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Re: REFS????

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Athens 78,
Lazy local refs??? You sound like a disgruntled official who doesn't get any games assigned to you from the SOC???? The assigner for the SOC,SVC,SHL,SEOAL,SCOL assign officials from all over Southern Ohio. How many assigners call you to work in their league??
Why would any young official want to take up this job with all the trouble that goes with it?? This is why you are seeing SOME poor officiating @ the biddy -varsity games. There are not enough of so called, "good officials" to do the games!!!!

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Re: REFS????

Post by Ryanexpress »

In reading through these postings, some are saying not nearly enough fouls called & others stating way to many touch fouls called....HMMMMM....I wonder why that the fans seem to think that we as officials never call a good game....We will obviously never ever please the fans...
As far as younger officials, believe me...It is very rough your 1st year or so out. Fans & coaches constantly on you...Fans really need to understand that this is a learning process for young officials. They are not going to jump right in & be a good official, I don't care who they are....In this, my 4th season of officiating [1st on the varsity level] I still learn something new about the game quite often. Believe me, officiating basketball is one of the hardest things I have ever done...2 or 3 officials keeping up with 10 running, jumping, non stop moving youth athletes...It is not easy...If everyone would realize that officials must start somewhere, give the "new" officials a chance then maybe more would stick with it!

As far as lazy in the SOC, I work primarilly in the SOC...I do biddy ball on Sunday, jr hi on Wednesdays, jv & varsity on mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat. I work 5 to 7 days every week...I would not call that lazy....

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Re: REFS????

Post by Ryanexpress »

One more thing, on the jv level & lower you must realize that there are two officials. If I am the official under the basket & there are 6 athletes in the paint battling for a rebound or a loose ball do you honestly think that I can see what is going on with all 6 athletes while my partner is trying his best to keep an eye on the other 4....Impossible....We will not get them all....Surely an intelligent basketball fan can understand that....

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

"Can't we all just get along" lol. Its a foul plain and simple. So Manitou its alright for the fans to use their terms to discredit officials but its not alright for officials to use their terms. Just stoking the fire. haha

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

Those that can't or worst won't, complain about those that can and do.
Athens78- CB1 must have hit the nail on the head disgruntled and never called to do the job.

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Re: REFS????

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

athens 78- Getting on here and saying names with negativity will get you booted from this forum. The official you mentioned in your last post has done this job for approx. 40 yrs., has officiated @ every level of basketball and has been a very good official. He will be the first to admit that he isn't as quick as he used to be, but his judgement and management of the game is still good. He has had good partners for a long time and those of us who have worked with him will still do it as long as he wants to officiate. Give the man some praise for what he has done for basketball in our area. Thanks, Mr. Hardy for the job you have done and allowing me to officiate with you a couple dozen times!!!

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

Here here cb1 i concur!

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Re: REFS????

Post by number1fan »

Just my opinion here so please do not bash me. I don't even pretend to know everything about officiating and have no desire to try.
But I think sometimes what fans and perhaps young athletes get upset about is maybe the lack of consistency.
What I mean by this from years of observing is there may be one game that turns into an all out brawl where hardly anything is called either way. That is fine but the next game you may have refs that blow the whistle with every touch. Some of the players figure this out early and can adjust but some have a harder time and get frustrated. I don't think it's fair to put that all on the kids or blame it on their talent or skill set. They are simply confused as to why they can play so physical in one game and in the next game they may have 3 fouls in the first quarter when they feel like they are playing the same way. My daughter is still at the Junior High level and plays ball mostly year round all over the place in AAU so she has figured this out but for some of the other kids they are still learning the process.
Some refs will call a jump ball instantly without giving the other player a chance to rip it out and others will let them wrestle it out in a pile on the floor forever before they call it. I realize there is a lot of it that cannot be nailed down to an exact science and there will always be variations but you would think it could be a little more consistent so maybe they could figure it out.

With that being said I have the utmost respect for refs and have tried to teach my daughter the same thing. I feel bad for them sometimes when they are getting yelled at by both sides. And yes, some fans will yell regardless. In the hundreds of games I have watched of my daughter's I can only think of a very few that I think were called poorly. But they were pretty obvious. But I make sure to point out to my daughter when she complains about a call after a game that she also got away with a few too and the refs can't see everything. So once again, just another viewpoint.

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Re: REFS????

Post by qualified101 »

ManitouDan wrote:Could we please give it a break on the technical terms for a player reaching over the shoulder/back in an attempt to get a rebound. (wait there is no such thing as a rebound --it's a missed shot.) OF FREAKIN COURSE IT"S COMMONLY CALLED " OVER THE BACK" It's been called that since peach baskets were used on the sides of barns. To attempt to slander or discredit a fan or coach when lobbying for that call because techinally "the good officials handbook " says it doesn't exist is shallow and stupid. get over your self

sorry, it doesnt exist. it hasnt for over a decade. get over yourself please. i guess we(officials) are shallow and stupid, wait we hear that all the time. take the course, learn the terms, then talk intelligently on the subject. until then, let the grown ups talk.

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Re: REFS????

Post by ManitouDan »

Ok we get ,evidently officials think anyone who uses the common terminology of " Over the back" is an uninformed immature person unworthy of being heard. Cmon It's a widely used ,commonly accepted, phrase for a player reaching over another players shoulder trying to get a rebound. I get it that when you prance over (i'd bet you do) to the scorekeeper the technical term is a push . whatever , everyone not wearing black and white strips knows that when that happens the player with outside position went " over the back' of the player with inside position. He did'nt push at all, he reached over illegally to gain an advantage . I Know "the book" that they teach officials say it's a push, I don't care !

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Re: REFS????

Post by efarns »

I have a question that may as well fit in this topic: In a recent game, a technical foul was given to a girl for wearing an earring (it had been covered with a band-aid which came off during the game). Apparently, after studying the rulebook afterwards, we learned that wearing jewelry isn't a violation of the rules, so maybe there will be a protest filed about the call, which directly affected the game's outcome. If it turns out that the call was bogus, what, if anything, might happen?

In general - I have been pressed into ref duty in some peewee games and from that little experience can tell you it's a lot harder than it looks. Refs are not infallible, but they get talked about waaaaay too much.

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

Manitou I don't care what you call it but you keep leaving out the contact part. It is not a foul to reach "Over" someone to gain an advantage. It is a foul to reach over and make CONTACT to gain an advantage.

Efarns it is illegal to wear jewerly, in fact the only type of jewerly allowed is a medical alert bracelet/necklace and the officials wedding bands.
One of the reasons we come out early is to check the players for illegal items and this should have been caught before the game started. If Coach was asked are your players legally equipped and said yes the Technical would be on him/her. Also the OHSAA will not change game results due to a protest. Thanks for putting the whistle on in some peewee games I'm sure you did ok. Its not a science but more of an art with rules.

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Re: REFS????

Post by md2020 »

Auburn game on TV last night: The announcer says :that over the back: foul. Well obviously he has not got the word and I will guarantee you that this Saturday, down on the river somewhere, grandpa's not going to yell out "thats a push" It is what it is. Your rule book is in the mail.

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Re: REFS????

Post by athens78 »

Bottom line is that fans are fans and refs are refs and the debate will continue forever.

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Re: REFS????

Post by footballfanatic1 »


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Re: REFS????

Post by ManitouDan »

sorry I wasn't more clear -- I did mean reach over the shoulder AND make contact to gain advantage.

The whole argument seems to about technical terminology , not what is actually a foul or not .

I mean when a defensive player is overly aggressive out front on the offensive PG and the coach hollers " Cmon ref he is ridin' him like a horse" no ref in there right mind is going to correct the coach and state " Coach there is no ridin foul --It's called a push " !

Or similiarly when a player "palms" the ball or carries it , and a coach says he is palming the ball ( old school I know lol) no ref needs to correct the coach and get all high horse and declare " There is no palming , that was changed in the OHSAA rule book in Oct 1998 Sect 101 paragraph A --

Parts of this thread feel like there is a fair amount of condescension towards anyone who might use a slang term instead of the OHSAA rule book description. to each his own. MD

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

Manitou - what i have said all along is i don't care what you call it there has to be contact to have a foul. You would be suprised at some of the rules that are misunderstood. Verticallity is one, A lot of times the players will hold their arms out at an angle and when the shooter jumps up for a shot let their arms go up with the shooter. If contact is made while the arms are out it is a foul. But we hear everyone yell they were straight up. On the charge call we hear his feet weren't set, they don't have to be, the defender just has to be in a legal guarding position.
Three seconds is another, when are we counting and when we are not. Some know, not all, when the player starts a move to the basket the 3 sec. count is stopped. So pay your money, yell as much as you want, yell what you want, but above all enjoy the game and more important, enjoy the young people playing the game.

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Re: REFS????

Post by Esully63 »

I get tired of hearing how no one knows the rules except the officials and they are never wrong! Im looking for consistancy, you keep saying contact and I see a lot of fouls called in the offensive zone especially when going for a basket that called for the least amount of contact. Yet alot of teams full court press leaning on the ball handeler, or a girl is dribbling down the right side of the court..dribbling with her right hand and a defender on her left side (not ahead of her where a clean steal could be made) reaches or shoots for the steal from the ball handlers left side all the way over to the right side while running down the court. Id say it would be awful close to impossible to not make contact.
Then I hear contact which causes a distinct advantage. If you ask me denying the offensive zone is a pretty big advantage.
You official can go ahead and keep interpreting the rules to make yourselves look better and the fans will continue to harras you.
Look all I am asking for is consistancy. Call fifty fouls a night for blocking or hacking or body when there are shots going up, but dont let all the contact go prior to entering the offensive zone. There is a proper way to run a full court press but I seldom see it and I seldom see the officials force the game to stay clean on that end of the floor. Running along side your opponent bumping leaning and reaching to the otherside of your opponent is not the proper way to run a full court press, unless of course your in southern ohio where the officials tolerate it.

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Re: REFS????

Post by Esully63 »

ManitouDan wrote:sorry I wasn't more clear -- I did mean reach over the shoulder AND make contact to gain advantage.

The whole argument seems to about technical terminology , not what is actually a foul or not .

I mean when a defensive player is overly aggressive out front on the offensive PG and the coach hollers " Cmon ref he is ridin' him like a horse" no ref in there right mind is going to correct the coach and state " Coach there is no ridin foul --It's called a push " !

Or similiarly when a player "palms" the ball or carries it , and a coach says he is palming the ball ( old school I know lol) no ref needs to correct the coach and get all high horse and declare " There is no palming , that was changed in the OHSAA rule book in Oct 1998 Sect 101 paragraph A --

Parts of this thread feel like there is a fair amount of condescension towards anyone who might use a slang term instead of the OHSAA rule book description. to each his own. MD
Hey Dan I think what we are reading is similar to "legal talk" or "Double Talk". It's an art practiced by lawyers and politicians to redirect the focus of a conversation to avoid having to concider the validity of what is being said or to avoid having to admit wrong doing. Short and sweet they avoid the issue by picking on terminology.

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Re: REFS????

Post by blockcharge »

E - I referee because i want to and i enjoy and yes i know the rules better than you do and thats part of being an official. So again go ahead go to the games and yell, have fun and gripe about the refs if you want. But if you perceive a problem and are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. People yelling and screaming at the games really does not bother or influence me, in fact i like it when everyone is involved in the game and the gym is roaring just a better atomosphere

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