SOC I & II All-Star team
SOC I & II All-Star team
Congratulations to Jon Valentine, Cody Bussler, Nathan Burchett, and Cody DeLotell from Clay High on making the SOC I All-Star team. Post here if you know anyone else that has made it I'm not quite sure who else did yet?
Re: SOC I & II All-Star team
Nope. Burchett made District All-Star team and Valentine, Bussler, Delotell, and Burchett made the SOC I All-Stat team.
Re: SOC I & II All-Star team
thats kinda of surprising.... i mean that team was so blance i would have figured the 6 seniors would have made it... if it wasnt for the post's the would have lost a couple more games then what the already did. O well good season clay enjoyed watching you guys.