waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

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waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by B-dawg79 »

with weather permitting this should be a dandy

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

i hope they play. Ive seen both teams and I don't know if Waverly can beat the zone. Martin will have to be a force inside and Kretzer will have to be lights out. Oak Hill is one of the toughest places to play in the SOC2 right up there with Burg.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by smurray »

it's at Waverly.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by N B Heat »

I've seen both teams and Waverly has much more talent . Waverly at home will get the win Waverly on the road will get a loss !

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by Jump23 »

Oak hill 49 Waverly 46 .Oak Hill played without slone for the whole game! Waverly could not penitrate the zone ! Anybody got any stats for this game Kretzer had to have 25 plus!

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by onthepitch »

witness230 wrote:Oak hill 49 Waverly 46 .Oak Hill played without slone for the whole game! Waverly could not penitrate the zone ! Anybody got any stats for this game Kretzer had to have 25 plus!
Slone did not play due to his own Dirty play.....which from what I saw I would say that is the way its taught at Oak Hill. I really enjoyed Norm yelling curse words loud enough so my kids could not avoid hearing it. Oak Hill is a very talented team and Hale is a clutch player but to resort to that dirty play is terrible.

I do give credit to Norm in sitting Slone the rest of the game.

Tigers only have 2 guys that trully want the ball in the clutch in the games they have won they have a 3rd guy and that guy was not there tonight think Kelly was 0-6 from 3 not exactly sure that is the way it seemed with some great looks. Tigers need to regroup and get back to having fun playing this game seems like the coaches have them watching their backs with every mistake. Waverly has the 2 best players in the conference but everyone else is afraid to make a mistake. JMHO

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by soccerfix »

Oak Hill seems to want to intimidate from the opening tip. The Hall of Fame coach should realize his team plays better when they are not trying to hurt someone, watch how good they played in the second half without the cheapshots. Thuggery is
their theme while Norm whines in the ear of the refs. Someone tell me why the refs stand in front of Norman during every foul shot. I'm not sure if Sloan was ejected or if Norm actually disciplined him. If he would have disciplined him last year after he threw a player to the floor then jumped on him, I would believe it tonight.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by rockyraccoon »

I was told by an Oak Hill players parent that you have to accept your kid benig cussed out by belittled by the coach if you want to win. I am not sure that is true.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by Downtown »

Seems as if Waverly can't handle a little physical play.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by crazee-oakaholic »

norm sit him out the rest of the game. maybe he wouldnt have thrown the elbow if #0 wouldnt have kept grabbing him between the legs the previous times down the floor. refs seen jess do that and gave him the T. norm punished him the rest of the game.
my favorite part of the whole game was waverly stalling the ball with 2 minutes to go before halftime when all of our guys had 2 fouls already...thats what we wanted you to do...we didnt want to get our boys in foul trouble and you sat on the ball for 2 minutes..
way to go oaks!

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by soccerfix »

Downtown wrote:Seems as if Waverly can't handle a little physical play.

Physical is shoving. Being thugs are intentional elbows to the face. Last year my kid had a tooth chipped by your choir boys.
Elbow to the face it was.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by bengalfan76 »

tough, hard play, physical is expected. Intentionally trying to hurt another player should not be tolerated and I believe should be addressed by the OHSAA. Just making a comment, NOT intended to the sloan kid. But I wish the OHSAA would require a tape of the play that led to the ejection when it happens. OFten "rough Play" leads to unsportmanlike conduct. IF the OHSAA sees that it is a program problem with a team then sanctions should be forthcoming. I disagree that you need to be cussed and humiliated to be successful and I personally like Norm.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by bengalfan76 »

IF there were curse words shouted loud enough for the kids and Ladies in the stands to hear, Shame on the officials.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by Dos Equis »

Very Interesting! Norm, like I, has a personality so magnetic, he is unable to carry credit cards.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by PHS75 »

I watched alot of dirty play by Oak Hill last night, there should have been several players thrown from the game. There was no reason to go out on the court and try to hurt people. It was a tough loss for Waverly, but I wouldnt feel bad about it because we didnt come back out and try to retaliate. Great job Tigers you did your best under the circumstances.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by jimmy chipwood »

Ive said on post from earlier this year that this seems to be a trademark for Oak Hill with all of the questionable dirty play. Same thing supposedly happened at Whiteoak earlier this year and a couple of other games posted on here. Like I said before there is no way that people are just making this stuff up with very specific eyewitness accounts that are very detailed. It is hard for the refs to see everything away from the ball but by now they should be aware of the reputation and watch a little closer under the basket and away from the ball. Most high school teams tape their games dont they? I think some of these tapes should be turned in to the State for careful evaluation before somebody gets seriously hurt.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by thejoker »

Oakhill is just a physical team , if u don't match that ,
then it's u own fault.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by Downtown »

It's just Waverly always complaining about everything. Maybe, just maybe, Waverly got out-coached last night?

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by soccerfix »

Downtown wrote:It's just Waverly always complaining about everything. Maybe, just maybe, Waverly got out-coached last night?
Read all the posts! No one is complaining about losing, just the way that Oak Hill plays. Oak Hill outplayed Waverly the last half. If you were there you would have seen that the cheap shots stopped and they concentrated on winning the game not the fight.

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Re: waverly vs. oakhill 1/22

Post by Downtown »

Last year Waverly complained, and the year before, and the year before, etc. Maybe Waverly should hit the weights a little more?

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