There is only one player on the team that is not from oak hill and im sure she has went to oak hill since jr high.PHSfan14 wrote:Hard to beat teams who recruit year after year...
Peebles vs Oak Hill
Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
That's not true at all....Talked to a few people from Oak Hill last night myself...Said pretty much there main players are all transfers and that is why a lot of the kids who play junior high ball at Oak Hill don't end up playing high school....Little old Oak Hill having all that talent year after year...Come on Man.... Congrats to Doug Hale..he is a fine recruiter
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Would love for you to explain a little more. I am excited to hear this wonderful information of what schools you think they transferred from. browns30 is correct only one player on this year's roster came from another school and that was in 7th grade.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Keep up the great recruiting....Year in and out Oak Hill seems to have all this talent...Come on Man..Kids driving to little old Oak Hill from the county and counties nearby...Hale reminds me of Coach Cal at UK....great recruiter..
Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Peebles handled the press better than most thought that they would. They didn't "dominate" it and Oak Hill didn't "dominate" Peebles with it. Peebles simply lost to a better team last wrote:The Lady Oaks press is killing them !! Peebles have went cold, not looking good for them !! GO OAKS !!
One positive for the lady indians is the number 0; They graduate 0 players from this team. Expect them to battle and compete next year, with high expectations. Next season looks very promising for Peebles basketball.
Best of luck to OH on their tournament run.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
PHSfan14 wrote:Keep up the great recruiting....Year in and out Oak Hill seems to have all this talent...Come on Man..Kids driving to little old Oak Hill from the county and counties nearby...Hale reminds me of Coach Cal at UK....great recruiter..
Here we go... Obviously you can't name any other player on the team that came from another school or you would be doing just that.
I think he did start recruiting number 10 pretty early on though.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
I dont need to name players...You know as well as I do that looking back (past 10 yrs) Oak Hill has got recruit after recruit...Come on Man....Players who don't live in the school district ..GO TO SCHOOL AT OAK HILL..that is a it because of a better education? it because of work? it because of basketball..YES....I'm just saying its hard to beat a team that gets all the best players from the surrounding area
- fightingtigers45
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Oak Hill's only true transfer of the last several years graduated in 2010. This coming from a fan of one of their girls basketball rivals.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Right...Im sure they all have lived in Oak their entire lives.....Come on Man...RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
I always love getting on this message board after a game to see whats new thats being said. It amazes me that some can even sit up and type this nonsense due to their lack of spine. But thats the beauty of a message board, you have that safety and security to say whatever you like about these KIDS without having to look anyone in the eye and actually say it. To me that's the epitome of what makes a coward. When youre on top theres always some bottom feeders trying to tear you down. Say what you like about our fans, believe me we can handle it. Ive not missed an Oak Hill game in several years. What I can say about our fans is atleast we get out and support out kids. I dont have any children playing as is the case with many, but we still pack the stands coming to your schools paying admission and eating at your consessions stand. More games than not the opposing team doesnt have 10 people in the stands. Sad. If you'd like to know more about each player on out team, come find me, Im the little bald fella half court half way up and Im more than happy to tell you about each child. But dont sit on a message board spouting off about kids. Its classless and weak. I dont consider a child thats never worn the jersey of another school and been in our system since 7th grade a recruit. If you do, no one really cares. Thats the beauty of it. But its pitiful that adults run their mouths, well fingers, the way they do about children. How many of the people than run these girls down ever attach a name to their statements? I havent seen any. Ive seen many excuses as to why they cant. Its no secret at all who I am. But if you dont have the testicular fortitude to say it to someone, dont type it about them.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
For the sake of convo lets say the the seniors are the main players. 1 has been at oak hill since 7th grade. One is the coaches daughter, which I can say since I know his entire family, all life long oak hill. And the other senior, I was present for her birth, so Im pretty sure she wasnt recruited. The other 2 starters parents I went to high school with. Now Id call the few people you talked to from oak hill last night liars, but either they dont exist or they werent from oak hill. But look me up at a game, Ill be happy to introduce you to their parents and grandparents, that way you dont look like youre spreading false info and can set the record straight. Just walk to half cout and yell for pfunk or Ryan Potter, if I dont hear ya someone will help ya out my friend. God BlessPHSfan14 wrote:That's not true at all....Talked to a few people from Oak Hill last night myself...Said pretty much there main players are all transfers and that is why a lot of the kids who play junior high ball at Oak Hill don't end up playing high school....Little old Oak Hill having all that talent year after year...Come on Man.... Congrats to Doug Hale..he is a fine recruiter
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Dont need to talk to you nor do I care to...Glad you support recruiting....Keep getting players to transfer especially in jr high so it looks better....I haven't once talked bad about any other the girls..not once...Just simply stating the it what you want
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Exactly what I thought. If you didnt care, you wouldnt be on a message board whining.......just saying
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- fightingtigers45
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
The Melvin twins have been at Oak Hill since 2nd grade. Doug Hale must have a really good eye. He recruited them early... 

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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
Your missing the point...Why do people move to Oak Hill year after year?....I did catch Hale at a few biddy ball games last year....Your right...He does start the recruiting early
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
when you have a VERY successful program girls (and boys) seek you out. Whats the coach supposed to say " you are not welcome" I see it at every school that is highly successful , sometimes its just a matter of a kid wanting to be part of something big. and no one is really at fault. Certainly not Oak Hill at this point. You got beat. live with it. MD
Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
PHSfan14 wrote:Your missing the point...Why do people move to Oak Hill year after year?....I did catch Hale at a few biddy ball games last year....Your right...He does start the recruiting early
why do you care if the school recruits or not? why does it matter?? every coach always has his eye out for talent and if the PARENT decides to move to oakhill then thats all them....peebles had a really talented group of young ladies this season and hopefully they will stay together. you getting on here and whininning about oakhill isnt doing anything for peebles. fact-coach hale is one of the better coaches in the tristate area-his record speaks for itself. oakhill won this battle. peebles should use this game and see where they need to improve inorder to be better for next season.
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Re: Peebles vs Oak Hill
I'm not whining at all...Oak Hill has better players than Peebles..Oak Hill was the favorite and they won...I'm saying that Oak Hill recruits..and they it or not...Why does it matter? Really? They do have that right but it's not fair at all....