SHL ALL League selections

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by colonel_pdogg »

I think every school in the league should've been represented at least once, even if it means voting for somebody that played for a school that wasn't all that good. How did Whiteoak get a girl on there (1-12) and Fairfield (1-12) but West Union didn't and West Union went 2-11 in the league. West Union didn't even get one mens player on that list either. Fayetteville shouldn't have had 3 players and West Union none. And the biggest disappointment in this list was not seeing Shayla Black on the list but yet her teammate Alison Prine made it. It should've been the other way around...

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by love_the_game »

I agree that all the SHL teams should have representation on the all-league team. I also agree that there are going to be teams that have several players that could be eligible for all-league like in the case of Eastern, Peebles, North Adams, Ripley, Lynchburg Clay (and I probably missed some), so it should be a limit to how many players can be from one team (maybe there is, I don't really know), but I do think each team should at least have one player. I was disappointed that West Union did not have anyone on the girls or boys lists. Doesn't seem fair, just because maybe their records were not great does that mean they don't deserve to have someone on the all-league team.
It probably is a case sometimes where a coach maybe doesn't nominate certain players so that other players can get the vote. Too many politics involved.
Maybe they should change the way it is done and let fans and supporters cast votes. Someone can vote for any player they choose, no one has to be nominated and the top 15 most votes get all-league.?>

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by thebull »

Indians10 all i meant was that Eastern had a balanced team and if i was voting one of those two that made it would have been replaced by Black. I dont know McDaniels stats and really didnt say that she didnt deserve to be on it. I was merely stating the obvious that kids get left off every year and it is a shame.

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by Five Point »

I don't think comments such as how did this school get this girl on and this school didn't get another girl on are constructive. Pointing the finger isn't going to get you anywhere, especially since the voting is already done.

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by love_the_game »

I don't think this is really about finger pointing it is just about the process of choosing these players, that is all. Is every player that deserves it always going to be on the list? No. Is everyone always going to be happy? Definitely not. But should it be as fair as possible? Sure.

Just for fun why don't we make out own list and give each team 2 players?
Might not be as easy as we think!

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by indians10 »

Well ive made my last post,its going no where.Everyone knows that there are always players that probably should make it but dont,and like i said before numbers get most of them.There just arent enough spots,they only select so many.IF you choose only 10 players in the shl girls this year,how could shaylin not be one of them ,thats what ive stated,you cant.She is in the top 10 in the entire shl,on stats and esp what she brings to her team.Her defense and quickness,and rebounding alone should be enough for her to make it.Name me a faster,quicker girl in the entire league,you cant.Now add her steal,rebounds,and point average,she is in the top ten in the shl.Yes you can always say well this one should of made it and that one should of made it,and most of the time its true,not enough spots.But if you pick only 10,most years the 10 on girls or boys will be there.This year its not the case,if you can say that she is not in the 10 best players this year,then i dont think you know much about basketball.Its over she didnt make it and thats the way it is,but dont tell me she wasnt good enough,and other teams could of gotten more,and there are always players that should of made it and didnt,i think everyone knows that,but select your 10 this year and tell me shes not one of them.

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by ticklethetwine »

indians10 wrote:Talk about a joke.If i were a coach in the shl,i would be ashamed not to have voted for McDaniels.If she didnt deserve to make the shl all league team no one did.I was so pissed off,for someone to give her heart every game all season long and then to be shuned by the coaches is an in justice to say the least.I was contacted by the Peebles coach and he assured me that he put her name up.Peebles gets only one and other teams gets two just proves how political something like this is.He informed me that only 6 out of the 9 coaches voted for her.Joke Joke Joke Oh well we as Indians fans knows how much she meant to this team.
I would say I-10 that either her stats were not put up and made note of, or she was not put of for the nomination. The only way anyone will know for sure, is that if one of the other coaches that voted, would say, and I doubt that will happen. There is no doubt that she should have been on the all league team. If she was one of the nominees, there was some politics involved, and she was put down so far on the list that her number was not high enough, when the total was added, but someone else's was. Just speculation, but it does happen. Too bad it happens, but it does, to a lot of nice players.

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by haverightsto »

McDaniels makes second team All-District but can't make SHL all-league? HUMMM.... Looking more and more like her name was NOT put on the ballot.... IMO!!!!!

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by noreply66 »

Maybe they were in shock that she didn't get enough votes for the league so they made sure she received what she is worth

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by shljunkie »

haverightsto, I don't think it means that at all. I think it means she didn't get enough votes by the SHL coaches which makes them look pretty silly now.

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by v_hoop »

Sorry it has taken me so long to post, i did not have an account. So lets recap the situation......Feb. 13th i nominated Shaylynn for the Coaches District 14 team, the next week was the SHL meeting on Feb 20th. Then on Feb 29th i recommended Shaylynn for the AP All District Team. Shaylynn received Coach District 14 honerable mention. She made 2nd team AP All District Team. Why would i nominate her for both All District Teams & not All League. Hmm....the answer is .....I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOMINATE HER FOR ALL LEAGUE! Her name was on the board along with her stats. I also spoke to the coaches as a group on her behalf.

I am posting this for Shaylynn. I would hate to think that a kid who played so hard and poured her heart and soul into this team would be snubbed by her own coach. Its simple it didn't happen, as for why she didn't make the All League Team I can't answer that... Just a little FYI five of the 10 coaches at the meeting it was their first time voting for the All League Team, including myself, & you don't "vote" on your own players!!!!! So for all of you who seem to think it is unfair that she didn't make the All League Team, i agree i think she deserved it......... Thats why she was nominated!

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Re: SHL ALL League selections

Post by love_the_game »

V_hoop -- Appreciate your post/input! I have seen her play as well and you can tell she does put her heart into it! As for a player who puts their heart and soul into their team being snubbed by their own coach. . . gee, does that ever happen??

Hopefully, if Shalynn ever comes across these posts, she will realize her talent and abilities were recognized even if she didn't get named to some league team, as well as many other talented players who didn't get mentioned from Peebles' team as well as several other SHL teams.

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