4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Ryan Davis
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4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Ryan Davis »

Chesapeake High School will host the 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout on Saturday, June 4th. We can host up to eight teams, and we already have 4 committed. Anyone interested please contact Ryan Davis at 740-867-5958 ext. 3212 or [email protected]

expert witness
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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by expert witness »

Is this a 4 man scramble or best ball?? I know a couple of guys who can really bomb it and I can drive it really far too(over 200 yards!) Is there free food at this thing? what about prizes for longest drive and longest putt? My group only plays in events that pay out really good so i need some more info before i committ. Will Ryan davis actually be there? If so, I have a couple of tips for him on how to improve his teams defense. I have coached AAU for years which is a lot more intensive and structured than high school ball so i think i could help with his poor team defense.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Five Point »

If Tommy Hardy is officiating this thing it will fill up by 3 pm today.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by 0 for Monday »

expert witness wrote:Is this a 4 man scramble or best ball?? I know a couple of guys who can really bomb it and I can drive it really far too(over 200 yards!) Is there free food at this thing? what about prizes for longest drive and longest putt? My group only plays in events that pay out really good so i need some more info before i committ. Will Ryan davis actually be there? If so, I have a couple of tips for him on how to improve his teams defense. I have coached AAU for years which is a lot more intensive and structured than high school ball so i think i could help with his poor team defense.
Very funny. Stick with your intensively structured AAU ball though because I think I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say that Chesapeake showed great team defense this year.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by expert witness »

well, i beg to differ sir. they played fairly good defense against a weak schedule but when they got deep into the tournament they got exposed and had some flaws. Im not saying they were bad, they just need a skilled teacher of defense to help sharpen up some things. I have coached several 12 and under AAU championship teams and we earned those championships by playing elite level team defense.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Grinder »

I think he is doing alright without your help expert. How many other teams from SEO can say they went to a final 4 and a regional final in the last two years? I wouldn't count them out next year either. What teams have committed so far?

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by 0 for Monday »

expert witness wrote:well, i beg to differ sir. they played fairly good defense against a weak schedule but when they got deep into the tournament they got exposed and had some flaws. Im not saying they were bad, they just need a skilled teacher of defense to help sharpen up some things. I have coached several 12 and under AAU championship teams and we earned those championships by playing elite level team defense.
weak schedule? :roll:

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by trojandave »

As a Portsmouth fan, I will take up for Coach Davis.......he has done an OUTSTANDING job at Chesapeake........the last 2 years, a Final 4 team and a Regional Final team........there's probably 775 out of 800 high schools in Ohio that can't make that claim........and I can say as an eyewitness, that the Trojans played their best all-around game to beat the Panthers in the regional final.........even our coach, Eugene Collins, felt it was our best game of the year.......and we only won by 1 point.

Coach Davis is doing a LOT of good things at Chesapeake........no matter how good you are, you can't go to the state every year........but the basketball program at CHS is in good hands with him on the sidelines.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Raiderball »

Is this popcorn phil using an alias?

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by expert witness »

actually Mr. Wizard, this is Dana Holgorsen. I am too damned depressed to go to spring practice so I get on here and post. Bill Stewart is always running around in his underwear singing show tunes so this site gets my mind off of the terrible decision I made to leave Oklahoma State and come to this freaking second rate circus!

LONG LIVE POPCORN PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by expert witness »

Thats the problem with most of you. Everyone is satisfied just to "get" to the final four. You people act like its some big accomplishment. I have been to so many AAU final fours that ive lost count! I preach to my kids to never be satisfied to just get there! It all comes down to instilling the will to win in your kids so that they grow the heart of a champion!

now, can we get back on topic? what is the handicap limit for this golf tournament? Hopefully Davis will use the proceeds to buy some coaching videos.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by greenwave2332 »

Coaching videos? Coach Davis's team must have beat your team by 40 or 50 this year to think he needs coaching videos lol that is funny
expert witness wrote:Thats the problem with most of you. Everyone is satisfied just to "get" to the final four. You people act like its some big accomplishment. I have been to so many AAU final fours that ive lost count! I preach to my kids to never be satisfied to just get there! It all comes down to instilling the will to win in your kids so that they grow the heart of a champion!

now, can we get back on topic? what is the handicap limit for this golf tournament? Hopefully Davis will use the proceeds to buy some coaching videos.

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Grinder »

expert why don't you grow a set and go tell Coach Davis to his face and quit acting like a little kid. Some of us are interested in reading about the shoot out, not you and your bull sh**. That is the bad thing about preps you have to read all the bs instead of getting information on the topic. Does anyone know what teams have committed to the shootout so far?

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by expert witness »

Grinder, thanks for your spirited insight. Wish we could all rant and cuss and act like an adult like you. for your infrormation I plan on telling Coach Davis what I think when i see him. I have repeatedly tried to call the school and make an appointment to see him but he refuses to return my calls. I attempted to see him during parent teacher conferences but the school refused to let me near his room because i dont currently have a child registered at Chesapeake. E-mail, same thing, no response. i am beginning to believe that this guy doesnt want my help or care about improving his program. makes absolutely no sense!

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by freethrow »

okay how about the shoot out any teams in Coach Davis?

Ryan Davis
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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Ryan Davis »

Teams in: peake, south Webster, Eastern pike, federal hocking, rootstown, piketon, peebles, & westfall

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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by TribeManiac10 »

Wow, Rootstown has a long drive.

Ryan Davis
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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Ryan Davis »

Federal Hocking will not be able to make the shootout, so we now have an opening. Anyone interested please contact me at [email protected] or at Chesapeake High School--740-867-5958, ext. 3212.

Ryan Davis
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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Ryan Davis »

We still have an opening for the Shootout on June 4th. $150, guaranteed 4 games. Email me at [email protected] or call 740-867-5958.

Ryan Davis
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Re: 4th Annual Chesapeake Shootout

Post by Ryan Davis »

We still need a team to fill the shootout due to a backout. Anyone interested contact me.

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