IRONFALCON wrote:They were celebrating after the game like they just curb stomped the Patriots. I mean congrats to them they are a fine team, but not what some think they are. After seeing them and wheelersburg, IMO wheelersburg is the better team. Minford lost to both so it's not like I'm being sour about anything, just honest. If there's one thing I've learned over the years, don't hold your breath for the west side to be classy because you will suffocate. West fans can get on here and trash me or Minford fans all they want I really don't care. Perception is 9 tenths reality my friends.4th n Goal wrote:He sounded like an idiot on the radio. First he says that he has 5 great backs and it doesn't matter who carries it, then he says that his 2 best backs were hurt and that's why it was so close. Then he says that Minford wasn't that good and they just got a couple lucky passes. Not his exact words, but pretty close. Ever heard of respecting the team that you barely beat???southernpride wrote:The coach from West is really cracking me up. "We had total control of this game from the opening kickoff". How can you have total control of a 24-21 game? Not a falcon fan, but if that is his idea of total control, I must not know what total control means.
At least they didn't tear up big chunks of the Falcons field after the win.