Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by QB4 »

You just have to Understand that not everyone is used to Winning (especially with class)....you still have them posters who probably got there butts kicked back when they played by the teams they beat and just want to rub it in when all possible!!! I for one was one of those players and you won't see me do that anymore, the older I've got the easier it was to let go. I on the other hand was totally shocked....I expected a real good close game. Congrats to the Senators on a hell of a game!! As for both teams...I seen alot of class from both teams players and that is a great step in the right direction (even though they are rivals).

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Westfan »

sportsfan43 wrote:
siderman wrote:You can't be serious? Officiating? Portsmouth is terrible defensively and they cannot move anyone up front on the offensive line. They cannot run the football at all, so they cannot protect the qb without holding every play. They actually could have called alot more.

Being nice, Portsmouth is really not good. There is alot more to football than how fast your receivers are and whether or not you have a good qb. There are 2 things that you must do to win consistantly in ohio: stop the run and run the football. They do neither.

being nice, but Portsmouth really doesnt need you to pojnt out how to win consistantly in ohio, they have beat you more times then not and every few years you beat them,and NOW you want to give them advise :lol: :lol:

I will give west one thing,they played a clean hard fought game,and Triplett seems to have a lot of the "FIGHT" where it should be.

of course they were winning
And how did Portsmouth have all that success? Running the football. Since they went exclusively spread about 2005 they have had 2 descent seasons (2007 and 2009) and 1 playoff berth (no wins) with really good material. Before that they were extremely successful.

Before that when they ran first, they played hard nosed football and their defense was much better. The way their defense is now, they would have to score 35 points just to be competitive. Last night several times guys had angles on Pendelton and were scared to tackle him. They just reached out with their arm and he ran by. Why is that? Too much time playing in space and not learning to hit someone other than the front 5? I would say that has alot to do with their defense the last couple years being terrible. But I hope they keep doing it. With tons of starters back and Portsmouth graduating basically their whole team, next year may be worse.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by biggdowgg »

Portsmouth will be OK, they overcame the big loss to Burg last year and finished strong.

the trojan players heard "from a couple of the same posters on this thread" that they would not win another game after the Burg loss,and Im sure they will hear the same now, This is a good group of kids,and they will not lay down.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by WestFan27 »

Portsmouth will be fine, hope they win out.
There is some classy ptown posters on here and good to see it.
Good luck to the Trojans the rest of the way

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by PTrojan59 »

Yeah the officiating was terrible and u must be blind or from west if you did not think so. Every play we got called for something not to take any credit away from west because there a good football team but i have my thoughts that if this was played anywhere else it would have been a much closer game. I am not worried about this game move on to the next one. It's burg week and i hope we go and play them tough and win im not hung up on this loss but all you west fans if we are so bad then ur 2-0 vs 2 really bad teams then so say what you want!!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by playa_44 »

Did some checking and both teams had 6 penalties apiece. Congratulations West and good luck to both teams from here on out.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by DIDO »

Good luck 2 P-town, I believe if you guys get a win against Burg your going to roll 4 a while!!!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

West is very good. Everyone said they were good, but they were even better than advertised. They were by far the better team last night. Pendleton is an absolute animal, and deserves his ranking as the #2 FB in the nation.
The officiating was horrible in the first half. Would it have made a difference? I very much doubt it, but it would have been a better ball game. Almost every time the Trojans picked up a first down through the air they would be called for holding. I witnessed once the official waiting to see if the receiver caught the ball before he threw the flag. That is ridicules; you have to make the holding call when it happens. Also I thought that West should have been call for pass interference a few times but they weren’t.
I know many PHS fans in the stands last night questioned the 12 men on the field penalty that gave West the first down. In that situation it was the right call. It is a 15 yard penalty in high school; it is 5 in the NFL. I really think that if that doesn’t happen PHS is more competitive. It just seemed to knock the wind out of their sales. That has been the big knock on this group, they struggle responding to adversity.
The world went on today, and the Trojans will play again on Friday in Wheelersburg. Got to right the ship, still a lot of football to play.
Best of luck to West the rest of the season, I can’t see anyone on your schedule beating you this year.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by jumpstart »

portsmouth_trojan59 wrote:Yeah the officiating was terrible and u must be blind or from west if you did not think so. Every play we got called for something not to take any credit away from west because there a good football team but i have my thoughts that if this was played anywhere else it would have been a much closer game. I am not worried about this game move on to the next one. It's burg week and i hope we go and play them tough and win im not hung up on this loss but all you west fans if we are so bad then ur 2-0 vs 2 really bad teams then so say what you want!!

Why was the officiating terrible? I never seen a single flag thrown for eather team that was questionable. The score was 44-14 with 7 of the 14 scored against wests jv.. it wouldnt have mattered where the game was played....Portsmouth had a couple of good players but the fact is your line is horrible and by trying to key on Pendelton they got burnt by everyone else

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by fan4sure »

Oh thats real class from the trojan fans blaming the ref's for the loss, and saying I have no class in winning is like trojanofthepast living in a glass house. I made previous statements way before the game and just so happened it turned out just like i predicted. I was going back and reflecting on my comments so if that means to you trojanofthepast no class, "than so be it". I will say what I want, I do not slam any players from any team. so take that. :122246

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I don’t think your post was directed towards my comment, but you said Trojan fans, and I did comment on the refs.
I do believe that the refs did a poor job last night. I also said that it wouldn’t have made a difference for us as West was a much better team. I stand by those comments.
There is holding on every play, it just isn’t called. The refs choose to call it every time the Trojans completed a pass in the first half. Were there really holds? Probably, but as I said there are holds on every play.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by M46 »

I told yal that west was bad booty! After that scrimage with us I knew they were gonna run over everyone. Good job west.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by wipala »

rockyraccoon wrote:I agree about Roger Gray. Thank god he had some help in the booth tonight. I don't know who the guy was helping him, but without him I would have had no idea what was going on.

As for the Trojans, I think it all went downhill after stopping West on the first drive and making a nice return on the punt, only to find out you had 12 men on the field and then gave West a 1st down and their first score. Someone on the vast coaching staff of PHS should be responsible for counting players on the field. It's not rocket surgery, for crying outside!
maybe we have a Bobby Bowden situation at PHS,,,,just saying....

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by sider_zone »

if there were No Flags at All thrown against Ports Friday night they would have Lost!!!!!!!!!
It wasn't the Laundry laying in the grass that Beat you, it was the pressure of the West players in your Backfield all night Forcing Myers out of the Pocket. as I've said; Myers is a Great Athlete but running for you life like he was took him out of his Game. He looked very good against Wilmington last week when he had a little more time to throw. Give him a little time and he's very Dangerous. If I were Burg Friday's West Game is the film I'd want.
Good Luck to the Trojans the rest of the Season, Win and get us some Points!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by sider_zone »

I would just like to say We're in our 4th Season with Coach "T" as our coach now and I know everybody on the Westside has been talking about the weight Program,But what we seen Friday night I believe was a direct result of that Program. I've heard Coach "T" tell kids and parents "If he works hard he can Do It", referring to the Workout Core. You just have to see that Core to believe what these Kids do every day in that Weight Room. The Program Coach is Building on the West side will be Remembered for a long Time to come. Its much more than Football Its a way of Life.
Great job Coach keep up the Good Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by West Side Pride »

I know some of the newer West posters are excited, But let's keep the off-season stuff to ourselves.

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Re: Week 2 Portsmouth (1-0) at West (1-0)

Post by TheMalteseFalcon »

28Buck wrote:
Black@Orange wrote:Josh Myers needs a new center. Was I the only one to see that?
I noticed this in the scrimmage with Minford.
I'd think a GOOD coach would have corrected that in the two week interim. :mrgreen:

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