Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by trojandave »

sportsfan43: I agree with you......there were plenty of seats on the home side for the Chillicothe fans to sit. Most stadiums come with a home and visitor side.......and fans should sit on the appropriate side.......if home fans want to sit on the visitor side, then they should act respectable. There were a lot of parents of PHS players there last night, and the last thing they want to hear is fans of the other team cheering right next to them on the visitors side.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TIGERS90 »

This happens when you aren't used to winning..

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)


there was a small group of chilli fans on the home side when ironton played at chilli, which was strange because their home side was only half full that night,ironton's crowd was way bigger than chilli's crowd at chilli. but they sat right beside the steps that exit the stands , and were not heard from much at all. but they were very jubilant, on the 2/3 first downs they got.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanXplosion »

This outcome is a surprise. Hats off to Chillicothe on a great win. But, what is up with Portsmouth? I am all about the coaches running an offense that best fits your players but, Portsmouth needs to get back to the power running smashmouth football they used to run about 10 years ago. I know they don't have 4 guys that can run with 4.4 speed anymore but, they need to get back to it. Ironton does it and what do they do? They win all the time.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanXplosion »

Agreed FIDO, I thought the defense would be better this year. Ptown has an offense that when healthy, they can score alot of points. But, if you can score 40 but can't stop the other team from getting 41, then a high powered offense is a waste. I hate it for the kids too. I was hoping they could get a playoff berth.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by Ptown Playmaker »

FalconFan wrote:This outcome is a surprise. Hats off to Chillicothe on a great win. But, what is up with Portsmouth? I am all about the coaches running an offense that best fits your players but, Portsmouth needs to get back to the power running smashmouth football they used to run about 10 years ago. I know they don't have 4 guys that can run with 4.4 speed anymore but, they need to get back to it. Ironton does it and what do they do? They win all the time.
The statement above hits the nail on the head, yet in my opinion, we have failed to do that the past couple of years.......if you don't have players to "fit" your system, then you develope a game plan that best suits the players you have.......that has not been done and won't be done.

As far as the defense goes......we don't seem to let the best 11 players see action on this side of the ball....and when the offense is going quick 3 and outs, it will be a long night......that normally goes for any team

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by mom#1 »

TrojanGal wrote:Though this was a disappointing game, I'm more disappointed by the Chillicothe fans. Everyone that was in our group at the game was harassed by Chilli fans. I understand they're excited about the win, they have a right to be, but there was no excuse for the way they acted.
What do you mean harrassed? Physically?? Or are you talking trash talk....

It is a rivalry and they were 0-4 going into this game. And I know many many people on boards and on the street and in every other medium were harrassing THEM all week saying they had no chance of even competing tonight. I was hearing 60-0 Trojans all week and how we had no shot. Well they were excited and they not only competed they TOOK IT AND RAN WITH IT and came very close to a shut out. The Cavs gave it back as they have gotten.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by mom#1 »

sportsfan43 wrote:
A-Town Big Dog wrote:
TrojanGal wrote:Though this was a disappointing game, I'm more disappointed by the Chillicothe fans. Everyone that was in our group at the game was harassed by Chilli fans. I understand they're excited about the win, they have a right to be, but there was no excuse for the way they acted.
Must have been a complete 180 from last week when by all accounts they were excellent hosts to Athens.
I can vouch for trojangal, it was only a couple of fans but it did happen,nothing big.

why do fans from other teams come sit on visitors side when they are at home? and thats not really that big of deal, but then to sit ride in the center where they know all the visitors teams "parents and friends and fans' will be sitting,then act like idiots ..even when your team is up 30 plus points?

for the most part,chilli fans were great, they was there suppoting their team,even though they have won only a few games in two years.

congrats on the win and good luck
Well a few things...

1st of all....alot of times my father and his cousin sit on the visitors side since his physical limitations preclude him from making the trek all they way to the home side every week. But he didn't this week, he made the walk all the way to the Home side to support our Cavs.

And you can't judge a whole crowd on the actions of a few idiots. All teams have their few crazies....the CAVS overall are very hospitable.

And you should expect to hear trash talk when you have a bunch of HS football fans in the stands.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by mom#1 »

trojandave wrote:sportsfan43: I agree with you......there were plenty of seats on the home side for the Chillicothe fans to sit. Most stadiums come with a home and visitor side.......and fans should sit on the appropriate side.......if home fans want to sit on the visitor side, then they should act respectable. There were a lot of parents of PHS players there last night, and the last thing they want to hear is fans of the other team cheering right next to them on the visitors side.
It happens in all sports. And as I added on another post...many home fans sit there due to physical constraints.

Acting respectable would mean what? I don't know what exactly was said or not said but if they were just cheering for the Cavs....that isn't out of line. That happens at our son's little league games too...

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by sportsfan43 »

I can vouch for trojangal, it was only a couple of fans but it did happen,nothing big.

why do fans from other teams come sit on visitors side when they are at home? and thats not really that big of deal, but then to sit ride in the center where they know all the visitors teams "parents and friends and fans' will be sitting,then act like idiots ..even when your team is up 30 plus points?

for the most part,chilli fans were great, they was there suppoting their team,even though they have won only a few games in two years.

congrats on the win and good luck[/quote]

Well a few things...

1st of all....alot of times my father and his cousin sit on the visitors side since his physical limitations preclude him from making the trek all they way to the home side every week. But he didn't this week, he made the walk all the way to the Home side to support our Cavs.

And you can't judge a whole crowd on the actions of a few idiots. All teams have their few crazies....the CAVS overall are very hospitable.

And you should expect to hear trash talk when you have a bunch of HS football fans in the stands.[/quote]

MOM,I did NOT judge ALL of chilli fans,maybe you missed this?

and if you have heard ALL WEEK,you was going to lose by 60, it must have came from your home town, because I have not seen it on here

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by sportsfan43 »

and, no these fans was not "just chering for their team, I wont go into what was being done/or said, because I will not stoop down to their level.

I dont have a problem with who sits where, but, is their not a handicap entrance and parking for your fans on the home side? there was no handi cap people that I seen, was just curious why your in laws would have to sit with the visitors,and not on the home side to support the kids

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanGal »

It doesn't really matter what was said or done, all that matters is numerous fans were being very disrespectful. And just because you say it's a rivalry (although I graduated from Portsmouth and don't consider Chilli a rivalry), and you're winning, doesn't mean fans have to be rude.. Last week when Portsmouth handed Warren their first loss, I didn't make it a point to go over to their side and say rude things to them. And like someone else said, I'm not judging all Chilli fans, just that I was disappointed in the behavior.. And as far as sitting on the visitors side, the people I seen sitting on our side didn't seem to have any health issues. And there were quite a few, and actually didn't notice them until the end of the 3rd quarter. The majority of people who does this are trying to start trouble. But if you insist on sitting with visiting fans, atleast have the decency to respect the visiting fans.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by gilchs »

There a rude people everywhere. Chillicothe is the same team that collected food and other items last week for Athen's to take home along with their win.
Congrats to Ron Hinton and his staff and the boys of CHS football. GO BIG BLUE!

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by datchillicav »


This is the 2nd time in my life I thought we didn't have a chance (other was last year against Logan) and we won by that much. Shocking to say the least. To go over 300 yards without completing a pass is insane.

I absolutely do not like this offense that we run because I believe in a balanced approach but who can argue with results? I was extremely pleased with the hiring of Coach Hinton and my only reservation was that I didn't know if his style of offense could stick in a town that has always been more about speed than power but if things keep improving then I will be proved wrong on that. So far this year, his offense has been flexible enough to take advantage of the speed that we have in little glimpses, even though the stats have not always showed it. The defense is strting to do what I expected it too and if the O continues to score then the Cavs have a few more W's in them.

This is totally unrelated to football but, most of the time when you use the word "was" you shouild be saying "were". "SEEN" is not even a word in the english language. Don't they teach grammar in Scioto county? (and most of southern Ohio)

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanGal »

datchillicav wrote: This is totally unrelated to football but, most of the time when you use the word "was" you shouild be saying "were". "SEEN" is not even a word in the english language. Don't they teach grammar in Scioto county? (and most of southern Ohio)
Well, if it's totally unrelated to football, maybe you shouldn't be posting it. Nobody here said they were perfect, we're entitled to mistakes. Besides, this is a football forum, not a place to receive an English lesson. And FYI, "English" should always be capitalized, you should have gotten the hint when the red line appeared underneath.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by biggdowgg »

I will admit,Im the worst at grammar/spelling, but I don't think "should" has an "i" in it 8)

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanGal »


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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by loganlocos »

I'm looking for complete individual stats for this game for SEOALFootball.com.

Couldn't find the PDT story. Thanks to anyone who can help.

I will check the paper, sometimes they dont get it all on, the online version

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanGal »

LoganLocos wrote:I'm looking for complete individual stats for this game for SEOALFootball.com.

Couldn't find the PDT story. Thanks to anyone who can help.

I will check the paper, sometimes they dont get it all on, the online version
Sometimes it's a few days late, as well. I know when we played Burg, the story wasn't online until a few days later.

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Re: Week 5 - Portsmouth(2-2) vs. Chillicothe(0-4)

Post by TrojanXplosion »

datchillicav wrote: This is totally unrelated to football but, most of the time when you use the word "was" you shouild be saying "were". "SEEN" is not even a word in the english language. Don't they teach grammar in Scioto county? (and most of southern Ohio)
I don't know what dictionary you use but, "seen" is totally a word. "Saw" and "seen" are both in the past tense. Use "saw" right after the subject, use "seen" only if you connect it with "has" or "have."

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