Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by spectator »

No excuses Wahama boys played well & Southern didn't play that well at won on your home court by 2 in OT. Southern won on their home court by 19! But that doesn't change the facts about Rex Young. Seen it happen to many times.

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by Falconfanatic »

I don't think you have ever seen any Wahama fans refer to your team as "the miserable likes of Southern" in football or any other sport. I resent the players from Wahama being talked about like that. These are high school kids! They are playing a game. Sure we want our team to win. But you do not need to adjectives like you did in describing your feelings about Wahama or any other team. Most of the boys on the Wahama team spent three weeks after football season preparing for the football playoffs and could not get to work on their basketball skills. That explains the loss to Southern in the first game. Please act like an adult if you indeed are one and refrain from using such language about one of your opponents. Both teams played hard and Wahama won. If you have a gripe about Rex Young, which many Wahama fans do not like either, register them with the school or the league officials. Posting your feelings on a message board does nothing but cause hard feelings and show that you are a sore loser. Sorry but facts are facts.

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by Golfer101 »

I can't believe their principal that got throwed out of G town didn't ref. He was calling balls and strikes last year when his boy was pitching. I guess if you can marry your sister in WV you can ref your son's game. :lol:

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by The Dog »

Buckeyedi2003 wrote:I don't think you have ever seen any Wahama fans refer to your team as "the miserable likes of Southern" in football or any other sport. I resent the players from Wahama being talked about like that. These are high school kids! They are playing a game. Sure we want our team to win. But you do not need to adjectives like you did in describing your feelings about Wahama or any other team. Most of the boys on the Wahama team spent three weeks after football season preparing for the football playoffs and could not get to work on their basketball skills. That explains the loss to Southern in the first game. Please act like an adult if you indeed are one and refrain from using such language about one of your opponents. Both teams played hard and Wahama won. If you have a gripe about Rex Young, which many Wahama fans do not like either, register them with the school or the league officials. Posting your feelings on a message board does nothing but cause hard feelings and show that you are a sore loser. Sorry but facts are facts.
Who gives a ratsass about football? Truth is back in the day when we almost won the whole danged state Wohamma wouldnt even schedule us. We didnt want to play there sarry arses then, and shoulnt be playin em now. Alls they do is cheat to win and cry when they lose. If we want to get back to the days of almost champs we need to stop playin these sarry teams and play some good ones,

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by Falconfanatic »

The correct spelling of the word you used to describe Wahama is s-o-r-r-y. Did you learn that at SHS? LMAO!!!!!!

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by cool cucumber »

Buckeyedi2003 wrote:The correct spelling of the word you used to describe Wahama is s-o-r-r-y. Did you learn that at SHS? LMAO!!!!!!
That wasn't even a little funny, let alone enough to laugh your a-s-s off.

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Re: Southern @ Wahama Tues, Jan 24

Post by Fan-o-Southern »

Let's move on.

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