Logan Applies to OCC

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by moonshine »

1987chieftains wrote:
footballfanatic1 wrote:is it really cost??????? or distance traveled????? not so sure?
what else would it be?
Strange, but I agree with "87" on this one!

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

I agree with noreply,,if they don't make a move they could be the only one left or just them and Gallia which would be a scheduling nightmare for the poor AD... I was one who thought they would never leave the seoal but with the league shrinking down guess you can't blame them much,I remember back in the 80's it was down to 5 teams i believe and we must have traveled a million miles to fill the schedule against some powerhouse teams,that was a very difficult transition period....

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by 4thnpine »

ole_Bobcat wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:I never saw Logan in the MSL and I too have sources in Logan. But even as I was being assured of this last winter, I remarked to Jottings that he didnt say Logan wasnt leaving the SEOAL. He only said the MSL was not the place.

This makes sense.
Not to be picking on anyone 4Eva but I remember your remark when someone said Logan was leaving being" Logan isn't going any where" I don't know how far back these threads go if you look it up, I am positive. (: Because i was surprised that someone from Gallia would comment so sternly on this subject?
ole_Bobcat wrote:
Tobias wrote:Make an SOC III division with Portsmouth, Jackson, Gallia Academy, Ironton, etc.

First off Ironton isn't going to join a league!

in one post you call out someone from Gallia commenting on Logan moving/not moving leagues yet in the very next post you, from kyger crick, comment so strongly that ironton is not joining a league.............. POT, MEET KETTLE.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by West Side Pride »

Tobias wrote:Make an SOC III division with Portsmouth, Jackson, Gallia Academy, Ironton, etc.


Would love to see P-town in SOC 2, Maybe if the SEOAL does indeed fold that may happen someday.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I wonder who Logan would schedule in non-league games?

I'm sure that Logan and NY will play from time to time. Probably some of the former SEOAL schools as well. Maybe New Lex once in awhile since that was also a big former rival.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by RationalVoice »

Logan gonna "cut 'n run"?

If so, I thought they might jump straight to the Big Ten, as good as they are.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

I sure hope they keep Lancaster on the schedule for non-league,that's a big gate who's close by and almost always tough for Logan to win prepping them for the season,I personally would love to see them play Sheridan some day in a non league game,that would be a big gate and not far away and they almost always play very competitive scrimmages but it takes two to tango...

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by noreply66 »

RationalVoice wrote:Logan gonna "cut 'n run"?

If so, I thought they might jump straight to the Big Ten, as good as they are.
if the other wilbur didn't cut and run everything wouldn't be LIKE it is

Michigan was the only one that voted for us to come in

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by wipala »

Logan and Chilli moving is a good thing for them, IMO,,however the SEOAL would be short lived..but who in their right mind thought they would see Nebraska in the Big 10? High school football will survive in seohio and elsewhere..but the landscape will be so much different..I think the SOC will finally give PHS the green light in the next 2-3 years,,,JIMO,,,money, or money to be made, is just too big of an issue..closer games, less expense and bigger gates--in basketball as well..time will tell...wipalawalt

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by LucasJackson »

gahs4ever wrote:Ironton doesnt have trouble joining leagues.....they just have a problem STAYING in leagues; sometimes leaving as many as three times!
Ah another stab at Ironton. All those years Ironton was padding the athletic accounts of SEOAL schools, I never heard a complaint. I don't hear anyone from Gallia crying when we routinely outdraw the Devils at their own facility. You may have a problem with Ironton, but your AD certainly does not. Three times leaving? How many times did they join? Wonder why? Cha Ching!

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by fightingtigers45 »

Dinocrocetti wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:Ironton doesnt have trouble joining leagues.....they just have a problem STAYING in leagues; sometimes leaving as many as three times!
Ah another stab at Ironton. All those years Ironton was padding the athletic accounts of SEOAL schools, I never heard a complaint. I don't hear anyone from Gallia crying when we routinely outdraw the Devils at their own facility. You may have a problem with Ironton, but your AD certainly does not. Three times leaving? How many times did they join? Wonder why? Cha Ching!
Couldnt have said it better myself.

Also, is it still a "league" when there are only four teams?

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by Chieftain »

A league can be 3 teams--

the Steel Valley League was left with only 3 teams in football after all the others pulled out , but that left Warren Harding, Youngstown Cardinal Mooney and Youngstown Ursuline to slug it out for the title for 10 more years.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

Dinocrocetti wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:Ironton doesnt have trouble joining leagues.....they just have a problem STAYING in leagues; sometimes leaving as many as three times!
Ah another stab at Ironton. All those years Ironton was padding the athletic accounts of SEOAL schools, I never heard a complaint. I don't hear anyone from Gallia crying when we routinely outdraw the Devils at their own facility. You may have a problem with Ironton, but your AD certainly does not. Three times leaving? How many times did they join? Wonder why? Cha Ching!
Ironton has never "out drawn" GAHS in Gallipolis! Simply a false statement!

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by 1987chieftains »

GalliaGrad78 wrote:
Dinocrocetti wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:Ironton doesnt have trouble joining leagues.....they just have a problem STAYING in leagues; sometimes leaving as many as three times!
Ah another stab at Ironton. All those years Ironton was padding the athletic accounts of SEOAL schools, I never heard a complaint. I don't hear anyone from Gallia crying when we routinely outdraw the Devils at their own facility. You may have a problem with Ironton, but your AD certainly does not. Three times leaving? How many times did they join? Wonder why? Cha Ching!
Ironton has never "out drawn" GAHS in Gallipolis! Simply a false statement!
the last time they came to LOGAN they may have had about 60 ppl on the vistors side :roll: a side that holds 2000 ppl.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by GAHS83 »

I assume you're talking about Ironton. GA had a pretty good crowd at Logan last year.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by 1987chieftains »

sorry, yes ironton. and i didnt count they're band.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

That would make it about 80,,they must have knew they would get their hats handed to them that night so I don't blame them for not making the trip....

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC


C-Bolt wrote:I sure hope they keep Lancaster on the schedule for non-league,that's a big gate who's close by and almost always tough for Logan to win prepping them for the season,I personally would love to see them play Sheridan some day in a non league game,that would be a big gate and not far away and they almost always play very competitive scrimmages but it takes two to tango...
yea c-bolt that would be good getting sheridan on the schedule as a non league game. sheridan always plays tough. just hope ole coach culver sticks around. hes a good one.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by indianabuck »

I think everyone needs to get all the facts from Logan before assuming the are jumping to the MSL or the OCC. Maybe they had people there just to get information, maybe they are not going anywhere. Newspapers are known to see people there are think they are joining and wanting to get a story.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by LucasJackson »

GalliaGrad78 wrote:
Dinocrocetti wrote:
gahs4ever wrote:Ironton doesnt have trouble joining leagues.....they just have a problem STAYING in leagues; sometimes leaving as many as three times!
Ah another stab at Ironton. All those years Ironton was padding the athletic accounts of SEOAL schools, I never heard a complaint. I don't hear anyone from Gallia crying when we routinely outdraw the Devils at their own facility. You may have a problem with Ironton, but your AD certainly does not. Three times leaving? How many times did they join? Wonder why? Cha Ching!
Ironton has never "out drawn" GAHS in Gallipolis! Simply a false statement!

Absolutely not a false statement. The same year that their split the pot was won in a world record 10 seconds by someone in the press box, ironton had many more fans that Gallia. Given that gallia was way down that year, but still a true statement.

also true is the statement given by the Logan fan. The last time ironton went to Logan, Ironton only had about 100 folks there. Another great reason, for Logan, that ironton dropped out of the league. They dont have to bring their 70 to ironton and Ironton doesnt have to bring their 100 to Logan.

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