Logan Applies to OCC

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by Chieftain »

All I'm reading only confirms what I've been told by folks in Logan that I still talk with. The info they give me has always been good. The only difference is a denial of the OCC Commish's position being cited in the Dispatch as saying Logan has applied. The situation is ongoing and with all I talk to down there, the strong belief is Logan is indeed leaving. Question is how soon and which league. The OCC Commish apparently thinks Logan did apply & said so, but if they didn't and aren't interested, there are funny remarks in the paper that leave them the option of joining if they wish. If this is the "infamous" VOTE of CONFIDENCE in the SEOAL, I'd start looking for packed bags as an indicator.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

Well as we learned from the Hocking College Trustee scandal recently, we can't always believe what the people in charge are telling the media or anybody else for that matter, but like noreply mentioned earlier they better pull the trigger or there might not be a league left for them.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by Chieftain »

Just got an e-mail -- deny all they want. Heres the problem -- Logan can't control what the other league emembers do and its a fluid situation with Chilly, Jackson & Warren all looking at their options and talking to other leagues while Portsmouth will look if needed . Logan, who acknowledges the OCC has at least contacted them ( as they deny they applied), is in a position they can't afford to alienate the OCC or turn down an offer and I'm told a 5th Division is almost assured. Most consider the OCC the quality league of choice and many of the MSL members will head to the new OCC 5th Division when formed. Logan may wish to make a public declaration of not leaving, but the handwriting says it all -- SEOAL days may be numbered with more defections, Logan can't afford to alienate the OCC and so read between the lines. I give Logan a couple of years yet in the SEOAL. After that..........................

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

noreply66 wrote:Lets say Logan goes Independent----Who would want to play us?
Well theres always teams like Dayton Dunbar and Cadiz who played us back in the 80's when were were pretty much independent with all the teams that bolted the league,nice little road trips that Logan could revisit in the future

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by blackshooky »

there is no cadiz high school anymore, part of a consolidation which is now known as harrison central

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

noreply66 wrote:Lets say Logan goes Independent----Who would want to play us?

I'm not the AD, nor am I close to him, but I would wager that GAHS would still want to schedule Logan in all sports.

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by C-Bolt »

Since the AD has close ties to Gallia I would suspect Logan would want to keep playing GAHS and One Admin actually told me they want to keep playing Jackson also...

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Re: Logan Applies to OCC

Post by cavalierfan1995 »

this is why i love the seop so much sand gets kickked around you can build a sand castle

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