Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I think the Trojan Explosion imploded tonight.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by rockyraccoon »

I agree about Roger Gray. Thank god he had some help in the booth tonight. I don't know who the guy was helping him, but without him I would have had no idea what was going on.

As for the Trojans, I think it all went downhill after stopping West on the first drive and making a nice return on the punt, only to find out you had 12 men on the field and then gave West a 1st down and their first score. Someone on the vast coaching staff of PHS should be responsible for counting players on the field. It's not rocket surgery, for crying outside!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by KVDW »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:
I don't care what you say, he does a horrible job of calling games. He calls the wrong team with possession constantly and has to be corrected. .
i understand and accept your opinion about that but i think it is wrong to get on him for fulfilling his obligations to his (our) sponsers.... without which we would hear NO games.
i suspect Roger and WNXT does a lot of hoofing it around town to get sponsers to pay to bring us the games and i respect his taking the time to mention them. after all, they are not full blown 30 second or full minute commercials. they get very little more than the mention of their names in return for their money so that's the least that should be done for them, imo, and Roger HAS to at least read their names.

again, i appreciate the heck out of WNXT for bringing us the games. you sure would be lonely on Friday nights without them. ;-) :)

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by sider_zone »

Don't want to serve to much Crow here but as I said earlier this week
"Bigger,Strong,Better,Faster,and more Experienced;But especially BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!
West was definitely on their A Game,Pendleton- Best in Southern Ohio,14 yard a Carry WOW!!!!!!!!
Locher.Journey,Auger,both Brickers,Ratliff,all the Lineman,and special Teams-What an effort.
Just have to mention our Sophs. Bennett,Scott,and that Linebacker in the Backfield all night Frye.
A special Thanks To coach "T" and his staff,What a Great Job.P.S. Great Birthday Present huh Coach?

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

KVDW, I appreciate them doing the games as well, though I will never understand why 107.5 is The Voice Of The Greenup County Musketeers when they are an Ohio radio station. But they need to find someone better to do the games. I think they guy names is Chuck Greenslate and he does a pretty good job of doing the games that I have heard him do. I always enjoyed Snuffy as well, but he's lost his touch lately too and I guess we can attribute that to age.

I see your point and I do appreciate the effort given by the announcers, but when I am delegated to listen to a game on the radio, especially when I'm trying to do updates as I was tonight so guys like FIDO can keep up with their teams, and might I add two teams I rarely follow so I don't really know all the names very well, I expect to be able to understand what's going on, who has the ball, where it rests on the field, and who has the ball. Roger is really bad at that.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by zebra77 »

Officials have broad strong shoulders, to be able to take the lambashing after their games. It's much easier to call agame from the stands, where everything is crystal clear and right in front of you.
I really enjoy it when I read these posts and hear from the bleacher refs, on how easy it is to call it from so far away from the field of play, makes for good conversation when we get together a couple of days after the games.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by KVDW »

got it.... and i too think chuck greenslate does an excellent job doing the games.

btw... see how easily ANYBODY can get confused when trying to convey a thought to somebody else...
Burg_Grad_77 wrote: I expect to be able to understand what's going on, who has the ball, where it rests on the field, and who has the ball. Roger is really bad at that.
;-) :lol:

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by KVDW »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote: but when I am delegated to listen to a game on the radio, especially when I'm trying to do updates as I was tonight so guys like FIDO can keep up with their teams, .

and then, too........you may feel you are relegated to do that task but i doubt you were delegated to do it.

see how difficult it is to properly communicate ones thoughts??? give ol Roger a break. :mrgreen: :)

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

I was trying to type and and talk to my drunk brother on the phone at the same time and the second ones a typo. (R and D are close together)

What's Rogers excuse?

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by KVDW »

Burg_Grad_77 wrote:I was trying to type and and talk to my drunk brother on the phone at the same time and the second ones a typo. (R and D are close together)

What's Rogers excuse?
i dunno, i don't know the man. maybe he has a drunk brother, too. the guy is a human being trying to make a living is all i know.

go ahead and trash him if it makes you feel better.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by BigTime »

First I would like to say congrats to West on an outstanding game against my Trojans. They dominated in every facet of the game. For the Trojans it's a loss and that's it, you have to move on to the next game. I think both teams will still make the playoffs and West has a shot at the #1 seed if they play like that all year. We lost this game in the trenches tonight, West O and D line dominated the Trojans. Our O line gave Myers no time to throw and our D line was no where to be found. As good as West is they will not be the best team we face all year. So both lines need to get it together for this team to succeed. Good Luck to West the rest of the year and for the Trojans it's BURG WEEK no time to feel sorry for yourself. You schedule doesn't allow you any room for that it's tough game after tough game.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by sider_zone »

Portsmouth has some very good Athletes, Myers may not be the only Big Gun they have but he sure has the most Firepower. Great Athlete!!!!!!!!!

I hope this is a wake call for the Trojans, if not it's going to be a long year. And I hope for your sake this is the best team you'll face all year; I'd hate to see you get Beat any worse.
Good luck the rest of the season. P.S. I don't see Ports having any tougher schedule than West,you have 5 tough games and We have 5 tough Games. JMO

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by DIDO »

Not positive on names, but on the OL #61, #51, and #55 I watched them drive Ports. back the whole game, and made good
push for the backs. Great win West.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by fuzzhead »

You were warned, Portsmouth fans.... This West team is for real.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Trojan Spirit 76 »

I rarely post on here, but have something to say this morning. To the Trojans...As you can see..the sun came up this morning, it is not the end of the world to lose to a good West team. FOCUS this week....PRACTICE HARD...and PLAY THE KIND OF BALL YOU ARE CAPABLE OF against BURG. To those posters saying Myers needs a new center...the young man centering last night does not normally play that position, and no one will be any harder on him than he will be on himself...for the low snaps...etc.etc. that you all are refering to. To the Senators...congrats. on the win...

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by sportsfan43 »

siderman wrote:You can't be serious? Officiating? Portsmouth is terrible defensively and they cannot move anyone up front on the offensive line. They cannot run the football at all, so they cannot protect the qb without holding every play. They actually could have called alot more.

Being nice, Portsmouth is really not good. There is alot more to football than how fast your receivers are and whether or not you have a good qb. There are 2 things that you must do to win consistantly in ohio: stop the run and run the football. They do neither.

being nice, but Portsmouth really doesnt need you to pojnt out how to win consistantly in ohio, they have beat you more times then not and every few years you beat them,and NOW you want to give them advise :lol: :lol:

I will give west one thing,they played a clean hard fought game,and Triplett seems to have a lot of the "FIGHT" where it should be.

of course they were winning

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by pappy1 »

zebra77 wrote:44-14 is not officiating
For sure! For sure!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by fan4sure »

WELL WELL WELL Was the headlines right or what? Called it, turned out just like the post said now hardly no ptowners to be found just a couple licking their wounds but owning up to the total beat down of p-town.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by trojandave »

CONGRATULATIONS to the West Senators on the win and a totally dominating performance........they clearly were the better team and overwhelmed the Trojans at the line of scrimmage........that is where the game was won........West also showed the ability to hit some passes, which they will need heading into the playoffs........and they will be in the playoffs after what I saw last night.

As biggdowgg said, it is only 1 loss for our Trojans.......we have a lot of work to do to get better but the good thing after 2 games is that it is only 2 games with 8 left.........we still can be a playoff team, and if we improve, we will be........if we don't, we won't be with the schedule remaining ahead of us.


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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by trojanofthepast »

fan4sure wrote:WELL WELL WELL Was the headlines right or what? Called it, turned out just like the post said now hardly no ptowners to be found just a couple licking their wounds but owning up to the total beat down of p-town.
It's rivalry and both fan base believe their team would win this game. West won and congratulations to them they have a fine team. But, I have seen a lot of Portsmouth people on here showing class and respect to West on the win. No one is hiding and it's posters and fans like yourself that give the West Side a bad name. Win with class and lose with class this is something you my friend have not learned. Learn from the Coach and his players on how to win with class. Good Luck to West the rest of the season. Trojans just need to bounce back were only in Week 2.

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