Timble vollyball question

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Timble vollyball question

Post by dilligaf »

Could it be possible that a player could show up for every practice and practice hard all season and never get in for one single second even in reserve play.Or could this be a case of a coach just not liking a player.I thought reserve was to learn how to play and get ready for the next level.Any one have any thoughts on this would be great

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Re: Timble vollyball question

Post by bettis »

I think that happens more than what you would realize.

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Re: Timble vollyball question


I think it may be a prob with the coach and player. About every coach I have ever seen gives all the kids a little time.

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Re: Timble vollyball question

Post by roundhouse »

Hear is my response as a coach. I assume you are a parent and maybe you aren't and will probably say that you aren't whether you are or not. That being assumed look at it this way. Your kid could simply not be on the team. I understand that it can be tough on a kid not to play but they could just be sitting at home eating potato chips. Why is it that people think the only people on the team are the ones on the court. I don't know a coach that thinks this. Otherwise there would be no need for them to be on the team. Unfortunately, most people simply are self centered. They don't like to hear this but that is the fact. They say they want to win but really they don't otherwise they wouldn't really complain about not playing if there team is winning. What they really want is to win the way they want to win, which is with them in the game. Of course I'm not saying this isn't at least a little bit normal but whether it is or not it is still selfish at least a little bit. There are those instances where coaches don't get a long with a player and may have a shorter fuse or even be unfair with some players (which I think is rare rather than common) but I don't know of a good coach that won't do everything he/she can to reward true hard work. Which points to another problem. Some people don't really know what hard work is. Whose to say the girls who are playing aren't working just as hard and are just better?

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Re: Timble vollyball question

Post by dilligaf »

First i have no child on the team,second its the reserve games im talking about hear.no one is saying she should be starting or getting alot of playing time but zero playing time i think its pitiful this is how some schools lose good atheletes

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Re: Timble vollyball question

Post by lovevball8 »

DILLIGAF2, I don't know of any schools "losing good athletes" because they get zero playing time. A kid is not playing because they aren't good enough, or they have a bad attitude. Yes, there may be a time when a player doesn't get to play b/c the coach doesn't like them, but I have yet to see this happen. Some kids are happy just being a part of the team and there is nothing wrong with this. I too coach and have tried to be as honest with my kids as possible. I have told players in the past they would get little to no playing time, if they wanted to still be a part of the team that was their choice. What I have found is that most stay and understand and embrace their role and are happy to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

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Re: Timble vollyball question

Post by OUBobcat »

I'm not necessarily addressing the initial question, but I agree with lovevball8. Too many kids today do not want to be part of the bigger picture/event. It has to be all about them. Granted, every kid should get some playing time--too many opportunities when playing in blow outs of one nature or another--unless, of course, there are other issues. However, if there are other issues, then why is he/she still on the team. Maybe coaches are way too nice. Maybe coaches should be doing the right thing by cutting those who cannot truly contribute or are causing so many problems.

I know I have always preached being a part of something bigger--such as a championship team, on a team that was successful, on a team with friends, or simply being a part of something such as a team--should ultimately mean more than playing time. Of course, from my experience it has been the parents who drive the kid to be less satisfied with their position than the kid really feels. They (the parents) are the ones who are miserable, you may be embarrassed, who are tired of going to games, who do not want to bring their child to practice, who want to relive their high school years through their child, etc. It usually isn't the kid; it's the parents who are manifesting the "attitude."

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