OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

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OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by 91raider97bobcat »


Highlights from the Board Meeting
- By a 5-4 vote, the Board approved a proposal from the Ohio High School Basketball Coaches Association to allow member schools to play up to 22 regular-season basketball games beginning with the 2012-13 season. Of note, the length of the season will not be expanded.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by surfsider »

About time. Texas has been playing close to 30 games for 30 years.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by Rvbballdude »

gahs4ever wrote:It doesnt matter how I feel because it's a done deal, but if they are going to play more games in the same time frame, that means they are taking away from practice time to play more games. Not a thing wrong with that because I believe most kids would rather play than practice, but it DOES add at least one more road game to the season in a time when most schools are having trouble meeting athletic budgets and on road trips in our league it ususally means getting home after 11 and often after 12 which could take away study time.

Not a biggie...just an observation.
If you add 2 more games 1 home 1 road it will mean more revenue for the school (if 500 people show up that means $2500) it don' cost $2500 to bus a team to a game. Our biggest problem is making up games with fowl weather

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by chef_piketon »

The Chef believes this is sad news. Its already a long season to begin with and making up games that get cancelled is a nightmare. The Chef feels it borders on exploitation really.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by trojandave »

Hallelujah!!!........LONG overdue in our state........more games for the kids is a good thing, because that's what THEY want to do........play games.

Many other states are playing 30-35 games, so there's no reason why Ohio can't do it......and those states face the same fiscal issues that Ohio does.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by TribeManiac10 »

Im all for increasing the number of games. I think it should be closer to 30 like the majority of other states do. Not sure about other schools but Peebles makes a boat load off home games so finacially im sure they wouldnt mind adding a few more to the schedule.
Last edited by TribeManiac10 on Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by mister b »

gahs4ever wrote:It doesnt matter how I feel because it's a done deal, but if they are going to play more games in the same time frame, that means they are taking away from practice time to play more games. Not a thing wrong with that because I believe most kids would rather play than practice, but it DOES add at least one more road game to the season in a time when most schools are having trouble meeting athletic budgets and on road trips in our league it ususally means getting home after 11 and often after 12 which could take away study time.

Not a biggie...just an observation.
Your points are well taken and I agree.

However, unless a conference would expand, these games would be nonconference. I would think that most teams, if they go to 22 games, would be playing teams that are very close or the teams that view themselves as above average will be looking for a tourney for these 2 games for some added competition.

A very valid point is made about trying to get the current 20 games in because of weather issues. Finding an open date is one thing, finding an open date that you can get some officials is a different story.

I am just glad the season's start/end dates are the same.

I also remember when the OHSAA went from 18 to 20 games.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by marklduckworth »

I think this should have been done years ago. All you are doing is taking 2 practices and making them games. Basketball is a long season, and the kids like to play games and the parents and fans like to attend games. This is a win, win decision in my opinion.

Having coached at the J.V. level for over 2 decades, I would also advocate the format that West Virginia uses for the 9th grade and J.V. games. They have played 8 minute quarters for many years. In Ohio we play 7 minutes and some leagues / schools like to play 6 minutes quarters. This has always been very frustrating to me. If 9th grade and J.V. games are designed to develop players, why would you want to cut down their playing time? Look at it this way....... 2 minutes a quarter is 8 minutes a game. 8 minutes a game over 20 games is 160 minutes of playing time. This equates to over 6 more games based on the 24 minute game time, or 4 games based on a 28 minute game time. Everyone is already at the gym and in place, why not let the kids play and develop? Can someone give me a negative to this?

What about the triple headers? I do not like them at all. It becomes a rush, rush situation for everyone involved. Families can not get to the games on the road, and some can't make the home games on time beacuse they start so early. We are forcing parents, grandparents, etc. to take sick days or vacation days to watch their child play. The end result is they just don't come and this is very sad. Boy/Girl freshman double headers starting at noon on Saturday makes more sense to me. Play 8 minute quarters, and let the kids play and develop. Attendance we greatly improve as more families will be able to attend. This will not effect J.V./ Varsity games being played later that evening.

These are just my thoughts after being involved in basketball at many levels for a long period of time. Decisions that are made in the best interest of kids and families are almost always the right decisions in my opinion.

Learning from other states makes sense to me. I think we still have more to learn when it comes to basketball in Ohio, but going to a 22 game schedule is a good start, and a good decision.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by chef_piketon »

The Chef would argue more isn't necessarily better. Especially in this repressed economy and gas prices high and parents/kids struggling to attend/participate as it is. The Chef understands the idea of more games more revenue but theres hidden costs in just having a game that go unnoticed by many. Cost of lights on, janitors for cleanup, security, and an even more strain on those who currently volunteer. The Chef would subscribe that football scheduling is right because there's only 10 games and fans know if they miss a home game when there's only 5 home games they have missed an opportunity but missing a basketball game doesn't have the same urgency. Then if teams are winning then there's even more urgency but if they're losing The Chef notices that about the only people that attend are some parents and support personnel. Support personnel don't generally pay to get in so the strain basically falls back onto the parents.

The players love games but ask most coaches and they'll say practice is just as important if not more in creating improvement.

Cramming games in at the end of the season due to cancellations is just horrible and makeup game attendances usually are scarce because the games are not well advertised, on off nights, and usually mean adding 3rd game to a week. If mom, dad, little sister or brother attend 3 games in a week means considerable $ investment. $6 times 3 attendees equals $18. Now get soda and some popcorn for all you're looking at $10 minimum. That's $28 so lets say $30 fir easy math times the 3 games in a week that's $90. Now add in some gas $ for getting to and from games. We'll use $25 and that's conservative. We're sitting at $115. This estimate is not counting supper out because you're gonna eat supper regardless if attending a game but more than likely you'll throw a pizza in there somewhere because everyone is hungry and it's late for one game.
One could go on and on about costs and The Chef thinks it will be the parents that end up ultimately paying for these 2 extra games.

The Chef guesses it comes down to the bottom $ of trying to make more money and The Chef sees it being at the expense of some group which is the parents who are struggling right now as it is. The Chef just doesn't buy it that adding 2 more games will make better players. May make more money on paper but at what expense? The Chef always subscribed to the philosophy quality over quantity when it comes to sports. The Chef just thinks its a slippery slope to start making decisions for high school athletics based on $. We all must remember this is high school not college or pros and thank goodness. Just The Chef's 2 cents, but in today's economy that would be about 4 cents.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by bengalfan76 »

Chef you are a wise man. Bingo

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by Grinder »

chef, what is up with the third person stuff? I don't think two more games a season is going to break anyone or take away from practice time. A school has to pay the janitors and light bill if they are practicing or playing a game, so I don't really see where that is an increase in expense. Most teams have about three scrimmages a year that they don't charge for and survive so I doubt two more games are going to break a school.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by chef_piketon »

All The Chef is trying to say and The Chef apologizes for rambling on and on but parents are under extreme strain right now financially and don't see anything letting up. Adding 2 more games will only add to the total bill and overall cost for participation. The point is it's additional and things are tight as it is. May make a few dollars more for some schools and The Chef believes thats arguable. Here in Pike County we're looking at 14-15% unemployment and the surrounding counties in SE Ohio are comparable. The Chef closes by saying this is one of those ideas that looks good on paper, but in the end will end up costing parents more $ especially those that have multiple children playing multiple sports.

Very interesting debate though.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by surfsider »

What's wrong with playing a local rival 4 times a year, twice at each floor?

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by Winchell »

If anything, they should have shortened the season by 2 games, not lengthen it. Basketball is already about a 6 month season, not counting summer stuff. To top it off, they haven't bumped up the start date. This is the proverbial straw stirring the drink. Northern coaches want more games and this is their way of inching closer to 30. Tragic if you ask me.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by nice guy »

basketball season takes forever. you would think the level of play would be better as much as they play today. it seems to get worse.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by danicalifornia »

I like it, but crack is right. At least in most areas of our district, the level of play has dropped in the last couple of years. Hopefully it will just a cycle and will be on the upswing very soon.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by oneoak »

I would like for these two additional games to be used for a holiday tournament with Jackson, Oak Hill, Vinton County and Wellston.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by lrn4lf »

The 22 games schedule is not mandatory! If there are teams that want to travel to a holiday tourney or host a tourney this will give them the opportunity to do so!!! I think it is great and it has been a long time coming!! Good for the kids!!

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by surfsider »

Would like to see the OHSAA eventually go with a 30-game schedule. Less practices means more game nights. Perhaps just play 20 reserve games and on the other nights throw in a girls game preceding the boys game.

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Re: OHSAA approves 22 game schedule beginning in 2012

Post by Diehard Fan »

marklduckworth, this just means you will have more technicals during the season and could end up being a suspension of coaching again. Plus Warren cant even bus there kids to school for a education and you must think basketball is more important than an education. I say do away with the sports at WARREN and get the kids the propper educaction in these economic times. At least do away with JV BASKETBALL and let VARSITY GIRLS AND VARSITY BOYS play on same night. This would save the district thousands of dollars.

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