 7 playoff appearances. Jackson has had, has, and will have a solid football program in Southeastern Ohio. The Ironmen aren't state title contenders right now, and may never be, but what have I said that isn't true? I think they have a good chance to win 7+ games this season and contend for the SEOAL title. Is that not realistic? Did you not say that they could go 7-3 this season? I don't see ANYONE on here claiming that Jackson is some type of juggernaut that wins state titles left and right, or even the class of the SEOAL. Tell me exactly how you would like me to portray the Jackson program, since I'm obviously not doing a satisfactory job.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Ironman92 »

as way less than Logan's program

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by Paladin »


We will agree to disagree. Jackson will remain no help to the league and basically no help to themselves. My point has been aired & I'll move on.

I consider you fair minded. Support your team as you wish. But it is laughable to wade through some of the posts on other threads and see the foolish comments made by the Jackson crowd. Why anyone would put stock in reading a Wellston or VC match-up is beyond me. Waste of breath ( or typing, lol). And Waverly will not be very good this year . Even the SEOAL this year, in my opinion , will not be very tough except for Logan & Portsmouth . So once again, your comments about your program are centered on ancient Jackson history. What used to be years ago. But let me assure you that your team will continue to have winning records for years. The non-competitive schedule assures that. I just wouldn't be making much room in the trophy case for new hardware if I were you.

Portray the program as you wish. But if you expect true respect for the program down there, the schedule has to improve , drastically. Of course, folks could just remain silent and laugh . Where some see "competition" , others see something quite different. You'll go 7-3 this year at best.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironmen1987 »

I never realized we were shooting for respect (up there). I thought the job of our AD was to keep our sports program competitive and out of the red. ANYONE is capable of winning a football game on a given night. The odds might be against them but as they say, thats why they play the game.

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by thirtyonetrap »

Wellston Ironman wrote:One thing for sure, Jackson starts another season 1-0.
Will you be giving out free food through the drive thru after the game if JHS wins. That was sa-weet!

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Re: 2010 SEOAL Previews: Jackson Ironmen

Post by ironman02 »

Heard today that Dewey Steppe has decided to play, despite the injury problems that he has dealt with the last two seasons. Gavin McDaniel will also be returning to play his senior season. Glad to hear that both of those guys will be out there this Fall.

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