Coal Grove Basketball

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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by fuzzhead »

Rico, you're grasping man. You mean to tell me that in the illustrious history of Coal Grove Dawson-Bryant High School, there's never been any conflict between athletic practices and homework? Let's not go there. I know you didn't like the past administration.
I do think it was a rushed move to hire a basketball coach who put a priority on making basketball program. Obviously, most people in CG couldn't care less about how the basketball team does. The parents don't care as long as their kid plays. The fans don't care as long as the football team is in the running to win the mighty OVC. 0-21 was disgraceful - and that was a more talented team than this one. So the administration hired an actual basketball coach who knew how to win basketball games. You want a consolidation of power and that's what will happen, I predict. The numbers will probably go up and the teams will have more talent, but they will underachieve. So you may have years where the team might scrape out 10 wins but may have been capable of 13 or so. Kids who are dedicated to basketball will suffer because of this. It's a two-way street.
I'm not a Ward cronie. I've never met the man in my life. But I do know that he knows more about basketball than you, me, and the overwhelming majority of the booming metropolis of Coal Grove. I'll defend him to the last, just like I've defended the football coaches on the football forum. I think any coach would tell you he'd rather have a bunch of not-so-talented kids who were dedicated to the program playing for him than kids who were more talented who aren't sold out or who want to play when it's convenient.
I don't blame the kids. Most of the kids want to play football so they're going to give their time to offseason weightlifting. That's their choice and it will pay off for them in football season. It's hard to play two sports simultaneously. If you attempt it, you will not Reach your full potential in either undertaking.

rico suave
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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by rico suave »

u just told me enough about your thinking, silly. your going to defend a man who u have never met, no nothing about. you must have had a bad experience at cg or something to be so bitter. if u say you will defend ward when most admit he isn't for the kids i will leave it at this.............shame on you.

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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by fuzzhead »

What am I bitter about? You're the one who is embittered towards the coach. I guess you have to trash someone before you become un-bitter? I'm defending the guy because he knows basketball. You've never answered my question: what CG grad is as qualified to coach basketball? You didn't like the past administration and you don't like the coach because he was hired by it. You're the one who's bitter, not me.

Hornetz Fan 32
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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by Hornetz Fan 32 »

Lets just put it out there, he is done! he did great somewhere else good for him. Start over with all new coaches. These boys can not even pass, no fundamentals at all. No press offense whatsoever, I have heard them run 3 plays. which is scary. They don't ball fake on shots or passing. The coach looks up in the crowd more than on the floor. I do not know who he is trying to impress. Some of those players would make a difference, rebounding mostly and a few points. It is sad to see. Maybe next yr guyz, there be a new set for you. Good LUck the rest of the year and give 110% all the time.

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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by rockyraccoon »

fuzzhead wrote:Would he have beaten Rock Hill tonight with the team Clay has right now, Rocky?
You were there, what did you see happen. Read the pre-game post on the Clay and RH game and you will see that it was predicted that Clay would do okay if they were not ahead in the game because their coach always tries to stall, and after they fought back from 12 points down in the 4th to take a 2 point lead, they tried to stall the ball for the last three minutes. So, yes I think Ward would have done a lot better with this group of boys than 2 -19 first year, 6 - 15 second year, 9 - 12 last year and 1 - 3 so far this year. For that matter, you could probably do better than that.

Pocket Aces
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Re: Coal Grove Basketball

Post by Pocket Aces »

Hornets pick up win number one of the season last night at Portsmouth East, winning by one.

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