Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by vladimir »

oak_a_holic wrote:
Vladimir wrote:I thought the 1st half was as clean as you can get was a great football game. Now the second half there was “chippiness,” from both sides. It may have to do with all the Oak Hill fans down by the Freddie locker room, in the north end zone by the bathrooms, yelling obscenities at the kids as they came out of the locker room for warmups the second half. A Sheriff’s deputy told one woman to shut her mouth and if she didn’t get back she was going to be escorted out. This was a woman who looked to be in her early to mid 40s, brunette, and wearing black hooded Oak Hill sweat shirt with the name “Phillips,” on the back. She’s old enough to know better than to say the stuff she was saying to a bunch of kids, specifically #21 of the Freddies. I was in line for the bathroom and couldn’t believe the things that were coming from her mouth. Sounded like someone picked her up in a bar in Circleville on the way up.

Anyway, none of this changes the outcome of the game in which the Freddies made less mistakes and won the game.

I also know from the Minford playoff game with Oak Hill someone went to the visitors locker room with a bottle of yellow mustard and sprayed it all over the place sometime between the start of the game and halftime. I don't know who would do something like that but I bet it wasn't any Minford fans doing it to their own locker room.
You just can't let it go, can you? Just let the football season go man. It's over. We know, our fans are terrible and Minford was clearly better than us. We cheated and none of us have class. Can we move on now?

What lol? I never said any of that. You're the one not letting it go, there bub! It's been 3 days since Fredericktown won the region and there's a whole page of posts today of how dirty the Freddies are. Good luck with your football program in 2011.
Last edited by vladimir on Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Oaks76 »

Hey Vlad, how about leaving Circleville out of this!

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Tigfan »

Unfortunately thats how a lot of teams up North play. That alligator roll was awfull. The defender knew he was down. Heck he was laying on the Freddy's guys back. They are taught to do that and thats their strategy. Jon Alder did the same thing to us during the regular season. Pretty low if you ask me. Football is supposed to teach these kids dicipline, respect, etc.... What a shame.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown


The dirtiest team I ever watched(Wont say what year)was West Portsmouth and what I find sad is that coach moved on to another school and the new school all of sudden was being called the dirties team many fans from that area had ever watched play.

Now my point is it seems to fall on the coach, his style, not the area they come from.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by 4thgoal »

UpOnTheHill wrote:He did go back in the game several plays later,but the damage was already done. Found out today that he has a slight tear in his MCL.
Not only was this a poor play in this game, but this could affect the Oaks in basketball as well. Hopefully the injury won't keep him out long.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown


you babys from the south want some cheese with your wine

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Bleeding Red »

HONESTABE wrote:you babys from the south want some cheese with your wine
All of your posts are cry baby posts putting down other teams.

Take it somewhere else idiot, nobody really cares what you think.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Chieftain »

I'd recommend a good Merlot with some smoked cheese. :mrgreen:

Classic SEO.

Refs cheated.
Dirty players.
The band played loud.

Geez. You lost. Better team won. You folks look like real losers. Move on.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by footballfanatic1 »

paldi go back under your rock no one in SEO likes you....wait no one who knows you even likes you...wait maybe one of the old timers really cares for you. stay up north....

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Chieftain »

Or I could recommend a Port with some cheddar

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by footballfanatic1 »

man i'd say some SOE high school football player must have hit you too hard in the head when you played paldi...we know you never wore a helmet...

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Bleeding Red »

Paladin_II wrote:Or I could recommend a Port with some cheddar
How about some munster you old fart!

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Deathcluth2010 »

Paladin_II wrote:I'd recommend a good Merlot with some smoked cheese. :mrgreen:

Classic SEO.

Refs cheated.
Dirty players.
The band played loud.

Geez. You lost. Better team won. You folks look like real losers. Move on.
Re away stupid penalties and dirty playing oaks easily win this game by 4 tou3 touchdowns 3 times in side refzone with interceptions and they had the freddies stooped serversl times but penalties boosted them farther

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by 55buckeyes98 »

I don't think that hit was "clean" but I don't think it looked like he intentionally tried to break his leg/knee. It could have been frustration or something could have been happening to make both teams get a little chippy and the some players responded poorly. I don't think it looked like the kid thought before the play that when I tackle this kid I'm gonna do what I can to hurt him. The RB went down awkwardly and sideways and maybe in his mind he was just finishing the tackle because he was not sure if he was down... the film in inconclusive in my opinion.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by BigOfaN »

I dont agree with everything being said or how that some of the fans (from both sides) acted.
The act that is being questioned was right in front of where I was sitting, and if it would have been a player from Oak Hill I'd be saying the same thing. I didn't need to see any video of it I saw what I saw, and that was an intentional act to cause injury to #32 of Oak Hill by # 32 from Fredericktown. And if the OHSSA had any concern for the athletes they would do something with it. #32 of Fredericktown was completely out of line.
Now we all know they won't, so all we can hope is that the coach sees it and acts like a coach and does something about it.
To the real players of Fredericktown, Best of Luck.
To the ones that agree with this behavior, best of luck in LIFE, you'll need it unless you change.
Also if he gets to play, I hope the next opponents watch closely.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Orange_N_Black_Fan »

oak_a_holic wrote:
Big Freddie wrote:where were the dirty plays ? -- what a bunch of complainers - talk about poor sports - thats what we heard all night from the Oak Hill fans - booing excessively on every call against them - there was a lot of pentalies and each team had their share -tough loss - sorry Oak Hill you just didn't make enough plays
Are you kidding me? Did you watch the game?
Please, watch that and tell me that number 32 doesn't purposely do what he does.

Same thing happened to Burgs QB Alex shears twice!! after being
tackled the defender just kept rolling on the ground with shears leg
and he had to come out a couple times, but was able to go back in.
A lot of extended plays after the whistle,hitting in back, late hits out of
bounds and holding are receivers by the freddies, these were not hard calls to
make and very obvious but was not called, they didn't have a problem throwing
the flag on us for junk calls and that's what it was? Every time we made a big play
or momentum swing to are favor we got flagged, but late in the game after the score
was out of reach Burg could have gotten by with murder.
Look I no the refs; can't see everything, but guess what me either!! If you are an official
and the obvious penalty is in front of you because that's what your supposed to be watching
for then call it!! both ways, if not then let the boys play.
I said it once I'll say it again, teams from the south playing up north don't stand a chance.

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by friday_nite_fan »

Deathcluth2010 wrote:Re away stupid penalties and dirty playing oaks easily win this game by 4 tou3 touchdowns 3 times in side refzone with interceptions and they had the freddies stooped serversl times but penalties boosted them farther

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown


wha wha you crybabys from the south cant even win your region. please dont hit me to hard you bunch of whiny ass crybabys

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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by footballfanatic1 »


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Re: Regional Final- Region 19 Oak Hill vs. Fredericktown

Post by Bleeding Red »

HONESTABE wrote:wha wha you crybabys from the south cant even win your region. please dont hit me to hard you bunch of whiny booty crybabys

I swear I just heard your momma say "Your are grounded, go to your room"

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