Gallia Academy Bands

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Gallia Academy Bands

Post by Spider1 »

Mr. John Seals has officially joined Band Director Andy Sigman as the new Middle School/Assistant HS Band Director at Gallia Academy. This bodes very, very well for the future of the program from 6th-12th grade. While the marching band (9-12) will still be in the 50-60 range for the next 2-3 years, look for the band to grow rapidly after that.

With these #'s and quality instruction in place for the 2011-2012 school year, and beyond, the future looks "Superior" For Gallia Academy!

6th: 100+
7th: 50+
8th: 20+
9-12 Symphonic Band 70+; Jazz 25+; Marching 50+

Good luck to the "Blue Devils", Mr. Sigman, Mr. Seals and all the Bands in SE Ohio.

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Re: Gallia Academy Bands

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

I would love to see the band get back to the numbers when I was coming up, unsure of precise numbers but were much larger back then.
Before home football games the band would march from the band room south on 4th to court then east to 2nd ave, up 2nd to Cedar then back across Cedar to the North End of the football field, it was great!

know all
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Re: Gallia Academy Bands

Post by know all »

i hope the horns are clean ,i got mono from it last year.

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