2011 Southeast District
Coaches’ Clinic
Who: All coaches within the SE District (including middle school)
When: Friday, February 18 6:00-9:00 and Saturday, February 19 9:00-12:00
Where: Jackson Ponderosa/Jackson Comfort Inn (next door to each other)
How Much: $15 for both days (includes seasonal membership dues)
$10 for one day (includes seasonal membership dues)
SEOTCA is sponsoring a coaches’ clinic for all track and cross country coaches within the Southeast District. All clinic sessions are being presented by coaches within our district. This is a cheap opportunity to learn from and connect with fellow coaches within the district.
Friday, Feb 18
Ponderosa (Wellston Room)
6:00-7:00 Registration/Dinner
6:30-7:00 SEOTCA Meeting
7:00-7:50 Long Jump – Steve Semancik – Chillicothe
8:00-8:50 Discus – Doug Wooten – Jackson
Comfort Inn (Upstairs Conference)
7:00-8:50 Distance Periodization/Season Planning/Team Building – Matt Paxton – Unioto
Saturday, Feb 19
Ponderosa (Wellston Room)
8:30-9:00 Registration/Coffee
9:00-11:50 Pole Vault Safety and Techniques – Greg Cronacher – Ironton
Comfort Inn (Upstairs Conference)
9:00-9:50 Hurdle Techniques – Jon Lindner – Vinton County
10:00-10:50 Anatomy of Sprinting – Greg Fraunfelter – Logan
11:00-11:50 Rubber Band Training – Al Riffey - Warren
Destination Information
Jackson Ponderosa – 601 East Main St Jackson, OH 45640 – Phone 740-286-6386
Jackson Comfort Inn- 605 East Main St Jackson, OH 45640 – Phone 740-286-7581
Room Rates – 1 person – 81.99 plus tax
2 people (2 beds) – 86.99 plus tax
4 people (2 beds) – 96.99 plus tax
SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
Last edited by coach k on Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
Coach K (the second), will that Saturday pole vault session be for certification or will it be for information for our sake only? I need to get certified.
Re: SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
Coach K (the elder),
The pole vault portion Saturday will be for certification.
I just want to make sure you are coming to the correct clinic. You will be certified...not certifiable after attending. It is possible, however, that you may just be certifiable prior to attending.
The pole vault portion Saturday will be for certification.
I just want to make sure you are coming to the correct clinic. You will be certified...not certifiable after attending. It is possible, however, that you may just be certifiable prior to attending.

Re: SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
For those in attendance at this clinic what did you think?
Either post it on here or send ideas for improvements to Josh.
Anytime you can have a few coaches get together and discuss ideas and coaching techniques it is always a good thing.
Either post it on here or send ideas for improvements to Josh.
Anytime you can have a few coaches get together and discuss ideas and coaching techniques it is always a good thing.
Re: SEOTCA - SE District Coaches' Clinic - Feb 18/19
Our coaches' clinic had approximately 20 coaches at each the Friday and Saturday sessions. This is a start in the right directions. The sessions were informative and productive. The sessions also gave coaches an opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other.
What other sport would you get coaches sharing their "secrets"?
I want to thank all of the following coaches for presenting at our clinic this year.
Matt Paxton - Unioto
Doug Wooten - Jackson
Steve Semancik - Chillicothe
Greg Cronacher - Ironton
Jon Lindner - Vinton County
Greg Fraunfelter - Logan
Al Riffey - Warren
Hopefully next year we will be able to make the clinic even bigger an better.
What other sport would you get coaches sharing their "secrets"?
I want to thank all of the following coaches for presenting at our clinic this year.
Matt Paxton - Unioto
Doug Wooten - Jackson
Steve Semancik - Chillicothe
Greg Cronacher - Ironton
Jon Lindner - Vinton County
Greg Fraunfelter - Logan
Al Riffey - Warren
Hopefully next year we will be able to make the clinic even bigger an better.