2010 Warren Warriors

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by godsson »

hardrock21 wrote:If there only missing a couple weights they have a very good chance of being competitive not only in duals but tournaments as well. Sounds like the numbers are decent. Good numbers at each weight class breeds competition. I'm hoping this Warren team has that competitve, "killer instict" back that leads to success. Warren has one hell of a tradition in wrestling lets get that trend going again. I look at this roster and see some real studs that can make this happen espicially Parsons, Rohr's, Hendrix and Harlow. Seems like a pretty solid roster to me.

I dont think harlow will finish season and you cant zero out antill or ekelman and knotts

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by 90goldeneagle »

Auburntgrfan wrote:Don't think Danial Rohr or Wes Lowe are out, Place graduated??? This is a questimate, maybe some one can fill in some spots
103- Parsons
112- Parsons/Gregor (Freshman)
119- Gregor (Freshman)
130- Ekelman
135- Antill
140- Knotts
145- Pike (Freshman)
171- Harlow
189- Quinn
215- Rohr
275- Hendrix
I know that this is only ten, so help out here who is missing????

My guess would be something like

103: Parsons / Kyle Whitlock
112: Parsons / Whitlock
119: Gregor / Marcus Boothby
125: Gregor / Boothby
130: Eckelman
135: Braden Hewitt
140: Knotts
145: Antill
152: ?????
160: Pike / Micah Mellon
171: Harlow
189: Quinn
215: Rohr
285: Hendrix

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by wch125 »

Rohr is pretty light I could see him at 189 he would be very tough there.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by warrior2012 »

145lb from last year, younger rohr wont be wrestling for lack of interest.
wes lowe moved to florida with his family so he's out. in all honestly,
knowing a lot about the program , going to school with the wrestlers,
and knowing the "behind the scenes" details, warren is not in it to win it.
Eckleman has the heart. Hendrix also does. But older Rohr? The guy has been
"injured" during football, he's been in academic trouble and suspension in years
past, he's not dependable and to wrestle and be a good wrestle you have to be
110% into the sport not 30% or 50%. Harlow is an amazing wrestler, has the heart
and is very talented, if his back holds out then he will be completing this season, and
should go far. for Knotts he has his good matches and his bad matches he has the heart,
looking forward to seeing a good season out of him. Parsons wont dissapoint, he had a
good season last year and should continue to be good through out his high school career.

Not trying to trash the kids, but it's the truth.

good luck to blue

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by coal miner's son »

The truth can be painful at times.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by warrior2012 »


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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by Auburntgrfan »

TheWarriors had their alpha weigh-ins at Belpre Wednesday. So the wieght classes should be shaking out first of the week. Lowe moved to florida? Shame he had potential. Also The Walker kid from Junior high last year, did not wrestle his freshman year at Warren, but has also moved to Tenn., I believe, was told that he is wrestling at his new HS, but would not have wrestled at Warren. Anyway thanks for the lineup update.
Hope that the kids can finish the season. Good luck to the seniors.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by godsson »

I love how you guys don't have any support for the team sure you say good luck to the seniors and some other wrestlers but when it comes down to it you say there is no hope in the team well i think there is and i think the hole team has heart and has the potential to go far in steed of trashing coaches and other wrestlers you should support the warriors and warrior 2012 if you are on the wrestling team or go to school with them why trash them, why not support every wrestler and hope they do well even if you don't think rohr will finish hope that he will finish and show that warren is a true nation and supports all there athletes not trash some of them GOOD LUCK WARREN WARRIORS

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by Auburntgrfan »

:122246 godson: coal miners son said it very well "The truth can be painful at times." I would surmise that you are on this years team and have been. The plain and simple truth of the matter is simply this: Go out and prove anything anyone said is wrong. But until you do, by all means support your teammates, keep working. Warren has been on a steady downward trend as a team for the last five years. Not saying you do not have heart, go out there on the mat and show it. There is talent on the team, inexperience and hardworkers. But.............the facts still remain about anything that anyone has said on here. PROVE IT WRONG. If this upsets you, good, maybe, just maybe it will light a fire under some of the team and they will step-up to the bar. If so, I will be one of the first to come back and say: I was wrong, but until then I will continue to call it the way I see it. Hope you have a great season, all of you.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by warrior2012 »

godsson wrote:I love how you guys don't have any support for the team sure you say good luck to the seniors and some other wrestlers but when it comes down to it you say there is no hope in the team well i think there is and i think the hole team has heart and has the potential to go far in steed of trashing coaches and other wrestlers you should support the warriors and warrior 2012 if you are on the wrestling team or go to school with them why trash them, why not support every wrestler and hope they do well even if you don't think rohr will finish hope that he will finish and show that warren is a true nation and supports all there athletes not trash some of them GOOD LUCK WARREN WARRIORS

what do you not understand about "Not trying to trash the kids, but it's the truth."
id like to see him prove me wrong but i'm going by the facts which incase you havent
noticed is how things are done around here. and yes i go to school with the wrestlers
and i attend warren but when you let down your team every year you get what is coming
to you. like skipping practice, yeah that's how a senior should act. NOT!

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by godsson »

Go big Blue
Last edited by godsson on Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by Mighty Mighty Devils »

I have nothing in this but dang ease up a little the season is just starting I have watched Harlow, Rohor , Knotts wrestle since the were in grade school in open tournaments around the area they have been there every year there dedication should not be in question

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by warrior2012 »

godsson wrote:Way to support your school :) by saying all that :) and your team mates the fact is why not support the team and all the wrestlers and not complain:) and if you want to go by fact let's see here Justin won't finish sense that's what you think neither will Dustin cause the fact is he didn't finish last year and did he have surgery on his back this summer ? So there are your facts 2012 like I said before. Way to support your school and team :) not!!!

I do support my school, but not the kids that take things for granted.
If you had any idea what you were talking about you'd realize the reason
Rohr didn't finish the season and the reason Harlow didnt finish the season is
two completely diffrent reasons. One could have been prevented one couldn't
have. And if you had any common sense and actually read what I wrote, you'd know
I said "Harlow is an amazing wrestler, has the heart and is very talented, if his back holds
out then he will be completing this season, and should go far." Learn to read.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by godsson »

Mighty Mighty Devils wrote:I have nothing in this but dang ease up a little the season is just starting I have watched Harlow, Rohor , Knotts wrestle since the were in grade school in open tournaments around the area they have been there every year there dedication should not be in question
Thank you i 100% agree i just dont like the fact that they dont have anything really good to say

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by godsson »

lets just put it this way everyone on here is afraid to say something bad and give there name when they say it well i like every single wrestler on the team and think rohr and Dustin are great wrestlers and i hope they finish out the season so lets not act like little children and show that the warren community is a good one and cheer them on insteed of having old grudges ;) GO BIG BLUE

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by coal miner's son »

I motion we shut this forum down. Nothing good is coming from it. Warren is being put under a electron microscope. I don't see any other forums about any other schools under this much scrutiny. Does anyone second this motion? Hopefully the admin's agree.

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by benekelman »

Lets just cheer the team on at the burt builder the 11th and i am sure everyone will wrestle with there heart

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by benekelman »

coal miner's son wrote:I motion we shut this forum down. Nothing good is coming from it. Warren is being put under a electron microscope. I don't see any other forums about any other schools under this much scrutiny. Does anyone second this motion? Hopefully the admin's agree.

I agree the team doesnt need this

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by warrengrappler/xcman »

godsson(or should i refer to you as ben ekelman), i agree with Blue Guardian. you are a captain of the varsity wresling team, start acting like it. support your team and teammates and stop running them into the ground by saying that dustin will not finish the season. i wrestled with you for two years and been a friend of yours for longer than that, and have always thought of you as a better teammate and person than what you have shown on here. i do not appreciate you trashing members of my alumni, and even more so my brother. start acting like a senior captain instead of a crybaby freshman just because someone didnt pay attention to you by refering to you in a post.

GO WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!

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Re: 2010 Warren Warriors

Post by noreply66 »

You guys from Warren seem to be the only ones talking on this topic.
Like to see more positves about the team than negatives.
Warrens always going to be good and if things are a little slow forming it will come around

Captains should always be thinking positive and not putting any teammate down

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