Saturday 11th: Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake


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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by conehead »

If the Peake plays like they did against Wayne, Symmes Valley won't know what hit them till they read the Sunday paper. I haven't seen them want to win that bad in several years. I like it!

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Boomer Sooner »

SV will go to 3-0.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Longtimefan »

I agree the teams symmes valley plays this year are weak. They could probably go 8-2 and not make the play- offs. They've got two hard games on the schedule this year. Oak hill and the peak. That says alot! But anyway. Good luck to both teams

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake


The Peake in a close one. (Earlier competition does matter regardless of your record).

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Buckeye2 »

I'm tired of hearing about this stupid streak!! It's all a mind game!! The 2010 Symmes Valley team has never played the 20010 Chesapeake team so there is no "streak". This SV team has some pretty good players. Big, strong, and fast. Not saying cpeakes players arent good but the players at SV are better IMO. I think coach Webb has the vikings ready to go and sv wins by two td's. Go Vikings!!!!

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by s.v.h.s.71 »

i belivethis game is on saturday night not friday.right

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by SVDad »

Saturday is correct. 7PM start I believe. Game moved because of Marshall - WVU game Friday night. Go Vikings - 3-0 would be a sweet start to the season! :mrgreen:

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by FanOsports99 »

I've been waiting for this game since last years crazy ending!!! Best of luck to the Vikings!! Just go out and do work!! Don't listen to all this junk just play your game and do your job!

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by avalanche »

Just remember that if Chesapeake had played SV first two games they would be 2-0 right now and vice versa SV would be 0-2, still think you are better?

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by 1longtimeviking »

avalanche wrote:Just remember that if Chesapeake had played SV first two games they would be 2-0 right now and vice versa SV would be 0-2, still think you are better?
We don't think we're better. We KNOW we're better. Symmes Valley will be better than Chesapeake no matter who wins this game Saturday. Symmes Valley has more determination, heart and soul than anyone. We are proud to be Vikings and we will be proud to be Vikings if we win the game Saturday or if we lose the game Saturday. (Of course we may be a little prouder if we win :122245 ) Good luck Vikings. Play your hardest and we will all be proud of you. This is just a game like all the rest.


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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by riverball »

What do you know? Even with SV's so called "weak" schedule for the first 2 games, they are setting #2 in computer rankings just behind Newark Catholic and in front on many other teams at 2-0. Looks like some pretty good scheduling to me. Check out Joe's site.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Ovcman »

"We don't think we're better. We KNOW we're better. Symmes Valley will be better than Chesapeake no matter who wins this game Saturday. Symmes Valley has more determination, heart and soul than anyone. We are proud to be Vikings and we will be proud to be Vikings if we win the game Saturday or if we lose the game Saturday. (Of course we may be a little prouder if we win :122245 ) Good luck Vikings. Play your hardest and we will all be proud of you. This is just a game like all the rest."


This is an immature thing to say wouldnt you think? obviously your an symmes valley fan. If you know your better PROVE it at the game. how ignorant is it to get on here and say this? i completely agree with avalanche. Your first two games are WEAK. Go play wayne and oak hill. most definately you would be 0-2. so before you start bragging on your team and stating that you have more heart than obviously any team in southeast ohio. Wait till after the game to brag

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by 1longtimeviking »

No, I do not think this is an immature thing to say. I am not bragging. I am not talking about a football game. I am talking about being a Symmes Valley Viking. I didn't say that I didn't agree with the idea of having weak teams to play the first two weeks having an effect on the outcome of the game.
What I am saying is something that may be more mature than you can understand. I am proud of our players because I know them personally. I know what kind of people they are. I know how hard working they are. I know how dedicated they are and I will be proud of them if they win or if they lose. As the OHSAA says, "remember this is a game between youngsters." Yes it is nice to win and I hope we do, but the better I am talking about has nothing to do with football. The better I am talking about has to do with pride, respect, true caring for others, and being a Viking. I am talking about a small school that is brave enough to play schools bigger than us. A school that is excellent at academics, a school that cares and helps people going through rough times. A small school that has raised over $100,000.00 for the American Cancer Society. These are the things that make us proud to be Vikings. I've been a Viking for 21 years and in that time our football team has been 10-0 we've been 0-10 and everywhere in between, and each year, we are proud to be Vikings.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by avalanche »

I am idiot because I think Oak Hill and Wayne are better then SV? Really? Ok little high school kid.

Viking Pride. Who cares.....

This is a football game, I am not interested in anything else. That is nice that your community did those things, proud of you. Excellent academic school eh? Riiiiight. I guess I went to the Harvard of SE Ohio then.

Chesapeake btw is a very small d5 school who has been within 5-10 kids of moving to d6. SV is sooooo brave for playing Chesapeake, a team with maybe 20 more boys in their school. Give me a break. Chesapeake is the 2nd smalles school in the OVC.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Peake »

I will say this having played for 4 very good Chesapeake teams and beating SV four times in my career, playing good competition does mean something. If you have played the game of football, then if you don't agree with that statement you probably don't know if the ball is stuffed or pumped.

Avalanche is a very educated person btw, and people who call out other people without anything complex to back up their opinion other then really educated statements like "he's an idiot", make themselves look like the person they are trying to describe.

So he is an idiot because he thinks SV would be 0-2 having played Chesapeake's opening schd? Well I would bet 90% of the people on this site would also make the same argument that had Chesapeake played your schd they would be 2-0 at this point. I can say that our first two games when I played def helped prepare us for the rest of the teams on our schd. The rest of the way we knew we wouldn't see teams as good as Portsmouth or Wayne. I'll give you Portsmouth West is probably better then Wayne, but not every year.

With that same train of thought, you are saying you are better because you are 2-0 at this point. Do you not take into account who you have played? I remember my junior season we were 1-1 coming into the SV game and SV was 2-0, and my senior year we were 0-2, both times we played SV we won despite their record being better at that point.

Is SV better then Chesapeake? We will find out in a few days, but I have seen better SV teams get beat by lesser Chesapeake teams. I have not seen SV play yet, but I have a very difficult time thinking they are better then Wayne of Oak Hill.

Good luck to SV in their super bowl lol

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Buckeye2 »

I don't think one person from SV has said that they are better than Oak Hill and Wayne. Last year we got beat like 56-0 or somthing. Those are better teams playing on a higher level than both cpeake and SV. We do not think we are better than OH and Wayne. I do on the other hand think that SV is better than cpeake. Calling it a "super bowl" is a little much i think. The past is over! Lets look to the two teams that are playing Saturday! No one cares what your team did, cause your teams not playing. I'll be at this game with all the Viking Pride I have!!

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Peake »

That is fine, but your logic is awful and you are not making any intelligent statements. I do have a problem with calling out people without at the very least offering up something constructive.

I speak in fact, and fact is this is a common theme every year. We hear SV people talking about how they are going to beat Chesapeake, and it doesn't happen. The past serves us up examples, and I think it only adds to my point regardless of if you like it or not.

You think SV is better then Chesapeake based on what???? WHAT???? Have you seen Chesapeake? Doubt it. You are basing it on record. We are 0-2 and you are 2-0, so you must be better.

Maybe you actually are better, but your opinion and lack of constructive argument lead me not to believe that you actually are. I believe you play a schd that is light and just like every other year you will be exposed when you play someone good.

I don't think calling the super bowl is an over statement. It was when I played and I am sure it is now.

I am proud graduate of Chesapeake and I feel it is very disrespectful to somehow imply your education is better then Chesapeake's. Your school has no diversity. According to your date from this year your school is 100% white. That is a huge disadvantage for any of your students that go out into the real world or college. I went and checked out your test scores that rank you at 408 in the state among public schools and Chesapeake is 434. I wouldn't consider either one of our high schools premier in academics.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Peake »

I have no problem with you or anyone from SV thinking SV is better. A good fan will always cheer for their team, but to not present a constructive argument and turn around and call other people names I have a big problem with.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by ovc fan »

My opinion....either way, the losing team will blame it on the refs! ahaaaahhhaaaa. Peake by 6.

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Re: Week 3 Symmes Valley @ Chesapeake

Post by Buckeye2 »

I'm not trying to argue. I have seen Chesapeake play I'm not just being a one sided fan! I have seen both teams play and I think SV is better! I never implied once the education system at SV was better than at Chesapeake. I think it is disresptctful for avalanche to imply that SV education is not up to par. Saying he must have graduated from the Harvard of SE Ohio. Is that disrespectful? I think so. I'm sure the education system is great! I hope all the schools in Lawrence county are great because that's what schools are all about. Education not sports!

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