best officials in southeast ohio?

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Re: best officials in southeast ohio?

Post by pirates09 »

I know that Vicki Napierkowski has a D1 Girls state semi-final game. She is one of the best basketball officials around this area. I would take her reffing my basketball game any night.

Some other good officials include but not limited too: Dave Stam, Matt Orin, Ivan Hanshaw, Chuck McKnight, Johnny Evans, Dave Hopkins, Troy Jackson, Ed Jordan, Burney Hensley, Justin Davis. These are just a few that i can think of right now but there are several others that I had when i played sports and now I have the opportunity to ref by their sides and would not trade it for anything.

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Re: best officials in southeast ohio?

Post by noreply66 »

Had three good ones at the Logan/CHillicothe [girls] game Monday night

think there were only 10 fouls called the whole game

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Re: best officials in southeast ohio?

Post by hawkeyepierce »

John Derrow, David Hopkins, and young thin guy who is dark-haired, he was very good. I will try to find out his name. Ty, did you hear that John Evans threw out a scorekeeper the other day? That wasn't you GAHS4ever, or was it?

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