after two outstanding OT games are the Burg boys going to be ready to battle the tigers?
The Tigers are young but a lot of the young'uns played a ton last year and all of this year. They are at this point tested and proven IMO.N B Heat wrote:I look for another big game out of Stegman, Just another SOC 2 battle for the Pirates,and the Tigers are young I'll take Barrick in this one !
I could not agree more 77. Barrick is definatly a master come playoff time. This has all the potential to be a great game.Burg_Grad_77 wrote:Never count out a Tom Barrick coached team once the tourney rolls around. He is a master at devising a game plan to win a ball game. Just ask the Top 10 ranked Peebles Indians. The Pirates are playing a lot better ball now than they were in the first meeting of these two teams and I wouldn't be surprised one bit to see the Pirates move on the regionals.
Over the years down there in the Convo most people have had the courtesy to move, especially when they (Chessy) didn't play till the game after yours. It seems Rudeness is becoming more common nowadays anywhere you go in public.ItownHosscat wrote:I just hope that Chesapeake doesnt play the same night.Geesh we sat up in the nose bleeds because of their fans taking the lower seats.I know there is no written rule but come on.People should allow the team playing the game to have the "prime" seats.Then move down when your team plays.Btw,Chessy isnt the only fans doing this,Im not starting a war of words with them,its just that they happened to be the ones there tonight.
From what I could see setting on the opposite side that had to be one of the smallest Ironton crowds I have ever seen. And Chesapeake was only setting in the spot where their sign was, so I don't see any problem with that. We gave up our seats and moved to the upper level so Meigs fans could have them.ItownHosscat wrote:I just hope that Chesapeake doesnt play the same night.Geesh we sat up in the nose bleeds because of their fans taking the lower seats.I know there is no written rule but come on.People should allow the team playing the game to have the "prime" seats.Then move down when your team plays.Btw,Chessy isnt the only fans doing this,Im not starting a war of words with them,its just that they happened to be the ones there tonight.
Huuuuuuuge difference between reg. season and tourney...look for BURG to have a solid week of practice and come into the game seeking some revengeItownHosscat wrote:Ironton beat W.Burg a few weeks ago 55-37.Barrick was coaching then...I say Ironton wins again