TVC - All League

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by vchoops »

A plan has been presented on two different occasions to the league administrators over the past few years that would prevent that split from happening. The coaches of the TVC want the process changed, but for whatever reason the powers that be refuse to do so.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by ssbball »

Once again, politics. Just like the All District voting. You put the coaches in a room and have them vote for player of the year or all district and they obviously want their girl to be it but if it is obvious that another player is better, do the right thing and vote for the player that is actually a better player. Don't just vote for your girl because she's yours. This person will know what I am talking about. It is a dis-service to these student athletes. How could anyone think a 4-17 team should have a player of the year? Come on! Just my opinions. Sorry.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by 93Bulldog »

How about letting some media personel enter into the voting ... Sports writers from Athens, Jackson, Marietta, Gallia, etc... etc... They watch just as many players/teams throughout the season.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by Super trooper »

That would be a great idea

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by Steely Dan »

Some people are not going to like what I have to say here, but, I'm going to say it. My children's participation in TVC athletics ended a few years ago with graduations, so I guess I can say whatever the Hell I want to say, and let the chips fall where they may.

Way too much, "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" amongst the coaches in this league when it comes to how voting is done. I agree with 93, let some of the media vote, and no more co- or tri- players of the year. ssball hit upon the politics, which certainly comes into play, but way too much "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" as well when it comes to voting. How else can you explain tri-player of the year in a six team league division, and a player of the year from a team that finished 4-6 in the league and tied for fourth place?

I shouldn't be too surprised. This is the same league that named a player all league a couple of years ago and she only played 30 seconds of basketball the entire season (ceremonial, on senior night, one possession). This is the only league I am aware of where making the all-league team can be viewed as a posthumous award, based on prior season's body of work. :roll:

Whenever the time comes around for the announcement of TVC all league basketball teams, for some reason, it conjures up images of the blond haired boy with very few teeth sitting on the front porch swing of that shack, with a banjo in his hands, if you get my drift :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Steely Dan on Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by ladyrocketfan »

What team was 4-17 and had a player of the year?

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by ladyrocketfan »

If your talking about the girl from Wellston she did lead the league in scoring, and player of the yr in the past hasn't been based on where your team finishes in the league.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by Super trooper »

No but if you lead the league in scoring but don't win more than 4 games you can't really be in the picture

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by ladyrocketfan »

Why should a player be punished for the way their team finishes in the league. Evidently some coaches didn't agree with your thinking.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by Ironman92 »

Not even speaking of the TVC but all-leagues around here.....why can't the coaches set an example and do what is right and vote for the best player? There is nothing difficult about this and it's always the right thing to do.

Everything is watered-down....from all-league to all-state. Not everybody is deserving. Having a player work their tail off for a coach, even all year around, does mean the kid is probably a very hard worker, reliable and likable....with life-long working skills to be very successful, but it doesn't mean they deserve the highest award. Going back about 15 years several idiot coaches made sure there were Co-POY in D3 SE was a girl named Jamie Lewis, the other was a very good player, but anyone who watched Jamie Lewis knows she was the best player around....that year I think she finished 3rd or 4th in Miss Ohio basketball.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by 93Bulldog »


Looking over the boys ALL TVC & the All district team ... Parsons & Carney are named TVC ALL league - but neither player was even mentioned on the all district team but Chris Saylor was?
L.B. remy was named to the all district team - but wasn't mentioned on the All-TVC team?

(For the girls)

Madison Davis (NY) was 2ND TEAM ALL DISTRICT ... But didn't make the ALL-TVC team?

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by bettis »

Same thing with Ellie Bostic from South Gallia got all district but not tvc.

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Re: TVC - All League

Post by vchoops »

93 bulldog,

The reason that happens is because the TVC pre determines the number of people that each school can have on all league based on where you finish. The coaches have been opposed to this for quite some time, but to no avail. So, sometimes a deserving player gets left off because there aren't enough spots alloted to that school. This year for example, Remy-VC, Jones-Alex, North-NY, Leurhman (sp??)-Athens probably could've all made cases if there were more kids taken. So, assuming there are no ties, the TVC Ohio gets like 10 or 11 spots, and there are no honorable mention. At the district level there they take 12 players plus honorable mention, so altogether you are looking at 20-22 players getting honored.

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