Fairland-Peake II

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by peake71 »

I still believe the PEAKE will be on top, stranger things have happened in this area, they will still have to play hard to win.

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by FHSstudentsection »

Turd you crack me up.lol bout time someone on here who isn't all over peake

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by throughmyeyes »

turd i will take that bet no posting for you after another thrashing,and how muchdo you want to wager on Fisher getting 50 points I tell you what i will give yoou 10-1 odds on that and we can let a bystander hold the money ?

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by 0 for Monday »

peake71 wrote:turd,
I was there also and the reason Kennedy didnt have the points in the first half was that he didnt need to score and if the refs would have called all his elbows to the back and shirt grabbing Salyers would have been on the bench. Also Copley doesnt haqve to score big to contribute, he has a well rounded game.
You're right. Copley steps up when he needs to. He is a true definition of a team player, watch him out there and see how he keeps his team involved. Another point to ponder on, Copley may not be scoring as much, but his assists and rebounds have doubled since last season. :shock:

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by JustAfanInTheStands1 »

If Fisher has 40, the Peake will still beat them by 20+ :lol:
But I'd say Fisher will have about 15.

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by conehead »

Peake should win this one by plenty again, but stranger things have happened. I do think Fisher will score a little more, but no way will he hit 40-50 on the night. Peake's guards should do better as long as they don't get into foul trouble early again. I think that's what really took them out of the game defensively last week. I think McMaster will have another big night if Fairland worries about guarding Kennedy as much as they did Friday. They spent too much time and effort guarding him instead of McMaster, who dropped a ton on them. Either way, one of them is scoring a lot. As long as the defense is as good as it was Friday, I'm not worried. Oh, and a few more dunks would be nice :) Just don't get hurt before tourney time! Good luck Peake!

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by Peake »

On the fisher scoring 50 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Chesapeake has played 10 players better then him that have not even come close to 50. I can only think of two that have went over 30 and both are next level players.

More of the same.


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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by bigdawg »

Chesapeake 68 Fairland 34 What a joke Fairland a number one seed! That is so funny to get beat by 41 to the other number one seed! thats is great!
Fisher would have to score 50 points to beat the peake based on last game he needs alot of work scoring only 4 wow Don't think it's going to happen

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by kb4peake »

OK, here it goes..........said to myself (not worth posting on here anymore/these guys are the experts) BUT I can't stand it any longer!!! (my apologies to all).....It seems that many who have posted (not all) on the F vs CP topic need to have a serious lesson in how to watch a basketball game!!!!!!!! Not here to put any individual players down..facts are when F's guard was overplayed, he was able to drive BUT with not much success...when Noble guarded him (realizing that he could only go right) he laid off, forced him left and you have the rest of the story. F's center is 6'4'' at best. Eric Kennedy was as tall,they were side-by-side much of the 2nd half due to foul trouble for CP. 2 decent players with a supporting cast have a tough time with at least 4 and their supporting cast...F got tired...from what I have been reading, I am wondering what game people watched? I was there, that's what I saw and finally (most will be happy, I'm sure) all the best to local teams as the "real" games are finally 1 WK. away..here's to healthy players and good luck to all!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by earp »

Peake I am curious who is youre list of 10 better players than Fisher?I know Williamson from Logan is a given but who are the other 9 that are better?

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by shaynew »

Earp i dont make it to all the games but i would say Irontons 2 guards and Africentics are just off the top of my head.With that said he is a very good player.From a fairland alum living in the peake

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by throughmyeyes »

Carter from Ironton,plus two more players for ironton that escape my mind plus all the kids the varsity scrimmage every day in practice.

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by Peake »

Carter, Morton, Fletcher, Trevor White, all from one team. That is 4: Williamson, Browning, Coleman, Don't know their names have tried to find them but the 6'5 forward for Aricentric and the SG, Andy Stegman, Josh Peirson, Evan Salyers. Should I keep going?

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by FHSstudentsection »

i can tell you now fisher will not have 50.he had his career high couple weeks ago against alexander with around 35?and against oakhill he had 31 and it was the beast of the southeast .so many chesapeake people watched it but he shot lights out that night.i think fisher is very capable of another night in the 30's but im not sure if that can get a win.hope it does though

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by FHSstudentsection »

and im not trying to bring up the classyness again... but for the peake fans who thought the students were rude

a student was banned from the game saturday because peakes principal called and complained that ONE student disrespected him by talking back.had a sign that had a horse and then poop on the other.and for leading the students to sit behind the peake bench....he is not allowed to go to the game saturday and its possible that others students may get introuble also.but i personally dont think so because the student took the rap for all of it

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by Ball4 »

Put the student section behind their own bench and everything will be fine. They will make no difference in the outcome of the game except to show what they have acheived from the Fairland school system for the last 9-12 years "bull s**t". That seems to be the only two words they Know.

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by Turd »

peake: i will take u up! my bet is that the game will b at least a ten point game either way. if not i will withdraw from further postings. on fisher scoring 50, ur right, not gonna happen.....more like 44!!

cant wauit til saturday!

fhstudentsection, that sucks, hate to hear that. they should just show up anyways, seriously that sucks for the student..

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by Peake »

I didn't bet, but I will take that bet any day. A gentlemen's drink is all I am betting though, the wife wouldn't like it if it were cash.

How about if Fairland doesn't keep it within 10 you can't post for a week?

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by conehead »

Looks like it took someone else to get the Failand administration to do their jobs...again. Same thing happened at the girls game except it was someone's grandpa telling Mr. Bellville to contol his kids. Sit in the right spot, and you won't have any trouble. You act like Mr. Rase made you do something extreme, but he only made you sit where every other student section sits.

This game shouldn't be close to a 10 point game, but you never know. I just don't think Fairland had enough guys on defense to cover everyone well. All of the starting 5 along with the two coming off the bench are capable of scoring a lot.

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Re: Fairland-Peake II

Post by throughmyeyes »

turd i will take that bet.how much?and who holds the money is all Ineed to know? respond asap so we can get this lined out before game time

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