Ironman92 wrote:I did my student teaching there.....and in 8th grade basketball, while playing for Jackson we got homered there. But I promise Raiderball stayed calm.

Ironman92 wrote:I did my student teaching there.....and in 8th grade basketball, while playing for Jackson we got homered there. But I promise Raiderball stayed calm.
I've also had the privilege of having my nickname called out during the introduction to a few of the district games. It is truly an honor.pfloyd wrote:... LOL 93dog!!! whatever it takes to make it down to the scorers table on the Convo floor - LOL ... someday I'll have some credentials of some kind that gets me to the floor - HEY! maybe the "purple hippo t-shirt" will do the trick !!! LOL
I bet the old blue hairs would love the student section on the floor in the bleachers, especially with the students standing the entire game.conehead wrote:The only thing that would be nice about pulling the bleacher out down low would be to have the students there. From experience, being stuck in the corner seats of the convo makes it extremely difficult to cheer and even watch the game. Those seats are so far away from the court. It was always so strange to be so far away from the game after being right on the floor near halfcourt for the rest of the season. Even being stuck on the endline at the Schott was better.
But allowing adults down low would be chaos and would cause too many problems for the staff at the Convo.
I'm so ready to see some ball there, though! I just hope we eat somewhere else other than that darn Pizza Hut!
Agreed. The student sections are always clearly marked at the Convo with caution tape around the whole section if you get there before the students. If you don't want to hear the kids cheering for their classmates, you can easily avoid these sections.pfloyd wrote:... the students have their own cheering sections separate from the adults ... let 'em stand , support their classmates's all part of high school hoops ...
My comment was geared to those who said let the students have the bleacher seats. My comment is that will work well with all the blue hairs sitting on the sides behind the students.pfloyd wrote:... the students have their own cheering sections separate from the adults ... let 'em stand , support their classmates's all part of high school hoops ...