I've had several new teams contact me about playing. The format will stay the same with teams playing 2 and officating 1. Games are 20 min. segments. Play will begin at 6:00 and finish at @ 8:30/9:00.
I've talked to a lot of coaches about playing in the summer league and I ask that you please email me to confirm your spot. ( [email protected] )
Jackson Summer league information
Jackson Summer league information
Last edited by J.Martin on Thu May 12, 2011 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Jackson Summer league information
What nights are you planning on playing and when are you starting? Portsmouth Clay would like to play.
What nights are you planning on playing and when are you starting? Portsmouth Clay would like to play.
Re: Jackson Summer league information
What is your email? Coal Grove will be playing... Thanks my email is [email protected]