Best pay lake in Scioto County?

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Riding the Bench
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Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by seven40 »

I'm getting a little discouraged at not catching anything at the dam lately, and I'm going to try out a local pay lake. Any opinions on which lakes around here stock the best fish?

I haven't been to Cliff's Lake in over 14 years, and I never really caught anything there back then. I've never been to Bloom Lake or Teays Valley. I'll primarily be catfishing, but I might throw a bass line in if they are biting.

Any input is appreciated.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


Best advice is to leave Scioto Co and go to Sky Lake In chesapeake or Hickory Grove in Winchester. The biggest fish are at Hickory Grove it takes a 50 to 100 pounder to win big fish of the week. I was there 2 weeks ago and a 108 pounder was caught. Rob the owner also owwns the fish truck that sales fish to alot of other lakes and he keeps the big ones for his lakes. At sky lake you will catch more fish but around 15 to 25 pounders. Let me know if u need more info on them.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by seven40 »

Edit. Found their website at:

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by BigBlueNation »

seven40 wrote:I'm getting a little discouraged at not catching anything at the dam lately, and I'm going to try out a local pay lake. Any opinions on which lakes around here stock the best fish?

I haven't been to Cliff's Lake in over 14 years, and I never really caught anything there back then. I've never been to Bloom Lake or Teays Valley. I'll primarily be catfishing, but I might throw a bass line in if they are biting.

Any input is appreciated.
The fish were late getting on the nest this year in the river so they are late coming off but it should be starting to pick up on the big fish bite as for a good paylake in scioto county there is none Bloom is probably the better of the 2. Sky lake is a pretty good lake and is the nicest one you will find in our area Hickory grove has the most big fish but it is hard to fish without knowing the lake it is very shallow and has alot of little deeper potholes that the fish pile up in and if you dont know were they are it makes it tough to catch fish sometimes dont be discouraged on the river it is about to pick up on the big fish bite.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


Did you try any pay lakes and how did you do? My brother was at sky lake yesterday and they were bitting pretty good. they caught7 all around the 20 pounds range.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by seven40 »

I ended up going to one paylake and not catching anything (Bloom). I stuck with the dam last year and did well towards the beginning of September. Caught quite a few big hybrids and did well all winter long catching sauger. I caught quite a few hawgs sauger fishing.

I finally got another boat and have been tearing up crappie and bass so far.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


Where u catching Crappi and Bass at?

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


Went to sky lake last night i caught 4 catfish. my son caught 1 his buddy caught 1cThe biggest one was 90 pounds, caught by my sons buddy. It was his first time fishing a pay lake.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by Old*rocket »

Ozzie, can u give me some info about teays valley pay lake think its in minford.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


Never heard of it.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


I just typed it in on Facebook and its showing right in Minford. I didnt know it was there.

JV Team
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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by Old*rocket »

Talking to some guys that fishes it they said it has a lot of 40 plus pounders in it. Think they said its been open for 2 years,and they have a second pond that is full of monster bass. The directions they gave me were 32 to 335 to minford the lakes r on the right before u get to the baseball fields. They couldnt remember the name of road but there is a big sign on 335 that has teays valley pay lake. Going to drive out there to see if I can find it.

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?


I must apoligiez, I do know the lake just didnt relize it was called Teays Valley. I havent catfished there but you can catch all the Bass Crappi and blue gill you want. Im not sure if they have a limit because I catch and release. Its 10 dollars to fish and you catch one about every cast there are some huge crappi in there. The biggest bass i have seen is about 3 pounds. Its on germany piketon road less than a mile from st rt 335

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Re: Best pay lake in Scioto County?

Post by Old*rocket »

I found it yesterday, talked to people that run it they told me they put catfish in lake last year all channels 10 pound and under. So the guys telling me about it must of fed me a line about the big flatheads. Did try one of there pizzas got to say pretty good. Would be a nice place to take the kids.

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