Crowds at the games

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Re: Crowds at the games


southernohio13 wrote:chillicothe definately brought a crowd tonight. I couldn't believe what i was seeing or ( not seeing ) and that was no Logan elm students.. that is not like logan elm. was very disappointed in their student section.
A lot of the Logan Elm parents and followers work in and around Columbus and being that it was an early 6:15 Friday game that's probably the cause of it. It's crazy trying to get out of the C-bus / Lancaster area on a Friday night with all the rush hour traffic.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by crazymidgets »

yeah logan elm didnt bring a lot but everyone else made up for it great turnout tonight at the convo.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by 4thgoal »

I only saw the first 2 games today, but Peebles definitely had the most people there from what I saw, with Burg second. Ironton didn't have very many people at all and no student section whatsoever. It was strange that the Meigs students seemed to be on the Ironton side and the Ironton cheerleaders were on the opposite side of their fans.

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Re: Crowds at the games


4th n Goal wrote:I only saw the first 2 games today, but Peebles definitely had the most people there from what I saw, with Burg second. Ironton didn't have very many people at all and no student section whatsoever. It was strange that the Meigs students seemed to be on the Ironton side and the Ironton cheerleaders were on the opposite side of their fans.
Well, in Meigs defense it's probably because they hadn't been there in awhile and the students just rushed in and sat where it looked good at the time. I've noticed here in the last few years at Ironton football and basketball away games (i've been to a lot of them) that they're not bringing as many people as they did years ago.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by bman »

Logan Elm got to the Convo twice with Evans - sophomore and senior years. McClain beat LE in OT in a sectional final in Evans' junior year.

That LE-Greenfield game is the best Convo atmosphere I've been in. Fans from both sides were lined up at least 40 minutes before the doors opened to get good seats, and the Convo was about three-fourths of the way full.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by Charley Hustle »

My observation of the crowds on Saturday...........seating was plentiful and it appeared most fans were seated in their respective areas where the school's signs were hung......good seatsfor all..............

My observations of the crowds on Sunday............I was about the 20th person that went thru the door at 1:00 and I would compare it to shopppers on Black Friday going into Walmart to catch the early bargains.....moms, dads, children and grandparents along with the diehard fans with no school affiliation trying to get the best seat of the day for watching all four games.....when I got to where I wanted to be to watch the second game of the day between Ironton and Meigs (and I am an Ironton fan) I found the area saturated with the Peebles fans which was fine as their school was up first on the floor......but I did manage to get a good seat for me and my bride..........

I would like to compliment the Peeble fans because after their loss to the Burg they were very respectful in giving up their seats to the Ironton fans who had assembled in the standing room section waiting for the good seats in the lower bowl.......

I have been going to the Convo for 30 +years and it is the same comments and problems that come up every year......and it will be the same for the next 30 years.........

And how about the price at the concession stand.......7 bucks for a box of popcorn and soda..........and a nice hot dog with sauce for 3.75 (3 bucks for a plain dog with mustard and relish), and who said the economy is not good...... :) :)

life is good.....6 bucks a ticket, 5 bucks to park, 3 bucks + a gallon for gas, it dont get any better.........but I will be right back next Saturday to do it again........before I forget it, 14 bucks + for breakfast at Bobby Evans before getting to the convo.......and Mickey D's for supper on the way home but I had a coupon for a free quarter-pounder on the back of my parking ticket which enabled me to save a few bucks I can use for purchasing tickets for the game against the Burg......

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by 93Bulldog »

Ive taken a bunch of pics at the Convo (crowds/student sections too) ... Ive only been able to upload a fraction of them - but here is the link to see what I've got up thus far ...

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by 4thgoal »

I was curious to see if the D3 teams crowds were in any way related to the size of the school. The current range to be D3 is 129-223 boys (in grades 9-11 in 2008). Here is the list from largest to smallest D3 schools that made it to the Convo. Obviously, school size does not affect the size of the fan base which attends the games...

Meigs 223
Fairland 221
Alexander 206
Portsmouth 204
Piketon 202
Northwest 192
Ironton 182
Wellston 181
Chesapeake 176
Eastern Brown 154
Wheelersburg 150
Peebles 147

I believe the enrollment numbers will be checked again this year for the following 3 school years.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

You took a pic of the Peebles crowd, but not the Burg crowd. I thought Burg had a great turnout as well.

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Re: Crowds at the games

Post by 93Bulldog »

They were kind of spread out yabba ... Don't worry though, the 'Burg has a chance to show their support come Saturday and I wil be sure to snap a pic.

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