My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
- Posts: 8936
- Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:29 pm
- Location: Ironton, OH
My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
My car got hit 1:30 in the morning this past Saturday sitting in My moms Diveway. My moms neighbor who lives up on the hill above her tried to make it up her driveway and didn't make it, as she was backing down the driveway she slid off of her driveway and into my car. Here's where it gets bad, the Ironton Police Dept did not do an accident report because it happened on private property. The IPD filled out a paper with each others info on it. We found out Monday after calling the insurance Company that her proof of insurance she gave had expired in August, the phone number she gave was the wrong number and had been diconnected, (we found out her real number), and She has an Indiana Drivers Liscense and has lived in Ohio for 2 years (you are required to change your Liscense within 30 days of moving to Ohio). We went to the Police Station Monday Night when the Officer that did the report was on Duty and told Him about what We had found out (the lies) and He said they couldn't do anything about it and that our Insurance would have to take care of it. He also told us that her proof of Drivers Liscense that she showed him was an Indiana Ticket with her Drivers Liscense number on it (not the actuall Liscense) I couldn't believe He told us that. Now I'm paying a deductible and will have to wait until our Insurance company recoups it from her to get it back.
This is the 4th vehicle that We've had hit while they were parked in Ohio (3 in front of My house and this one) that the drivers didn't have Insurance
This is the 4th vehicle that We've had hit while they were parked in Ohio (3 in front of My house and this one) that the drivers didn't have Insurance
- SEOPS Hippo
- Posts: 104408
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Ohio's financial responsibility law is a farce. I have been involved with 2 accidents where the other driver had no insurance, in one case I was out my deductible and in the other I lost my car because I couldnt afford to get it fixed.....
Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
I've also had that happen. My insurance paid for it, but I had to pay the deductible. What's really bad is when a city vehicle hits your parked car. They have what's called sovereign immunity.
- SEOPS Hippo
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
i too, have been hit by people with no car insurance. it makes my blood boil. i pay mine.
Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Ohio's solution to getting uninsured drivers off the road is to send out, at random, a request to provide proof of insurance. If you receive the request, you required to respond with proof or receive a fine and have your driving privlidges suspended for three months.
I recently received one of these audits. What a farce!
I recently received one of these audits. What a farce!
Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
when I swicthed insurance companies,they sent me a letter telling me that they was sunding a paper to the DMV that I no longer had Insurance with them,so I am guessing they do this "sometimes',and I did get pulled over a month or so ago, and was not ask for proof on insurance "thank god"
,,J/K....I did ask the officer if he needed to see my proof of insurance and he said no....must have been more interested in writeing me the seat belt ticket that cost me 100 bucks 

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Some people just think they're above the law! or their head is harder than steel and concrete. Come to think of it, he could have that last part correctFIDO wrote:You've been breaking the law your entire life!! A seat belt citation ain't nuttin to you!![]()
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Bet you couldn't crack that skull with a sledge Fido.
Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Several years ago my wife was hit by someone driving a car with no insurance.
The woman was driving a car that was in her husbands name she had 4 kids in the car [no seat belts] and get this, they had 5 homes they were renting out.
When it was over they had 2 homes, one to rent out and one to live in.--------[they bought the farm]
The woman was driving a car that was in her husbands name she had 4 kids in the car [no seat belts] and get this, they had 5 homes they were renting out.
When it was over they had 2 homes, one to rent out and one to live in.--------[they bought the farm]
- dazed&confused
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Why is OK to mandate we have car insurance but it is a travesty to mandate we have health insurance?
- orange-n-brown 365
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
I was hit in a parking lot about a month ago of course the cowards didn't try to find me or leave info needless to say if it gets fixed its on me if I trade it in its a $500.00 loss I am screwed all the way around. I think you should have to show your insurance card signing a piece of paper doesn't mean jack! I could go on about all this all night but I won't good luck ohbuckeye1
- dazed&confused
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
So, if the state passes a law saying you must have some kind of insurance, that is OK but the FED has no inherent right to impose this on you? I'll agree with you to a point, and by the way, I think you should have insurance if you wish to drive a car in public. But why should I pay inflated costs for medical services because someone chooses not to buy health insurance, then say smokes and gets cancer? The hospital has to treat, the doctor has to treat and treatment costs. Who pays these costs? Doesn't that personally affect you?FIDO wrote:A car can cause damage to me and my property...A persons personal lifestyle and their poor health doesn't necessarily affect me personally...I do agree if a person has the financial wherewithal to pay for health care then it should be an obligation or don't expect freebies at the ER!
The FED govt has proven time and again they can't run any program successfully......You name it and it is broke and broken
- dazed&confused
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
OK, but what I am saying is this...years ago businesses provided benefits to average folks who worked for a living. 30 years ago my health insurance cost me zip, butkus, nothing. I had a deductible but that was it. Then, health care costs started soaring and employers cut hundreds of thousands from their insurance. For the rest of us (not in public plans), we started paying portions of our insurance. Now, it costs me nearly $400 a month before I even file a claim. And yet I can't go to an emergency room for health services because it is out-of-plan. Good thing because I'd just run into the uninsured who ARE using those resources that the hospital charges back to the fewer and fewer insured like me, who are paying for their insurance. If I have to pay, why not everyone?
- dazed&confused
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
If you and I could sit down at midnight on January 19 and figure out this whole mess, it would be one for the ages.
I just don't think you can put it on one side or the other and paint it in broad brush strokes. Not defending the federal government for everything but no one wants it until your city is flooded or destroyed by an earthquake. If we were waiting for private enterprise to build the Interstates, we'd still be driving on gravel roads. And people are all for fighting Al Qaeda but funny how we don't put those wars on the budget. Just saying. One of the problems of health care is we keep doing things to drive up demand (obesity, smoking, growing older and wanting hip replacements) but we don't want to pay for these. 40 years ago, open-heart surgery was wildly exotic. Now, it is done routinely. 40 years ago, if your arteries were blocked, you lived a shortened, diminished life. Now, you’re given a mulligan but it's very expensive. Heck, if you’re having trouble in the bedroom, there's a pill for that. And your insurance will pay for it (though not for birth control, figure that one out!). A lot of the expense for this pill goes for running commercials with old farts like me in bathtubs on the beach! As with the issue with car insurance, it's mandated you have it but you can also get minimum coverage. But if you don't have anything to begin with, why bother with insurance? The license bureau makes you sign that you have it but if you lie, you still get your license. We'll all have to make some hard choices very soon and I'm all for it if the pain is evenly and justly distributed. But the very people who don't like our Federal Gov't (and for a lot of reasons good and bad) sure will miss it when it's gone.

- dazed&confused
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Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
Years ago in college I wrote a paper about The Bill of Rights. In it, I stated we needed a seperate Bill of Obligations that detailed what should be expected of Americans in order to maintain those rights. The prof gave me a good grade but when we discussed it, she acted like I was speaking Chinese.
She was shaking her head all the way out to the parking lot to get in her Volvo.

- Posts: 8936
- Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:29 pm
- Location: Ironton, OH
Re: My Car got hit and the Driver had no Insurance........
I got the car back today and it looks Jim Webers State Farm Insurance gets to fight the battle with the Lady that hit it.
Thanks to Tacketts Body Shop, a job well done.
Thanks to Tacketts Body Shop, a job well done.