Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Peake »

Only thing I want to put to rest is this common thought by the folks in the SEOAL that if you don't play in that conference then there is no way you could have played as competitive or difficult a schedule.

Chesapeake's opponents: Columbus Africentric just beat Ottawa Glandorf to advance to the Regional Finals in d3. Wheelersburg just lost in the regional semi-finals . Fiarland lost in the district finals. Ironton lost in the district finals. Logan, WV just lost in the Elite 8 in WV state Tournament. Just beat #9 Piketon and #8 Garaway.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Bleeding Red »

I would love to see the Trojans get it done, but I feel Peake is the best around.

My heart says PHS by 3
My brain says Peake by 9

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by LetsGoPSU »

hmmmm Peake by 35 Im guessing....just thought I would add to the bs, lol....anyone that thinks they are 15 to 20 points better than thier opponent once you reach the elite 8 in this tourney....way too much rum buddy. Go Trojans!

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Falconburger »

dont comment much on the Boys side of bball, but believe Ptown comes to play..It is amazin how much coaching can get you wins..basically same team from last year, with alot of different results. Believe Ptown will pull out the win down the stretch..Ptown by 5 or less..

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by bballin »

I believe Peak will be to much for Portsmouth . Prediction : Peak 68 P-Town 62..

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Mine'z_BiGGer »


"the trojans are gonna climb the peak and crumble it into the ground. P-town by 20!"


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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Jeff Lisath »

Congrats to Coach Collins and the Portsmouth Trojans! I'm very proud to see the program back in this position. It reminds me of our glory of luck. Chesapeake is a well coached, well disciplined, and very talented team. It should be a fun game to watch.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by live4sport »

I would like to see portsmouth stay with Peake but I'm worried. Ports is capable but they have to bring their A+ game and hope for Peakes B. "A game" against "A game" and Peake runs away with it. I live in Ports but I'm not dilusional like a lot of people. And just because you make it this far doesn't mean you can't get blown off the gym floor. Hoping for a Ptown win but have to pick Peake by 15.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Rebels on 3 »

Peake by 11

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by rickoshay »


"the trojans are gonna climb the peak and crumble it into the ground. P-town by 20!"


After watching both games last night, I'll take the "Peak team".

The "P Town" has no discipline on offense, too many wild passes, and way too much hot-shot fancy dribiling. they need to save this for the ones that are very good at it ( LeBron & Co.).

P town defense and rebounding are both very good though.

Peak, by six. :122249

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by gunit »

Have to laugh at Falconburgers comment "basically same team as last year"

I hope whoever wins this game wins the whole thing.. good luck

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Jolly P(irate) »

I was talking to one of the Event Coordinators (James) last night at the game, and he said they were getting prepared for a ESPN2 video spot on "Ohio Basketball Tradition". Filming would start on the night of the DIII Regional Finals at the Convo. A match-up between Chesapeake and Portsmouth would be a great one to use. Seemed like a reliable source? Anyone else heard about this???

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Wholly_Shnikeys »

Jolly P(irate) wrote:I was talking to one of the Event Coordinators (James) last night at the game, and he said they were getting prepared for a ESPN2 video spot on "Ohio Basketball Tradition". Filming would start on the night of the DIII Regional Finals at the Convo. A match-up between Chesapeake and Portsmouth would be a great one to use. Seemed like a reliable source? Anyone else heard about this???
That must have been what all the buzz was about last night in the hospitality room... I had heard about a week ago that on the DIII regional final night there was suppose to be some sort of recognition for the announcer at the convo (I don't know his name, but he's great). Evidentially the convo is known as the best tournament site/atmosphere in the state. Maybe since it is known as the best place to watch OHSAA district/regional basketball games that explains why ESPN would make it's first stop on this documentary tour at the Convocation Center. This sounds pretty legitimate considering ESPN was supposed to do something like this some years ago, but it ultimately fell through.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by jazzfingers888 »

Wow! thats awesome! its about time ohio basketball gets some recognition! ESPN is BIGTIME!

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by greenwave2332 »

Chesapeake 62 portsmouth 58 imo

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Mine'z_BiGGer »

herd on radio that ESPN will be doing a broadcast on Saturday night.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by trojandave »

Chesapeake will be the best team Portsmouth will have faced in the tournament.......and because of that, the Trojans will have to play better than they have to date to win.

Anyone who has watched PHS all year, instead of just a couple of games, knows what these kids are capable of.........yes, they have had their ups and downs like most teams, but they are 20-4 and with it have beaten some very good basketball teams along the way.

Judging the Trojans by the Wheelersburg game would not be an accurate barometer.......these two schools have played close games for almost 35 years and are fierce rivals........rivalry games tend to be that way. PHS played just well enough to win, but that's all that's needed to advance.

Can Portsmouth beat Chesapeake? Of course they can........of course it won't be easy, but the Trojans have already beaten some good teams along the way........defense has carried PHS all year, and I expect that if we do win, it will be for the same reason.

Portsmouth has a history of pulling off HUGE upsets, so don't be surprised if it happens Saturday night.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Trojanbuckeye »

From what I have seen this year, the Trojans have one thing they haven't had in several years...a team attitude. They can calm each other down when needed, hype each other up when needed.

I have seen a hunger (for lack of a better word) that hasn't been there previously.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

peake wrote:Only thing I want to put to rest is this common thought by the folks in the SEOAL that if you don't play in that conference then there is no way you could have played as competitive or difficult a schedule.

Chesapeake's opponents: Columbus Africentric just beat Ottawa Glandorf to advance to the Regional Finals in d3. Wheelersburg just lost in the regional semi-finals . Fiarland lost in the district finals. Ironton lost in the district finals. Logan, WV just lost in the Elite 8 in WV state Tournament. Just beat #9 Piketon and #8 Garaway.

Beat Chillicothe who just advance to the D2, regional semifinal
Beat Warren who just lost to Chilli at the buzzer in the district final
Beat Marietta twice who’s only loses are to PHS, and the two teams above
Beat Burg, both regular season, and in the regional semifinal
Beat Fairland in the District final
Ironton who lost in the district final

Peak I agree you have had a harder teams to beat in the tournament. But Burg Fairland and Ironton are all teams PHS has beat too
So it comes down to Piketon Garaway, and Africentric and Logan WV vs Chillicothe, Warren, Marietta, and the Florida Trip ( I know they have unimpressive records, but the size of these schools, and their opponents has to be worth something. Personally I think Chillicothe is better than all of them, and Warren has shown they are not far behind. Since you’re tournament run, I think your strength of schedule has come up, while ours has stayed the same. Our regular season schedule is tougher in my opinion playing in the SEOAL, but the Panthers have played tougher teams in the tourney with the possible exception of Burg, which although they weren’t ranked, was the hot team that just knocked of Peebles, and Ironton.

No trash talk, this is the game we all wanted all year long. One of us will need to start being careful what we wish for after Saturday. Best of luck, I look for a great game from both.

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Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Post by TribeManiac10 »

Peake by 8.

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