Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Manxious2 »

After patiently listening to all of the verbal energy this entire season about the Portsmouth Trojans I just want to make a few points about the rabid enthusiasm with which the "faithful" are predicting their pathway to the championship game in Columbus. First I have to acknowledge that the Trojans ARE a dangerous team to play.... no question! Second, they have the potential to get to the final question. However, I think that many of their fans are discounting the begining of their season, losing to South Webster (Division IV... a strong team in it's in own right) and then three more teams. All along I kept seeing everyone keep talking about AB coming back to Portsmouth to play. True, I watched AB play last year and would readily admit that he is one of the best (if not the best) point guards in SEO. My question is what happens if AB is shut down in any of the tournament games? Is this the weakness or chink in their armor? Will Portsmouth then be back to the "prior to AB" days of basketball? AB can be stopped! Where and when will be the question. I think that Portsmouth is not invincible and had better watch out for several teams in the tournament that are capable of playing with and/or beating them on any given night. If Chesapeake is playing their "A" game, then Portsmouth (assuming that either team advances that far) is in trouble. Chesapeake has the guard play that can possibly shut down AB. There are way to many aspects to the game that can/will determine the outcome of such a game. Just my thoughts!
(Note: there are several Trojan contributors on here that I really respect their knowledge and history of BB in general and the Trojans....specifically, and, I really enjoy their perspectives on here. I look forward to the tournament and hope that someone from SEO wins the State Champoinship this year!

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Ironman92 »

Without AB playing you don't have to commit to stop AB...with him playing, in order to shut him down it will take one player with help......and that leaves a very good player more open than he would be.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by jgordon0315 »

Manxious2 wrote:After patiently listening to all of the verbal energy this entire season about the Portsmouth Trojans I just want to make a few points about the rabid enthusiasm with which the "faithful" are predicting their pathway to the championship game in Columbus. First I have to acknowledge that the Trojans ARE a dangerous team to play.... no question! Second, they have the potential to get to the final question. However, I think that many of their fans are discounting the begining of their season, losing to South Webster (Division IV... a strong team in it's in own right) and then three more teams. All along I kept seeing everyone keep talking about AB coming back to Portsmouth to play. True, I watched AB play last year and would readily admit that he is one of the best (if not the best) point guards in SEO. My question is what happens if AB is shut down in any of the tournament games? Is this the weakness or chink in their armor? Will Portsmouth then be back to the "prior to AB" days of basketball? AB can be stopped! Where and when will be the question. I think that Portsmouth is not invincible and had better watch out for several teams in the tournament that are capable of playing with and/or beating them on any given night. If Chesapeake is playing their "A" game, then Portsmouth (assuming that either team advances that far) is in trouble. Chesapeake has the guard play that can possibly shut down AB. There are way to many aspects to the game that can/will determine the outcome of such a game. Just my thoughts!
(Note: there are several Trojan contributors on here that I really respect their knowledge and history of BB in general and the Trojans....specifically, and, I really enjoy their perspectives on here. I look forward to the tournament and hope that someone from SEO wins the State Champoinship this year!

The venom spewed at Portsmouth isn't unprecedented but it's coming from all angles....I like the bullseye on Ptown. And I keep hearing lots of posters claiming that Portsmouth is claiming our pathway to the Championship, or that we're saying we're invincibile,'s a search engine on here (that I can't ever seem to get to work) but I can't find these bogus claims, thus rendering them lies in my eyes! We're not even the big dog on the block, according to most, and they keep putting Portsmouth's name in their mouths, like ya'll are setting us up for the fall! Wow! Can't we just say that Chesapeake is a good team without calling Portsmouth arrogant, or whatever word ya'll are using....when we reply with statements like, "we think we're a good team too!" But the beauty of your question about Andrew is the beauty of sports......and that's why they play the game!!! Invincible???? who said that???? anyways, decent post...but I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from?? Is this the impression you get when reading posts from on here....cause I can't find these type of posts.....just quote the post in your reply, if you spot arrogance(for example: us saying we're unbeatable) on the Trojans behalf.....don't worry, I'll wait!!!

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by oldtrojan »

jgordon0315 wrote:
Manxious2 wrote:After patiently listening to all of the verbal energy this entire season about the Portsmouth Trojans I just want to make a few points about the rabid enthusiasm with which the "faithful" are predicting their pathway to the championship game in Columbus. First I have to acknowledge that the Trojans ARE a dangerous team to play.... no question! Second, they have the potential to get to the final question. However, I think that many of their fans are discounting the begining of their season, losing to South Webster (Division IV... a strong team in it's in own right) and then three more teams. All along I kept seeing everyone keep talking about AB coming back to Portsmouth to play. True, I watched AB play last year and would readily admit that he is one of the best (if not the best) point guards in SEO. My question is what happens if AB is shut down in any of the tournament games? Is this the weakness or chink in their armor? Will Portsmouth then be back to the "prior to AB" days of basketball? AB can be stopped! Where and when will be the question. I think that Portsmouth is not invincible and had better watch out for several teams in the tournament that are capable of playing with and/or beating them on any given night. If Chesapeake is playing their "A" game, then Portsmouth (assuming that either team advances that far) is in trouble. Chesapeake has the guard play that can possibly shut down AB. There are way to many aspects to the game that can/will determine the outcome of such a game. Just my thoughts!
(Note: there are several Trojan contributors on here that I really respect their knowledge and history of BB in general and the Trojans....specifically, and, I really enjoy their perspectives on here. I look forward to the tournament and hope that someone from SEO wins the State Champoinship this year!

The venom spewed at Portsmouth isn't unprecedented but it's coming from all angles....I like the bullseye on Ptown. And I keep hearing lots of posters claiming that Portsmouth is claiming our pathway to the Championship, or that we're saying we're invincibile,'s a search engine on here (that I can't ever seem to get to work) but I can't find these bogus claims, thus rendering them lies in my eyes! We're not even the big dog on the block, according to most, and they keep putting Portsmouth's name in their mouths, like ya'll are setting us up for the fall! Wow! Can't we just say that Chesapeake is a good team without calling Portsmouth arrogant, or whatever word ya'll are using....when we reply with statements like, "we think we're a good team too!" But the beauty of your question about Andrew is the beauty of sports......and that's why they play the game!!! Invincible???? who said that???? anyways, decent post...but I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from?? Is this the impression you get when reading posts from on here....cause I can't find these type of posts.....just quote the post in your reply, if you spot arrogance(for example: us saying we're unbeatable) on the Trojans behalf.....don't worry, I'll wait!!!
Very good points,and if you could find those search engines you would probably find 99% of those type of post are from someone other than the Trojan faithful!
GOOD LUCK TO ALL SEO TEAMS IN THE TOURNAMENT!! Especially the Trojans, and if they should fall along the way, well then I guess I'll root for whom ever beats them. Again good luck to all, and safe travels to, and from all your games!


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

I think 99% on here think Portsmouth is a very very good team. I once stuck my foot in my mouth and was forced to eat crow.

I think the problem is a combination of things. Posters who follow SEOAL teams proclaiming if you are not a part of the SEOAL then there is no way you can possibly be as good as a team from this conference. It sounds much like an SEC follower. Another is we have won 10 straight sense AB came back. Nothing wrong with this, but after you see it in 5 straight posts verbatim it gets repetitive. Chesapeake has won 10 straight sense losing by 1 to Logan WV. I have yet to see one Chesapeake poster say anything about the current 10 game win streak. Then there is the debate made that many don't think Chesapeake or many others could beat Chili. There really is no need to make the claim because there is no way that game will ever come to fruition anyways. Just seems like another put down. Then you see in these polls that certain Portsmouth and SEOAL followers are putting teams like Peebles, Piketon, Chesapeake very low. One poster put Chesapeake at 4th behind a Warren team that has lost 2 out of the last 3 and had to hang on v Gallia. I think that this is a good combo of why people may feel the way they do.

You don't have to convince me, I think Portsmouth is very very good. I can't wait until the regionals.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I’m just throwing this out there. I realize Warren just lost 2 of their last 3 games, and even had a close win against Gallia. However, I as many others believe that PHS and Chilli are the top 2 teams and that’s who their losses came too, and their Chilli loss couldn’t have been any closer. Personally I also think the SEOAL is the best bball league, and even teams with bad records, can still make for challenging games, because the league is so strong. Gallia proved that to a Warren team that I would imagine was very deflated after the Chilli loss and was probably already looking forward to PHS. It doesn’t matter they still got that win though. (By the way 2nd strongest league in my opinion SOC2, lots of parity most years top to bottom)
As for what happens if someone shuts down AB? Well ask Chillicothe, I think he only had 2 points at the half, and 6 points total, with 2 coming from the line. Bring AB in has been more confidence and leadership added to a team that only has 2 seniors. This team the previous few years didn’t know how to win, and that was true early this season. We previously could blow big leads, and squander games we should win, that is no longer the case, and AB has been a lot of the reason why. We have had the talent, but we now know how to win with it. Point is AB is the main spoke and the heart of the team, but he is not the team, he is not the only thing we have. Wayne, Dion, Tre, Zaide, Len, Seth, Mason, have all step up when needed during the current win streak. If someone can slow AB down I know some else will step up again. (Maybe not even one of the guys listed) Also, AB is more of a defensive presence then an offensive threat. Don’t get me wrong given the chance he will drop it on you from anywhere, and can make the drive to the hole, but Wayne is the big gun on the offense in my opinion, that’s why Portsmouth fans are so pleased, with this group, because although Wayne is normally the high man, all of them have the capability of having those big nights. Shut one guy down and someone else will burn you.
By the way we still got plenty of Kool-aid left for you. OH YEAH

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

I've been drinking it for a couple months now, but I think it is time to return to purple kool-aid, it's my favorite :122249 .

My point is even though Warren lost to Portsmouth and Chili, which are not bad losses to have, they still lost, and one was a blow out. I think Chesapeake fans have a hard time looking at a close Warren win over Gallia after Chesapeake blew them out by 50+ coupled with the fact that Chesapeake has won 10 straight games winning by an average of 36.5 ppg and the closest game was a 15 point win over Ironton on a neutral floor.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

Latest Ohio High School Hoops poll has Chesapeake at #2, Portsmouth at #5, and Piketon and #7.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by fightingtigers45 »

The Regionals at the Convo will be incredible...

Portsmouth vs. Peebles/Ironton
Chesapeake/Piketon vs. Garaway/St. Clairsville

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by trojan7 »

peake wrote:I've been drinking it for a couple months now, but I think it is time to return to purple kool-aid, it's my favorite :122249 .

My point is even though Warren lost to Portsmouth and Chili, which are not bad losses to have, they still lost, and one was a blow out. I think Chesapeake fans have a hard time looking at a close Warren win over Gallia after Chesapeake blew them out by 50+ coupled with the fact that Chesapeake has won 10 straight games winning by an average of 36.5 ppg and the closest game was a 15 point win over Ironton on a neutral floor.
I agree it is tough to see after chesapeake blew them out but that was the first or second game for Gallia. They've improved alot more. I also dont know if they had Bryce Amos available for that game but he is a huge help when he's in the lineup. Not saying it's a 50 point difference but he does improve them. What gets Portsmouth fans is claim to Chesapeake having a rough schedule or downgrading of Portsmouth's schedule. I will give them credit on some wins as Africentric and Ironton twice and Burg are good Ws over teams with a winning record. Fairland as well even though they got a majority of their wins playing in a down OVC. The AAA schools are both very bad record wise and their lone loss came to Logan WV who is now 10-10 overall. In the whole scheme of things I see that they have 3 quality Ws twice to one team (Ironton) in contrast with Portsmouth I see more quality Ws against a much tougher schedule. 2 vs Marietta, 1 vs Ironton, 1 vs Chillicothe, 1 vs Warren, 1 vs Burg. That's just the way I and maybe some others see it. I'm not saying Portsmouth with everyone back is better than Chesapeake but neither am I saying Chesapeake is better than Portsmouth. Record wise yes they have a better record but I personally don't think the competition is as tough as what Portsmouth has faced. Agree to disagree all teams are now 0-0 and Anything can happen. I also wish EVERY school in SEO the best of luck this postseason and I can't wait to follow our area teams.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Trojan 7, I was just about to post an almost identical post to yours.

The same can be said for Warren. Quality wins, Portsmouth( however without AB), 2 against Marietta, 2 against Fort Fry, and Harvest Prep, also to me getting get by a buzzer beating 3 by Chillicothe is still impressive. Maybe that’s just me, maybe I give the Cavs too much credit, but unless you have seen Ragland London and company, you just don't get how tough they are.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

All Chesapeake can do is play who is on their schedule. Nothing else they can do, and they have beaten most opponents like a drum.

Again, I don't think there is a real argument to be made against Portsmouth, no one I have seen is really saying they are not as good as advertised, I think however that when Warren is placed above Chesapeake then people are going to have problems with that. For one they have 3 losses and one they got blown out. Piketon lost to a very good d2 program a few weeks ago and slid from #2-3 range to #7 in several voters. Anyways, regardless I don't think you can build a case for Gallia improved, well so has Chesapeake. They've blown everyone but two teams out of the water. That one loss came to a team btw, who has a tougher schd then anyone in SEO. I have already done the combined records of the teams they have played from outside the state, and it puts everyone to shame. They are not playing sisters of the poor.

I have no argument against Portsmouth, I think it has more to do with seeing a 3 loss Warren team in front of you with two losses in the last 3 games and them playing a tight game with a team you beat by 50+. I don't think I am being unfair.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I do see where you're coming from Peake, and there is a case to be made for your Panthers. You are right the Panthers can't help what was on their schedule, but the Warriors can't help that they had to play what are generally considered to be 2 of the top 3 teams in southeast Ohio in their last 3 games. Again the strength of the SEOAL, is undeniable in my opinion, look at Jackson, although they have a very poor record and are last place in the SEOAL, they just beat the TVC Ohio champ in Vinton County, same Vinton County that beat Piketon the week before. Just an example of how much tougher it is to play in the SEOAL. The grind of the league makes it hard to blow people out some times, even the teams that are in the cellar. Think about Jackson, although their record is bad you got to think they have 8 loses coming at the hands of PHS, Chilli, Marietta, and Warren that makes it hard to have a good record, but obviously they can still compete with good teams, and the best other leagues have to offer.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

I don't think you can make a case for Warren over Chesapeake at this point, and I think that is where to problem is coming from.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by LetsGoPSU »

Chesapeake is very good, Portsmouth is playing very well. The bottom line, there is a whole lot of basketball that needs to be sorted out before these two teams even need to consider each other!Win the game that is in front of you, and prepare for the next opponent, if the chips fall where they will, then start the debate, and prepare for a great last point, stopping AB isnt the concern IMO, Dion McKinley is the straw that stirs the Trojans drink!

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Peake »

good points. Agree 100% on Dion

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by oldtrojan »

peake wrote:I think 99% on here think Portsmouth is a very very good team. I once stuck my foot in my mouth and was forced to eat crow.

I think the problem is a combination of things. Posters who follow SEOAL teams proclaiming if you are not a part of the SEOAL then there is no way you can possibly be as good as a team from this conference. It sounds much like an SEC follower. Another is we have won 10 straight sense AB came back. Nothing wrong with this, but after you see it in 5 straight posts verbatim it gets repetitive. Chesapeake has won 10 straight sense losing by 1 to Logan WV. I have yet to see one Chesapeake poster say anything about the current 10 game win streak. Then there is the debate made that many don't think Chesapeake or many others could beat Chili. There really is no need to make the claim because there is no way that game will ever come to fruition anyways. Just seems like another put down. Then you see in these polls that certain Portsmouth and SEOAL followers are putting teams like Peebles, Piketon, Chesapeake very low. One poster put Chesapeake at 4th behind a Warren team that has lost 2 out of the last 3 and had to hang on v Gallia. I think that this is a good combo of why people may feel the way they do.

You don't have to convince me, I think Portsmouth is very very good. I can't wait until the regionals.
I will agree that alot of post become repetitive. However as you were writing this did you stop to realize that so are most of your post?

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio 2/13

Post by Johnstown »

93Bulldog wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:19 am Floyd ... I'm a bit surprised you kept Piketon at No. 8- yet, left Vinton County off the list? I know the Viking have 3 losses - but from what I have seen - they are a much better team than what we saw during the first half of the season. I think I wrote before the Shriners preview this year that VC would probably need a little time before they show their true colors. That JV team that went (20-0) last season needed a little experience and some time playing together with Lawhead & Ward - now we're beginning to see what the end result may be with that group on the floor.

Last 8 games: (8-0)

@ Zane Trace 57-40
@ Alexander 48-35
vs Athens 61-54
at Shekinah Christian 59-52
vs Meigs 68-52
vs Paint Valley 65-44
@ Nelsonville-York 62-23
@ Piketon 51-48

(Really its the last six games that stand out. Athens isn't a bad team and was in the hunt for a TVC-Ohio title when they met in McArthur. I have been told that Shekinah Christian was no slouch and to beat Meigs - the No. 2 seed in the D-III Athens sectional - 68-52 was fairly impressive. Beating Nelsonville-York 62-23 in the Buckeyes home gymnasium is what caught my eye Floyd - I mean that's almost a 40-point win over a team that actually has some talent on it. Then of course the big win over Piketon on a neutral floor - which should have least put the Vikings in a tie with Piketon for the No. 8 spot.

Its that darn 'BCS instruction school for ranking teams' that you attended years ago Floyd that's got your mind a little whacko ... lol ... And then of course your bias nature toward the 'little guys' (a.k.a the TVC) may have had something to do with it as well ... :mrgreen:
Athens biggest TVC school 19 wins 47 losses last 3 seasons

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