New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Riding the Bench
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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by WWH »

WWH wrote:Let me know what you two really want to do when your grown up !!!

I want to be just like you WWH. You are my new hero.[/quote]

There may be hope for you yet.

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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

WWH wrote:
WWH wrote:Let me know what you two really want to do when your grown up !!!

I want to be just like you WWH. You are my new hero.

There may be hope for you yet.[/quote]

Oh, no doubt in that.

I'm just curious, have you even attended a Clay game in the last 4 years?

Jake Lane
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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by Jake Lane »

This group of seniors were awesome in Jr. High. However, the other school's players have used the old Avis car rental term, "They try harder." Just take a look at the build of the bodies, arms and legs of the other teams, then look at Clay. You may get by with some things, but eventually a lack of a physical presence will catch up to a team. Another thing I see is that the boys lose their edge when they have a good lead, I don't care who the coach is, or if you're running a "weave" or not. I usually try to sit on the other side of the gym because of the haters in the stands. I've never heard Trainer tell them not to shoot, but I have heard him tell them to take better shots, in rhythm. I would love to see them win the S.O.C., but it will take a super effort and true backing from families and fans!

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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by rockyraccoon »

I agree that they need a better strength and conditioning program and the boys need to buy into at a younger age. As for losing their edge with the lead, that goes to the heart of the whole conversation of this thread. They don't build up those leads running the weave plays, so why do they always revert to them when the get a lead. Jake, you say you have been to the games and you don't hear the coach telling them not to shoot. I can tell you that they are being told to weave and look for an open lay-up only. Do you see them getting open lay ups off of that system. It may be that it is not being ran as designed by the coach, but bottom line is it hasn't worked and needs fixed. I guess we will see tonight if they run their offense and beat Western by 30 points or get a 8 point lead and try to sit on it.

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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

They lose there edge when they have a lead because the coach takes them out of there offense. How many games have you watched over the years where a team is chugging along, gets a good sized lead and then tries to stall the ball and loses that lead and sometimes the game. I have been watching games for close to 35 years now and I have seen very few teams that can hold the ball and the lead on a consistent basis.

The being told not to shoot has actually came from some of the players after the game. Why would they make that up? 24-50 over the last four years is not getting it done. How many of those 50 losses has Clay had an 8-10 point lead with less then 3 minutes to go and end up losing. If something doesn't work why continue to use it? That is just the question a lot of Clay fans have.

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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by tigers1 »

It looks like they just dont know how to finish a team off.
I was at the game all i seen was turnover after turnover.
Now I also seen them pulling up for a ten foot jump shoot to.
I never seen them sitting on the ball as u put it. They never had
that big of a lead. New Boston just wanted it more than clay sorry but
that what it looked like to me. Once NB got the lead clay frozen.

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Re: New Boston at Clay 01-21-11

Post by rockyraccoon »

tigers1 wrote:It looks like they just dont know how to finish a team off.
I was at the game all i seen was turnover after turnover.Now I also seen them pulling up for a ten foot jump shoot to.
I never seen them sitting on the ball as u put it. They never had
that big of a lead. New Boston just wanted it more than clay sorry but
that what it looked like to me. Once NB got the lead clay frozen.
You hit the nail on the head. "They don't know how to finish off a team" and "turnover after turnover". If you watched the game as close as I have over the past years, you will see that these these two events go hand and hand. They build a lead, go to the weave, which in turn creates turnovers and slows down their offense. This puts them into panic mode. I challenge fans to watch the closely and see how they react when "5 man" or "Indiana" is called.

As for the score, NB was up 17-12 before Clay went on a 12 - 0 run to make halftime 24 - 17. They ran that up to 36 - 23 in the third quarter. I believe the lead was 10 at the end of the third. They went to the weave at 6:00 mark in the fourth after NB hit a trey and then off a turnover hit a lay-up and one to cut the lead to 4.

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