best jv team in washington county?

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by BLUEMOON »

Sportsfan if you are going to mention the freshman at least spell their names right, pretty sure its Patton.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by 1224pointman »

FF and River have only been playing each other since 2005-06 season when River joined the PVC. Not much of a history between these two based on only 5 years of competition. Keep in mind that River competes at the smallest school level in all sports, while FF is a division larger. Although I don't think FF wants any part of Rosecrans or Hiland in the Eastern District D-4 this year.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by EasternDspy »

Ok Warren is like double FF size and FF has held its own if not won the series over last 10 years.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by EasternDspy »

River has beat FF 1 time in Bball since they joined PVC.

Tim Hardaway Jr.
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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Tim Hardaway Jr. »

I would say Marietta just because of their impressive win over a very good Warren team. I do not think the fact that they start juniors makes a difference, age has nothing to do with talent. Also Marietta jv beat FF pretty handily in a preseason scrimmage, and we all know how important those are.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by easterndtm »

ohiobaseball25 wrote:I would say Marietta just because of their impressive win over a very good Warren team. I do not think the fact that they start juniors makes a difference, age has nothing to do with talent. Also Marietta jv beat FF pretty handily in a preseason scrimmage, and we all know how important those are.
ok! gosh man! liike marietta is like wayyy biggerer than ff..

Tim Hardaway Jr.
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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Tim Hardaway Jr. »

easterndtm wrote:
ohiobaseball25 wrote:I would say Marietta just because of their impressive win over a very good Warren team. I do not think the fact that they start juniors makes a difference, age has nothing to do with talent. Also Marietta jv beat FF pretty handily in a preseason scrimmage, and we all know how important those are.
ok! gosh man! liike marietta is like wayyy biggerer than ff..
I forgot about that.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Excoach78 »

If we are going to talk JV team IMO Marietta and Warren are the two hands down. FF has the best SPEED!!! GET REAL!!!!! Marietta and Warren both have more speed than the Cadets. Lets line'em up and you will see. Warren has beaten FF both games and I am tired of hearing about the size of schools. If you WIMPS don't like getting it handed to you by the big schools, Don't play us. Stay in the PVC and pound on your chest and say LOOK AT US. Its a money game for both Warren and Fort Frye. So take your BEAT'EN, collect your money and DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!

Marietta, my only question is why play jrs. on the JV team. Right now with the loss of a couple players they should be getting a lot of playing time on the varsity team. Instead they are burning 4 quarters on the JV team. If you need player s move a couple freshmen up and start getting them ready for next year. Someone posted the jrs. I am talking about could start for some teams, maybe, thats what I am getting at play them more on the varsity level now. I am not crying because you beat us at Marietta, we will get another shot at you next week. This again IMO is not the way to build a program for down the road.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

EasternDspy wrote:Ok Warren is like double FF size and FF has held its own if not won the series over last 10 years.

Really? They didn't win last year. They might have won two years ago, when Ward and Hastie were both out with injuries.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by WARRIOR BS »

Why do you people have to continue to act like idiots? This is for the FF, Marietta and Warren people. This topic is stupid and you guys act like your kids are playing in the NBA. Marietta beat Warren--Get over it. FF and Marietta are not even playing. Now we are talking about last year with the two Warren boys out. If you have less points on the board when the buzzer sounds, you lose. Get a JOB and get a LIFE. Noone should have that much time on their hands.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by 32, 16, 6 »

WARRIOR BS wrote:Why do you people have to continue to act like idiots? This is for the FF, Marietta and Warren people. This topic is stupid and you guys act like your kids are playing in the NBA. Marietta beat Warren--Get over it. FF and Marietta are not even playing. Now we are talking about last year with the two Warren boys out. If you have less points on the board when the buzzer sounds, you lose. Get a JOB and get a LIFE. Noone should have that much time on their hands.

Its what we do best ! BTW WE ARN'T ACTING! I admire your ability to see that our lives are so down and out, with this economy its easy to see how bored we get. It ain't easy being the Icon I have developed into. I am independantly wealthy. I don't feel it would be fair to have both. :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Not to mention we are talking about the last ten years, and two years ago. As well as school size versus uniform color. These are hot topics NOW pay attention you might get in a history lesson.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Snowman79 »

Excoach is exactly right about Marietta.. Marietta's playing a freshman a good bit for varsity while some better juniors watch.. It may had changed, only been able to get to 2 games but it seems like some guys aren't getting a chance, who are older... Hopefully it works out well for the Tigers but over the years i have seen moves like this really hurt a teams future years..
Marietta's the better Jv team but if I was the coach, i'd rather have the Warren Jv squad.. A much brighter future... Their starters have 2/3 years left, not 1

Tim Hardaway Jr.
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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Tim Hardaway Jr. »

Snowman79 wrote:Excoach is exactly right about Marietta.. Marietta's playing a freshman a good bit for varsity while some better juniors watch.. It may had changed, only been able to get to 2 games but it seems like some guys aren't getting a chance, who are older... Hopefully it works out well for the Tigers but over the years i have seen moves like this really hurt a teams future years..
Marietta's the better Jv team but if I was the coach, i'd rather have the Warren Jv squad.. A much brighter future... Their starters have 2/3 years left, not 1
The Juniors who start JV do not have the opportunity to play Varsity unless Marietta is up by 20+ or down by that much. The Freshman you are talking about, Braden Riley, is a very good player already and has a tremendous upside that will grow with more experience which he is getting this year. I'd say Braden is more talented at his position than any of the Juniors who start JV. Braden started the season as both JV and Varsity but was moved up to playing just varsity after Hess was suspended for the rest of the season. Once again I say, being older does not mean you are a better player.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by tiggerfan »

dennisdrinksbud: I think you have some players on Marietta JV mixed up. First, it's ETHAN Strauss and he sees very little playing time. Maybe you meant Jarod Hammons? This team has a strong bench that usually wins the games for them.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Tim Hardaway Jr. »

tiggerfan wrote:dennisdrinksbud: I think you have some players on Marietta JV mixed up. First, it's ETHAN Strauss and he sees very little playing time. Maybe you meant Jarod Hammons? This team has a strong bench that usually wins the games for them.
Jared Hammons is one of the two Sophomores who start along with Jordan Satterfield. Reid Chwalek, Jamie Arnold, and Cam Benson come off the bench and are all great shooting guards. Chwalek can also play the point and does a very good job there. Chance Wright, a Freshman, is a wing-type player who also comes off the bench and contributes.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Excoach78 »

Well the debate is over now IMO. Warren JVS just beat Marietta Juniors by 20 points. Score Warren 66 Marietta 46. Warren has the best JV team Best Varsity team and the Best Coaches along with the best PROGRAM in Washington Co. Someone started this POST now I am going to END it. END OF STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe next year, BUT I don't THINK SO!!!!!

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by tiggerfan »

Yes, the Warren JV won tonight, but the Marietta won the first meeting by about the same margin. Remember that?

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Cap'n Scoop »

Did Marietta play in juniors on their JV team last night?

Riding the Bench
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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by tiggerfan »

Yes, there were juniors, sophomores and a freshman on the JV team..still only five players on the floor at any given time. Look at the stats...the sophomores were high point men.

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Re: best jv team in washington county?

Post by Schnellfritz »

Excoach78 wrote:Well the debate is over now IMO. Warren JVS just beat Marietta Juniors by 20 points. Score Warren 66 Marietta 46. Warren has the best JV team Best Varsity team and the Best Coaches along with the best PROGRAM in Washington Co. Someone started this POST now I am going to END it. END OF STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe next year, BUT I don't THINK SO!!!!!
HeHeHeHe!! All true!

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