The middle school has a nice facility - although I'm not sure what effect the new Green Elementary has had on it. I know the old discus pit was down in that foot print.dazed&confused wrote: I fully understand your position. I would point out that a reasonable alternative exsts. Its at the middle school. Now I'm going to ask a pointed question. Not to slight T&F and soccer but how many people attend these events? And I wonder how much of the total sports revenue is generated by football. Just saying.......
But if you consolidate all T&F activities back into one venue you have scheduling and number issues between MS and HS programs. Remember - T&F is a numbers sport and trying to cram FOUR (MS boys and girls, HS boys and girls) huge teams into one venue causes a lot of problems.
Finally, one of the big advantages of the new HS is having virtually every Varsity venue onsite - I mean Cross Country is the "trip" having to go over to the golf course! Busing T&F athletes over to the middle school for practice everyday would be added cost as well (they used to bus out to the MS from the hilltop).
As to your revenue question, at this point, your argument is only relevant if a change at the Stadium would result in added revenue. The venue is bought and paid for. Football DEFINITELY is the biggest money maker by a distance. But unless you're going to INCREASE revenue by making a change, you're going to spend a lot of money without a corresponding revenue increase. Not sure that is helpful.
FWIW - I advocated a bleacher system that could sit over the track during football season but could roll behind the track for the winter and fall (Massillon has a system like this, although I think the front of their stands are just removed). I do believe the district looked into it, but decided it is cost prohibitive.