Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
- The_Sports_Junky
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Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
Scioto County will have a new league in 2011. Sciotoville will offer Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin League to all Scioto county kids. Cal Ripkin is for ages 5-12. Babe Ruth is for ages 13-18.
Cal Ripkin will be played at Rose Street and Babe Ruth will be played at the fields on St. Rt. 140. Babe Ruth we will take all kids who want to play baseball . No forms like Little League or protest, our boundries are Scioto county.Think about it guys !!! You get the chance to put the very best players from our county on one all-star team. Plus all the regular season games should be great as the kids try to prove they belong on the all-star team.
Why Cal Ripkin? ‎50' mound and 70' bases that Cal Ripken Baseball offers in the 11-12 yr old Majors Division. Today's players are bigger and stronger than a generation ago, and the technology of their equipment (bats especially) makes this option not only ...more challenging and fun for the players, but safer also. The ability to lead off and steal, pick players off from the mound, and run on a dropped third strike just like the Pros will not only better prepare your players for the move to the big field at 13 yrs old, but you'll find your coaches reinvigorated as they can coach "real baseball". Another great benefit of Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken Baseball is the tournament trail available to your players beginning at 8 yrs of age. Cal Ripken 8 yr olds and 9 yr olds go as far as Regional Tournament competition that brings in teams from the 11 states in the Babe Ruth Ohio Valley Region. Cal Ripken 10 yr olds, 11 yr olds, and 12 yr olds; and Babe Ruth 13 yr olds, 14 yr olds, 15 yr olds, and 16-18 yr olds, all have separate tournament trails that takes them through District, State, and Regional tournaments, and culminates with the all travel expenses paid Cal Ripken or Babe Ruth World Series.
This is our chance to play baseball at it's best. Just tell me if your child will want to play(as I need to turn in the numbers of teams soon) and watch for updates here. We will have medical people at the Rose Street location. We are rebuilding the fields and buildings.
Cal Ripkin will be played at Rose Street and Babe Ruth will be played at the fields on St. Rt. 140. Babe Ruth we will take all kids who want to play baseball . No forms like Little League or protest, our boundries are Scioto county.Think about it guys !!! You get the chance to put the very best players from our county on one all-star team. Plus all the regular season games should be great as the kids try to prove they belong on the all-star team.
Why Cal Ripkin? ‎50' mound and 70' bases that Cal Ripken Baseball offers in the 11-12 yr old Majors Division. Today's players are bigger and stronger than a generation ago, and the technology of their equipment (bats especially) makes this option not only ...more challenging and fun for the players, but safer also. The ability to lead off and steal, pick players off from the mound, and run on a dropped third strike just like the Pros will not only better prepare your players for the move to the big field at 13 yrs old, but you'll find your coaches reinvigorated as they can coach "real baseball". Another great benefit of Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken Baseball is the tournament trail available to your players beginning at 8 yrs of age. Cal Ripken 8 yr olds and 9 yr olds go as far as Regional Tournament competition that brings in teams from the 11 states in the Babe Ruth Ohio Valley Region. Cal Ripken 10 yr olds, 11 yr olds, and 12 yr olds; and Babe Ruth 13 yr olds, 14 yr olds, 15 yr olds, and 16-18 yr olds, all have separate tournament trails that takes them through District, State, and Regional tournaments, and culminates with the all travel expenses paid Cal Ripken or Babe Ruth World Series.
This is our chance to play baseball at it's best. Just tell me if your child will want to play(as I need to turn in the numbers of teams soon) and watch for updates here. We will have medical people at the Rose Street location. We are rebuilding the fields and buildings.
Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
Congratulations and good luck in putting this together. This is a great opportunity for the youth of Scioto county! Hopefully this will encourage some of the other counties to follow suit. I believe the opportunity for 11-12 year olds to learn these concepts at an earlier age will be very beneficial for them down the road.
Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
That sounds great, I wish Lawrence County would have something like this.
- fan_of_swankerpine
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Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
This is good for the younger kids, but once you reach age 15-18 you should focus more on American Legion Baseball. Portsmouth Post 23 is a great program that basically takes an all-star team from scioto county.
Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
I agree, American Legion Baseball continues to be the premier organization once you reach jr legion age and Post 23 runs a great program.
- swbaseballfan
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Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
best of luck with the league...esp the cal ripken league. those are great games
- The_Sports_Junky
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Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
Messages are ok. Many message me. I try to check this as often as I can and respond to questions.
- The_Sports_Junky
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Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
Not sure yet. We want to provide a good league to the children of Scioto County. After we pick teams and I talk to the coaches,parents,and players I can reply to your question. Sorry I just don't know yet.Viking96 wrote:Can teams from surrounding counties play?
- playball2922
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Re: Babe Ruth / Cal Ripkin
Any word if they're going to have this league? Hadn't seen any posts for a while. If so, who? what? when? and where?
- SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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- The_Sports_Junky
- Varsity
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- Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:52 pm