Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Logan

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by kantuckyII »

I'd rather seen Ironton playing in Columbus than Logan. Logan is a dangerous drive this time of the year. Jackson would have been a far better place to have hosted this game IMO. The thing is though, OHSAA knows Ironton fans will be there in huge numbers, even if they made them go to the moon so why not make it easier for the other school's fans to be there? You'll still get your money from Ironton and they know it. I got a sneaky suspicion that this game will be a lop sided affair as to the crowd attendance. I'm basing this on the previous game's results and attendance.

It's a crying shame that Chillicothe's facility is so bad. It would be an ideal location for so many games.

Might I remind GAHS that Ironton got out of this league and the travel was one aspect for them doing so. These are bad roads and difficult to drive. It's also 40 miles farther and a 1 hour estimated longer drive for Ironton than Hartley. I just looked it up.

Also, it will be a 20 some minute longer drive for Ironton to drive to Logan than it would have been for Hartley to drive to Jackson 1:20 estimated for that drive and a 1:46 for the drive to Logan for Ironton.

Again, it's all about cash...Columbus MAY put another 150 to 250 butts more in the seats if it's closer for them..the Tigers? won't matter

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga


so we got nothing out of todays lesson, eh.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by biggdowgg »

kantuckyII wrote:I'd rather seen Ironton playing in Columbus than Logan. Logan is a dangerous drive this time of the year. Jackson would have been a far better place to have hosted this game IMO. The thing is though, OHSAA knows Ironton fans will be there in huge numbers, even if they made them go to the moon so why not make it easier for the other school's fans to be there? You'll still get your money from Ironton and they know it. I got a sneaky suspicion that this game will be a lop sided affair as to the crowd attendance. I'm basing this on the previous game's results and attendance.

It's a crying shame that Chillicothe's facility is so bad. It would be an ideal location for so many games.

Might I remind GAHS that Ironton got out of this league and the travel was one aspect for them doing so. These are bad roads and difficult to drive. It's also 40 miles farther and a 1 hour estimated longer drive for Ironton than Hartley. I just looked it up.

Also, it will be a 20 some minute longer drive for Ironton to drive to Logan than it would have been for Hartley to drive to Jackson 1:20 estimated for that drive and a 1:46 for the drive to Logan for Ironton.

Again, it's all about cash...Columbus MAY put another 150 to 250 butts more in the seats if it's closer for them..the Tigers? won't matter
how far did you drive last week, just to go fishing?

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: Ironton vs. Hartley

Post by KINGheat »

Logan_Buckeye wrote:Don't know anything about Hartley, but if the Ironton team that I watched last night shows up.. They are going to be very hard to beat. Should be a barn burner... Good Luck Tigers...
Hartley is packed with alot of speed.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

biggdowgg wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:I'd rather seen Ironton playing in Columbus than Logan. Logan is a dangerous drive this time of the year. Jackson would have been a far better place to have hosted this game IMO. The thing is though, OHSAA knows Ironton fans will be there in huge numbers, even if they made them go to the moon so why not make it easier for the other school's fans to be there? You'll still get your money from Ironton and they know it. I got a sneaky suspicion that this game will be a lop sided affair as to the crowd attendance. I'm basing this on the previous game's results and attendance.

It's a crying shame that Chillicothe's facility is so bad. It would be an ideal location for so many games.

Might I remind GAHS that Ironton got out of this league and the travel was one aspect for them doing so. These are bad roads and difficult to drive. It's also 40 miles farther and a 1 hour estimated longer drive for Ironton than Hartley. I just looked it up.

Also, it will be a 20 some minute longer drive for Ironton to drive to Logan than it would have been for Hartley to drive to Jackson 1:20 estimated for that drive and a 1:46 for the drive to Logan for Ironton.

Again, it's all about cash...Columbus MAY put another 150 to 250 butts more in the seats if it's closer for them..the Tigers? won't matter
how far did you drive last week, just to go fishing?

3 things you dont do in Ironton during football season on a Friday nite:

1. You dont get married.........

2. You dont get buried..........

3. And you sure as hell dont go fishing in Alabama when the Tigers are playing.......

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by NY BUCKS »

itown keg 77 wrote:
NY BUCKS wrote: Go back and check records so Everybody knows the truth.....NY FINISHED 1 in the region and played burgh and ironton in portsmouth.Equal distance Right.#1 seed means NOTHING!!!!
I did and Ironton did play NY in playoffs at Portsmouth in 92 but Ironton was # 1 and NY was #3. #1 seed means nothing but it should!
how is that a equal distance?im just refering to poutiemouth post...Ironton not the only one that gets the shaft playoff time...Good luck and win it all....

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by alma_parker »

Amen. Enough whining on who plays where. I remember driving to Massillon in 1972 with my dad to watch the Tigers in their first playoff appearance. We would have driven twice as far the next week if they'd had the chance to play in Michigan. Really folks, do you think Coach Lutz has his guys worrying about either where they play or whom they might place next after they win? Doubt it seriously, as those are both pretty much amateur concerns. At this point I live 12 hours away by car and can't make all the games so it's a matter of hoping they get to the states so I can come in and see them.

Worrying about Logan versus Chillicothe is small-time stuff. Doesn't fit in with a big-time program. Let's man on up and get our heads into something Coach Lutz would be thinking about, like what might be learned from the first Hartley game and used this time.

Go Tigers.

Final Executive Summary: Logan is pretty far from Ironton and the game could be closer. Some years Ironton has to go a long way to show off what they've got, even farther than their opponents. This means that people all over the state might get to see the Tigers play and find out what small-school football is supposed to look like. Good for them, fine for us, not a concern. Go Tigers.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by fightingtigers45 »

It is unfortunate to be back at Logan again...

I was hoping for Jackson or somewhere along 23 or in Columbus. If Im going to drive 2+ hours, atleast let it be on 23 or a four-lane.

As for the game:

In my opinion, Ironton has to hit Hartley and Noah Key in the mouth early. Also, another TO-free night would be nice.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by TigersGameDayFan »

fightingtigers45 wrote:It is unfortunate to be back at Logan again...

I was hoping for Jackson or somewhere along 23 or in Columbus. If Im going to drive 2+ hours, atleast let it be on 23 or a four-lane.

As for the game:

In my opinion, Ironton has to hit Hartley and Noah Key in the mouth early. Also, another TO-free night would be nice.


Is it time for the Worlds Biggest Tailgate Party again?

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by BuckBalls »

Lets quit the crying already who cares were we have to drive. I know that there is a bunch of local high school football teams that wish they could still be in the State Championship hunt. I dont care were we play at I will follow those Tigers were ever they go..... I just hope we dont think that just cause we beat them already this year that we dont have to bring our A game think again. I hope these Tigers are prepared for a hard faught game. Ironton Fans I know it may be cold but you know what maybe if you stand up and cheer with the rest of us Ironton Fans maybe you wont be as cold. It was a shame last game when over half the crowd would not stand up and give our boys a hand. Come on now show some heart these boys are showing heart so give them some love and Stand up and cheer this week.. make it a night the Hawks dont forget.......... :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26 :aaaaa26

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Bleeding Red »

The Tigers travel well. Hartley does not. I bet they didnt have 125 fans when they came to Ironton earlier in the season.

It doesnt matter if they play this one in Cleveland, the Tigers just have to continue taking care of business!

Good luck Ironton!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by eccedomusscientiae »

I believe if Hartley goes heavy to their star running back, they will fare better this time around. For some odd reason they spent most of the second and third quarters throwing the ball in the first game. Now, a turnover in the second quarter hurt their chances as ironton held the ball for all but 6 plays of that quarter.
I expect Hartley to play better this time around and I think this is a toss up game.
If Ironton controls the ball and does not turn the ball over, I like their chances.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by cleatus »

Us Columbus Folks just appreciate the OHSAA making "our long ride home" a little shorter.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: Ironton vs. Hartley

Post by caglewis »

KINGheat wrote:
Logan_Buckeye wrote:Don't know anything about Hartley, but if the Ironton team that I watched last night shows up.. They are going to be very hard to beat. Should be a barn burner... Good Luck Tigers...
Hartley is packed with alot of speed.
And Ironton is sooooooooo slow?? How long did it take Tres Wilks to run the 100 [oops, I mean the "99"] last week? And he's not alone by any means! TIGERS can FLY with the HAWKS any old time -
OR maybe just keep it on the ground and RUN them down instead! GO IRONTON FIGHTING TIGERS!!!

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by TigersGameDayFan »



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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by Tigfan »

In my opinion the Tigers are much improved and healthier since the last time we played Hartley. Tigers need to do what they do best and bring their A game. Go Tigers.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley

Post by vladimir »

Orange and Brown wrote:
TigerTownKid wrote:
Frogtownbuckeye wrote:From Mapquest:
Ironton to Logan 84 miles
Columbus to Logan 49 miles

Ironton to Athens 81 miles
Columbus to Athens 74 miles

Ironton to Jackson 43 miles
Columbus to Jackson 72 miles

There has got to be a better place to play this game. Ironton is the #1 seed and if either team should get the benefit of playing closer to home it should be the Fighting Tigers. How about let's do this in Jackson or Athens?!
These distances can't be right. Logan is AT LEAST a half hour past Athens. Just drove it two days ago.
It's 84 miles if you take 93 clear to Logan
It's over 100 miles if you take 93 to 32 to 33.

Going thru Athens is a much better route than going all the way up 93. I went to the Ironton game Friday night and took 93 all the way to Logan and came back 33 to 32 thru Athens, and it was a much easier drive. I would take a little more time on a 4 lane hwy anyday than having to drive a twisting road with 15 mph turns and slow traffic you cannot pass for over 2 hrs.
Last edited by vladimir on Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by philthyphil »

fbfever9 wrote:not trying to look ahead but they have announced the state semi pairings...... R13 v R14 R15 v R16 .... The winner of this game has the great fortune of playing either Kettering Alter or Kenton!! :)
It also says rebracketing may occur for the semifinals so this is not completely set in stone.

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Re: Regional Final D4 R15: #1 Ironton vs. #3 Hartley at Loga

Post by camnott »

Good Luck Tigers I'm with ya until next year!LOL

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