Favorite this ABL season?

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Favorite this ABL season?

Post by jwall11 »

Goin off of last year and assuming everyone is going to play in it that did I would say the cherry red or heather Green team is the favorite, with light blue or ice right behind them. I heard something about a few other teams joining the league, but the jury is out until they are seen. Cherry red with Ferguson, Jordan, and Sturgill in the middle will be good, heard they picked up a few others too, Green with Fleming, Carroll and Cherry will be solid as well, and I believe those are the two to beat. Should be a fun season and maybe my team will actually win a couple this year, hey it's for fun anyways. LOL

The Ghost of Swanker
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Re: Favorite this ABL season?

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

Not to be arrogant or anything but our team (the Mean Lime Green Machine) should be able to handle anybody we face. The 3's will rain....

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