Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I can remember as a boy that referees were treated like teachers. You were taught to respect them, even if you disagreed. Games were played with very little attention to them because the game was played by the athlete, not the ref. There were some men with egotistical personalities, but as long as the kids played the game with respect, there was not many problems. Over the last 20-30 years there has been a steady decline in number of referees, and the respect for them. Where once a coach would take a player out for arguing with a ref, now he takes over the argument. The worst part of the games today though is the fan treatment. I have cut way back on the games I go to simply because it sickens me to see "good Christians" act like idiots at pee wee, junior high and high school games. One day we won't be able to schedule multiple games because nobody will want to put up with the abuse any more. Next game you go to, separate yourself from the idiot you become at a ball game and think of yourself as the ref. Listen to what he/she has to hear, then shut up and cheer FOR your team.
- Waterboy
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
You're supposed to complain about the refs, that's part of the game
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Complain a little...yes. Threaten and disrupt the game.....NO!
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Just keep this in mind the next time you go to a game and decide it is time to take up for your team by ripping into the officials. I have talked to several dozen over the last several weeks due to the topic being brought up on here. I asked them what they think about fans yelling at them about a bad call, or what have you. Most of them said they tune the crowd out as much as possible. But the majority admit that when they do hear the crowd berating them, they are more likely to make a call in favor of the other team. All of them claimed that the crowd frenzy never gets them to make a call in favor of the fanatics team. So go on out to the next game and scream at the refs so you can help the other team get some calls, if you feel so inclined. 

Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
1.I know the person(s) I'm talking about when I said Christians.gahs4ever wrote:I like how someone makes the assumption that someone is a "Christian" and then accuses them of a lack of character.
And I dont know what planet you grew up on or how long youve lived here, but I am 64 and I see no difference whatsoever in the way game officials are treated. Unfortunately that has always been a part of the game since Dr Naismith nailed peach baskets to the wall.
And Im struggling to know what it means to "disrupt" a game. The only time that can happen is if fans are removed from the premises. Otherwise, a technical foul is handled as expeditiously as a routine foul.
Methinks someone is too sensitive, or perhaps naive. And if fan behavior is a reason you dont go to as many games, Im thinking youve never been to a college or pro game anywhere.
2.I was born and raised in Scioto County, Ohio. I believe it is still considered part of the planet earth.
Apparently you must be one of the excitable fans who just doesn't "watch and cheer" at a game. Congrats on being 64 though.
3.Disrupting a game can be verbally heckling a player, coach, or referee just because you disagree. I would love to hear your opinion of a person sitting right behind you at your work hollering in your ear every move YOU made.
4.Sensitive? Perhaps, but I won't allow my kids to engage in that behavior. If you do, may God bless you and have mercy on you.
I have been to both college and pro games of many sports. Security will find those who cross the line because I am one who will make sure they do. That is not the reason we go to games, we go to watch our kids play a sport!
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Sorry but ref abuse is nothing new and I've heard stories about fans coming out of the bleachers back in the day to physically demonstrate their displeasure. Only difference is with the internet and information sources available today you hear a lot more about it. I've also never been to a high school game where the crowd chants b******t over a blown call whereas it happens quite often at college and pro games. Respect has to be earned, you don't get it just by putting on the striped shirt and black pants.
- footballfanatic1
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
ml... how do figure out all the good christian people are the ones who are on the officials? you must be an official yourself from the sound of it... if the officials don't like it quit. if you made as many bad calls or mistake at work how long would you have your job????? BUT I DO AGREE SOME THING NEED TO BE DONE ABOUT THE OFFICIATING.......BETTER TRAINING.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I agree that players should NEVER argue with the official. If something isn't right, it is the coaches job to address it not the players. I also feel that our officials need better, more effective training.
On a side note: did you seriously bring religion into this? You said "Christians" not Christian, refering to an entire group not the one person your second post refered to. Once we're "Christians" we are called to be different, but we are still human and that's means we'll act idiotic at times. That's not an excuse, just the simply truth. But, that's were grace comes in...
On a side note: did you seriously bring religion into this? You said "Christians" not Christian, refering to an entire group not the one person your second post refered to. Once we're "Christians" we are called to be different, but we are still human and that's means we'll act idiotic at times. That's not an excuse, just the simply truth. But, that's were grace comes in...
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I think the lack of officials is the problem. You are getting older officials out of the game and younger less experienced ones doing all the games now. The younger ones seem to have a shorter fuse also. This is an old discussion and will just keep coming up. I would think most officials just block it all out and call the game. If an official is listening to the crowd and looking to toss someone out it may be time for them to find another hobby and that's really what officiating is a hobby.
An official can take care of a player really easy and a coach for that matter with a technical foul. They only get two and a player only gets 5 fouls, so it would be easy for an official to take care of a player showing disrespect.
An official can take care of a player really easy and a coach for that matter with a technical foul. They only get two and a player only gets 5 fouls, so it would be easy for an official to take care of a player showing disrespect.
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I think the biggest problem now is that most of the newer officials have never even played the game. If you've played and also have a full understanding of the rule book, then you'll be a better official, in my opinion.
Fans do take it too far in the lower level games, but once it's gets to HS, officials should be held to a higher standard. It's terrible if officials intentionally call fouls against a team because of their fans. There is an easy way to take care of that, get rid of the unruly fan(s).
Fans do take it too far in the lower level games, but once it's gets to HS, officials should be held to a higher standard. It's terrible if officials intentionally call fouls against a team because of their fans. There is an easy way to take care of that, get rid of the unruly fan(s).
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Maybe fans, players, and coaches would treat officials with a little more respect if they earned it. I've watched a lot of high school Basketball, and it seems to me that Basketball officiating is worse now than it ever has been. I think a lot of it trickles down from the NBA. The referees in the NBA do the worst job out of any professional sport, in turn the fans/players/coaches get angry. When that is the example that is being set, it just tends to trickle on down the system.
IMO, an official throwing someone out for repeated, vulgar outbursts is fine. But when a referee is ejecting a fan for voicing their dislike for a call, then I just take that to mean that the official knows he made a bad call and is self-concious about it. How about instead of officials cracking down and giving out more T's and ejections, they start calling a better game?
IMO, an official throwing someone out for repeated, vulgar outbursts is fine. But when a referee is ejecting a fan for voicing their dislike for a call, then I just take that to mean that the official knows he made a bad call and is self-concious about it. How about instead of officials cracking down and giving out more T's and ejections, they start calling a better game?
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Officials making calls against a team because of fans of that team voicing their displeasure is rediculous. Last I checked that is called cheating. An official will cheat a team for something a fan did?
An official should either tune it out or warn the fan. If the yelling is profane, insulting or threatening that fan should be tossed. Take it out on the fan not the team.
An official should either tune it out or warn the fan. If the yelling is profane, insulting or threatening that fan should be tossed. Take it out on the fan not the team.
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
From a former coach and player......I long for the days when GOOD officials were a necessary part of the game but not a focal point! It seems that many of the ESPN era (ie Teddy Valentine) like to become a noticable aspect of the action......when I don't remember the officials, they did their job! When I start to know all their names, they are a distraction! It's a game for the players............. 

- footballfanatic1
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
being in the stands is a different game than on the floor. you can expect that everyone thinks they are qualified refs. 

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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
You can solve this problem with two words "Ear Plugs". Either you can wear them or the officials and. What I have noticed in the past 5 years is officials turning and talking to the crowd, or laughing at them after they have blown a call and are getting booed. I saw one go as far as stopping at the end of the court and challenging fans to come down and fight him. Not saying that I could do that job, but you know what it is going to be like when you sign up, if you can't tune out the fans, it's probably not for you.
As for tossing fans, I think the AD's or school officials should be more involved in that process. If a fan is being vulgar,that should be a violation of school rules, give them one warning, then ask the sheriff to remove them. Ejection from a game should be an automatic ban from the next home game. Two ejections = season ban.
btw, this is not just Suthern Ohigher, it's world wide.
As for tossing fans, I think the AD's or school officials should be more involved in that process. If a fan is being vulgar,that should be a violation of school rules, give them one warning, then ask the sheriff to remove them. Ejection from a game should be an automatic ban from the next home game. Two ejections = season ban.
btw, this is not just Suthern Ohigher, it's world wide.
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
Pathetic we will make a call against your team if you yell at us.....You sir have no business officiating nor do any of your comrads who you say have talked or even contemplated doing this. And you wonder why officiating has gotten the rap it has over the last few yrs? Its called Character or the lack of it. I hope that the Head official over this area also reads seops. Its refs like you that are the reason that its not as respectable as it once was. GET RID OF YOUR RABBIT EARS AND CONCENTRATE ON THE GAME. Do the best job you can and go home. And quit crying.
- JV Team
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Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I was at a recent game and the officials let the game get out of hand,twice for about 15 minutes each they had to clean blood off the floor,no excuse for this.
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
I can see that I did the right thing in bringing up this subject. People that think it's okay to badger another person in front of "kids" are using the logic that it's been done for years, just deal with it. THAT is pathetic. And gahs4ever, if you think just because of kicking dirt, spitting, or cussing has been done and is okay with you for your kids, I don't want you around mine, or anybody else's kids. The Christian comment was made because of Friday night devils being Sunday morning angels. I'm no saint, but I go to the alter when my conscience tells me to. I agree we are human, but we need to make it right when we are talking about how we act IN the world. I have heard alot about more training, but what would you train them to do? The rules are the rules. If it keeps getting worse, and it is, I would rather watch a closed circuit TV game than put up with the idiots who think that they know it all, or just want to get attention by being an IDIOT!!!
Re: Officiating and the treatment they get in Southern Ohio
You talk about fans, what about coaches who cuss at kids and officials? I have heard it, the officials have heard and do nothing. Do you have a problem with that? The Christian comment is way off base, lumping all Christians in the same basket. And as for "going to the alter" when your conscience tells you, the only alter we have is Jesus Christ and we are lead by His Spirit. Do we mess up from time to time, you bet.
You talk about fans, what about coaches who cuss at kids and officials? I have heard it, the officials have heard and do nothing. Do you have a problem with that? The Christian comment is way off base, lumping all Christians in the same basket. And as for "going to the alter" when your conscience tells you, the only alter we have is Jesus Christ and we are lead by His Spirit. Do we mess up from time to time, you bet.