SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

SOC should let Waverly go. They wouldn't lose much, if anything they would gain, gate if they put Portsmouth in Waverly's place.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by eagles73Taylor »

gahs, I see you can take the boy out of Ross county, but you cant take the Ross county out of the boy! lol

Piketon and Paint Valley are the original members of the SVC, Laurelville and Logan Elm being the other two. The old Ross county league teams that you mentioned followed suit in the late 60's and early 70's and joined them with Westfall.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by JohnKnight »

I had always heard that Minford was one of the schools that would never vote Portsmouth into the SOC, I would love to have seen Jackson and PHS in the conference. It really stinks trying to schedule 5 or 6 non conference games another big advantage of the SVC. Probably the biggest of all for FOOTBALL!

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by FarAwayFalcon »

JohnKnight wrote:I had always heard that Minford was one of the schools that would never vote Portsmouth into the SOC, I would love to have seen Jackson and PHS in the conference. It really stinks trying to schedule 5 or 6 non conference games another big advantage of the SVC. Probably the biggest of all for FOOTBALL!
Not to hijack an SVC thread here, but who knows. Minford played Portsmouth in football for years (granted with no success but things aren't the same at either school now). The one thing some people don't factor in is that all SOC schools get a vote, that includes all the SOC I schools, and it has to be a unanimous vote I was told. If the SOC I schools vote for Portsmouth in, they are basically voting Northwest into SOC I for football and some might not like that. Also as someone said on a different thread a few months ago, Northwest will never vote for Portsmouth because they would take it as a slap in the face to be kicked down to the SOC I (I think that's pretty stupid if they feel what way, but that is neither here nor there).

These school budget cuts might make Waverly take a long hard look at the SVC if for nothing else but travel savings.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by JohnKnight »

I was told by someone from Minford that would know, that Minford voted against PHS and always would.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by Jeep-ster »

Just curious as to who determines the route taken by buses? Do buses stay off county roads? The fastest way from South Webster to Waverly is thru Minford, up Piketon Road, then S.R. 220.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by JohnKnight »

We have taken that way for girls basketball and when the kids got off the bus half of them puked all over the place when they got to the locker room!
Just curious as to who determines the route taken by buses? Do buses stay off county roads? The fastest way from South Webster to Waverly is thru Minford, up Piketon Road, then S.R. 220.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by datchillicav »

Regardless of what you feel about the competition level, the SVC is probably the most stable league in SEO. Why mess with it? Other than Westfall and Piketon, all schools are from Ross County. Ross is probably the only county that can support an entire league with just local schools and that is probably why all the other leagues seem to have changes. The SVC is very stable because of the geography and similar size in schools. Leave it alone.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by ironmen1987 »

The SVC is a wonderful conference and change is always hard. One of the great things i remember about my time in the conference was the short travel and good competition. It all seemed to have a hometown feeling even in the other teams stadium. Things are changing all around us and i would hate to see them get caught up in this madness but we'll see what the future holds....

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by JohnKnight »

I always thought and hoped that Westfall would move to the Mid State League ... eague.html
and Waverly could replace them.
Looks like that will never happen.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by kram »

I have always thought about these changes, but never in this way. Westfall could join that conference, it would make a lot more sense. Put Waverly in their place, and Portsmouth in Waverly's place in the SOC. But with the things I've heard, NO ONE voted Portsmouth into the SOC. I also heard that if Portsmouth wants in, Ironton wants in along with Jackson. But Jackson could enter the TVC, which they are already there anyways. But I have always wanted Piketon into the SOC. People say it is because of football, but if you look at it now, the 'Streaks don't do that well in the SVC anyways. They always seem to be in the middle or bottom of the pack. The SEOAL is folding fast, and teams are trying to get out. If everyone is concered about travel, well.... Move Piketon to the SOC, put Portsmouth in there as well. Chillicothe would take the place of Piketon in the SVC, but they would be head and shoulders above the rest of the league with the talent. Piketon and Portsmouth to the SOC, which would make 18 teams. Move Northwest to the small Division and put Piketon and Waverly into the big one, making 9 teams in each. Northwest plays East in football some years anyways, and their football team is always down in the talent level. They could be another East, scheduling some teams from out of the area, and play Green, Notre Dame, East, Symmes Valley. Ironton and Ironton St. Joe could go into the OVC, and make 10 teams I believe? Jackson could somehow enter the TVC, and they could possibly add another team and it would end up like the SOC rough draft that I mentioned.

I would personally like to see this, but everyone is afraid of teams not being competitive if they move conferences. It will make teams better come tournament time!! If I heard right, I heard that Coach Lisath voted Ironton into the SVC. I can see why other teams didn't, but they obviously are afraid of good competition and don't want to get better.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by eagles73Taylor »

kram, only SVC principals can vote teams in or out of a league, and it takes a unanimous decision to do so. Are you saying that Piketon doesnt do very well in football in the SVC? 2010 5-2 2nd in league, 2009 4-3 4th in league, 2008 5-2 2nd in league, 2007 5-2 3rd in league. No championships, but they have been very competitive. Trust me, they wouldnt be winning championships in the SOC either with Wheelersburg winning most, Minford, Valley, West and Waverly have all been strong in the past.

The SVC is comparable with most leagues in most sports, football probably being the weakest out of the boys sports, IMO. SVC baseball is very good, basketball and track also good. Of course, this is just my opinion! lol

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by shoelace »

Sometimes change can make you stronger. I would love to see Waverly join the conference. With the economy in the state it is adding a school such as Waverly would help gates and be a short trip for all schools. I hear the Adams county schools are possibly looking to cut back on trips out of their league play and I can see other districts doing the same in the future. I never see Chillicothe in the SVC. That would be way too much disparity from the smallest schools to the biggest. I do feel Westfall should be in the MSL. It would hep them with gates, cut down on many trips and probably provide better competition in the long run.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by kram »

eagles73 wrote:kram, only SVC principals can vote teams in or out of a league, and it takes a unanimous decision to do so. Are you saying that Piketon doesnt do very well in football in the SVC? 2010 5-2 2nd in league, 2009 4-3 4th in league, 2008 5-2 2nd in league, 2007 5-2 3rd in league. No championships, but they have been very competitive. Trust me, they wouldnt be winning championships in the SOC either with Wheelersburg winning most, Minford, Valley, West and Waverly have all been strong in the past.

The SVC is comparable with most leagues in most sports, football probably being the weakest out of the boys sports, IMO. SVC baseball is very good, basketball and track also good. Of course, this is just my opinion! lol
How many times have we made the playoffs?
I just feel that Piketon has turned into an anti football school. Meaning that everyone in the community seems to care about all other sports instead of football.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by bengalfan76 »

Leave Piketon right where we are. The league is fine. If there is any addition I feel they should add enough teams to go to two divisions

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by shoelace »

I agree with Bengalfan76.....only expand if you can go to a big / small school setup

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by Xtoxxviii »

Here is the solution – consolidation !

Go from seven schools in Ross County Down to three.

The new revamped SVC would be:
Ross Northern
Ross Unioto
Ross Southern
Vinton County

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by eagles73Taylor »

Xtoxxviii wrote:Here is the solution – consolidation !

Go from seven schools in Ross County Down to three.

The new revamped SVC would be:
Ross Northern
Ross Unioto
Ross Southern
Vinton County
Ross Unioto! Bwahahahahahahahahaha! love it, but dont think whomever you would add to the school would! lol

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by JohnKnight »

Pretty gutsy post from an anonymous poster, Tiger71 You think I am the worst ever, huh. You are welcome to your opinion but has nothing to do with THIS thread.

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Re: SVC Expansion - Thoughts/Debate

Post by datchillicav »

The SVC is fine as is. The ONLY school that would ever make sense would be Waverly and they are perfectly fine where they are. Chillicothe will NEVER be in the SVC. well...not in our lifetimes anyway. Chillicothe has never played against a single SVC school in football. Do you really think they would go from being to good(sorry but I don't believe in sugarcoating) to ever play a single school, to joining the league and playing all of them every year? Never happen. Football and Basketball(85% football, 10% basketball 5% all other sports) drive decisions as far as leagues go and those are the two sports where it would NEVER happen. The SVC is perfect as is from a logistical standpoint. The only thing it needs, is an arms race if you will. Two schools, start building a football program at the same time and that will pick up the competition level of the whole league over time. I know Westfall has a great program and Piketon has a great program in basketball but if another school or two rose up and started challenging those guys every year it would really raise the league as a whole. Then it would truly be a perfect league.

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