Old School
Old School
Maybe I,m old school, but I think there needs to be respect for the game and your opponents. Last night, our girls lost to a very good softball team that won by playing basic fundamental ball. After the game they went out and started dancing on pitcher's mound. I feel this is really disrepectable. I coach softball and would never allow this to happen. Again maybe I'm old school, but I do my best to have my girls respect the game and players. If they start laughing at the other team, I shut it down. I tell them that the other girl is trying and give some respect and also she may be the next one to make a mistake.
- footballfanatic1
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Re: Old School
I don't think its old school. I think its called good sportsmanship. As the old saying goes ACT LIKE YOU'VE BEEN THERE. But there again i'm older and from a different era of sports.
Re: Old School
I have no problem with the celebration, they earned it. I had a problem with where it was done. It like celebrating at center court or the 50 yard line. I been coaching 15 years and with each passing year it seems to get worse. They say in society things happen in cycles, I hope we are at the worst end and things will get better.
- footballfanatic1
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Re: Old School
Don't get me wrong. I say when you accomplish something celibrate it. But just a win..... come on. Act like you've been there.
But there again they are just teenagers.

But there again they are just teenagers.

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Re: Old School
if it's your intent to inflame , then go for it, especially if it's a tradional rival . You dance in a rival's circle on their home field you better understand it will repaid at the earliest possible date. Not cool in my book, celebrate ----yes, dancin' in the circle on the vistors turf is asking to be disliked. MD
- footballfanatic1
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Re: Old School
I've been involved with sports for a long time and one thing that i've learned is that when you do this sooner or later it jumps up and bits you in the butt. Remember you're only as good as your next game.
Re: Old School
I have to agree... I have no problem with celebrating, but in the circle..nah more disrespect being shown IMO.. and the attitude that alot of coaches are letting teams have... the lack of respect for each others players... ya its getting bad.... I truely do think that there is a total lack of respect being taught by coaches and parents for that matter... win, lose or draw show respect before during and after a game... IMO if you cant do that and show that then you shouldnt be on the field as a player or coach.... jmo
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Old School
I can't help but chime in on this topic. The celebration part doesn't really bother me (especially with a high stakes game). If a team has worked hard during the off season and in practice the natural overflow is going to be a lot of celebration after a big game victory. What does annoy me is the perpetual chatter and silly cheers that comes from the dugout with the entent to rattle the pitcher. It seldom does any good and quite frankly, if I were coaching, it would drive me nuts! I don't recall hearing this kind of thing from baseball teams. Am I being unreasonable? Celebrate but don't flaunt.
Re: Old School
lololol not laughing at you Pine Rider but I do kinda understand the cheer thing but that really doesnt bother me as long as the cheers are kept in line.... Idk high stakes game or not I guess since our girls have never been allowed to do the whole cheering on someone elses circle or field... they cheer for a couple seconds when the win happens and then its done there isnt anymore... they dont go out on the field or anywhere else just to the dug out for post game talk and then done.... I do agree Celebrate but dont flaunt..
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Old School
If I had to choose between not paying attention and leading cheers, I'm with you pal, I'll take the cheers. I guess I should look at it in a more positive light. It is a great filler when a game is getting boring. I do get a chuckle out of the ones that can get their voices real low and start chanting...rally,rally,rally.
Re: Old School
I think its kinda funny that we men probably between the ages of 35 and 55 (for the most part) are even thinking we might know whats going on inside the heads of these young ladies....lol.... probably dont want to know!! but hey my dd goes up to alot of her good friends that play for different schools and gives them a big hug and chat for a few before they board the bus and some may call that dissing her own team (its been said,trust me)but one thing i have learned is that no matter what these girls do the one constant is that at least we are on a softball forum talking about thse athletes who are not doing what seems to be the norm these days and not on one of those "help me ,my daughter is a teenage _______fill in the blank)and i dont know what to do next.
I say LET THEM DANCE all they want and just let them live in the good ole days that they havent yet come to relize..
I say LET THEM DANCE all they want and just let them live in the good ole days that they havent yet come to relize..
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Old School
Hey, just having some fun with all this. My kid (and others just like her) has developed some great friendships over the years with numerous girls from other schools around the area through athletics. She can walk away from a 10 run win or a 10 run loss with a great big smile on her face because she's having a great time. And you know what? So am I. I love watching her team play and I love watching them after the game goofing off and just being a teenage girl. Kudos to this forum because I like the interaction with others who feel the way I do.
Re: Old School
A good friend of mine has a chant about a porkchop and greese but mabey he will shed some light on that one....lol.."clearing voice and looking south)gahs4ever wrote:Our girls have organized cheers they do throughout the game which has everything to do with our girl coming up to bat and nothing to do with flaunting or showing up.
For example: when our #11 bats, the girls chant, "Youre the one 1 1, youre the 1 1, youre the one 1 1, youre the one!" When our #5 come sup, they chant, "Hey fiver, fiver, fiver; hey fiver get a hit....get a hit!"
There are chants for every girl. Frankly I dont see anything wrong with this and we arent the only team that does it. I would ten thousand times rather they be up at the dugout edge cheering on their team mate, than sitting around not paying attention.
But that's just me. To each their own!

- Riding the Bench
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Re: Old School
I'm still trying to figure out how chanting "peanutbutter jellytime" is supposed to help your hitter :122248bron99 wrote:A good friend of mine has a chant about a porkchop and greese but mabey he will shed some light on that one....lol.."clearing voice and looking south)gahs4ever wrote:Our girls have organized cheers they do throughout the game which has everything to do with our girl coming up to bat and nothing to do with flaunting or showing up.
For example: when our #11 bats, the girls chant, "Youre the one 1 1, youre the 1 1, youre the one 1 1, youre the one!" When our #5 come sup, they chant, "Hey fiver, fiver, fiver; hey fiver get a hit....get a hit!"
There are chants for every girl. Frankly I dont see anything wrong with this and we arent the only team that does it. I would ten thousand times rather they be up at the dugout edge cheering on their team mate, than sitting around not paying attention.
But that's just me. To each their own!
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Re: Old School
"Watermelon ...Watermelon .... Watermelon Rhine Look at the scoreboard and see who's behind ... YOU YOU YOU , while fan section points out the loser OR Bronc's fave ...
Pork Chop... Pork Chop Greasy Greasy WE BEAT YOUR TEAM EASY EASY .
A more appropiate cheer for Bronc that I saw during basketball in KY last fall that could be applied to softball as well -- after a big hit or play , this chant " THATS OUR FRESHMAN clap clap clap THATS OUR FRESHMAN clap clap clap.. " I'd like to hear that one ! MD
Pork Chop... Pork Chop Greasy Greasy WE BEAT YOUR TEAM EASY EASY .
A more appropiate cheer for Bronc that I saw during basketball in KY last fall that could be applied to softball as well -- after a big hit or play , this chant " THATS OUR FRESHMAN clap clap clap THATS OUR FRESHMAN clap clap clap.. " I'd like to hear that one ! MD
- Waterboy
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Re: Old School
When I see teams STAND and cheer on their teammates I tend to think they ARE a team. I would much rather my daughters team cheer than sit like "knots on a log" obviously not enjoying the game. As for the team that goes to the pitchers mound and "dances and cheers" after their win....well that's another story and I was very disappointed with the unsportsmanlike conduct that the display indicated. I would not want my daughter to be a part of a team that does not respect their opponents. Your character is only as good as what you practice.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Old School
In watching Chillicothe softball for some time, I enjoy hearing the cheers and seeing teams that are truly engaged in the game; in the dugout and out. There is one team that comes out to the visiting mound and writes the corresponding letter of their team on the pitcher's mound. That precipiates the home pitcher into grabbing a rake and erasing it while the other team is still dancing around the letter. That part of the celebration is probably not warrented because of the potential of a brew-ha-ha occuring. 99% of the time the cheers are classy and help promote an environment of competition which benefits both teams.
On a side note; I especially like the "freshman" chant.
On a side note; I especially like the "freshman" chant.
Re: Old School
Swamp fox is right, but it doesn't have anything to do with old school, it is just simple respect for the game and respect for others. If you win, yea, cheer , whoop it up, but dancing on the others mound, just shows lack of parenting and coaching. :12224
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Old School
[quote="#1 softball mom"]When I see teams STAND and cheer on their teammates I tend to think they ARE a team. I would much rather my daughters team cheer than sit like "knots on a log" obviously not enjoying the game. As for the team that goes to the pitchers mound and "dances and cheers" after their win....well that's another story and I was very disappointed with the unsportsmanlike conduct that the display indicated. I would not want my daughter to be a part of a team that does not respect their opponents. Your character is only as good as what you practice.[/quot
With all do respect, I wholeheartedly believe in cheering on you teammates. What annoys me, (call me a schtick in the mud) is the mindless chants that seem to never have a beginning or end and is usually blended with half the girls on the bench making a noise that makes me reach for another BC powder. It's O.K. though. If that's what gets them psyched, then that's alright. Just my humble opinion.
With all do respect, I wholeheartedly believe in cheering on you teammates. What annoys me, (call me a schtick in the mud) is the mindless chants that seem to never have a beginning or end and is usually blended with half the girls on the bench making a noise that makes me reach for another BC powder. It's O.K. though. If that's what gets them psyched, then that's alright. Just my humble opinion.