... the problem this season is that the SEOAL has 3 of the top teams in all of Southern Ohio - Chillicothe, Portsmouth, Warren ... throw in Marietta for good measure ( the Tigers have lost 6 games ALL to Chilli, P'town & Warren) ... had these teams been in different leagues you might have seen these teams 1,2,3 on the Elite 8 ... only 8 slots to fill - if you look at the teams, strength of schedules, one realistically can't say that there are many other teams Below the Line who can beat these 3 teams ... throw in the Peake (who I feel CAN compete with these 3 nightly and has the athletes/size to be that number one team over the SEOAL threesome), an offensive minded Peebles squad, a Sheridan ball club which is as good as any on the list ... quality teams in Piketon who has shown to struggle vs great defensive teams (ie Zanesville), and an offensively weak Logan Elm squad which relies on the "50 points or less" defensive philosophy to keep them in games/get them W's ... LE is lacking that "star power" offensive threat this season ... is there room for the Vinton Counties or the Easterns on the Elite 8? we will see what the committee of one - me - is thinking as we go thru the weekend ...