manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Ironman92 »

I never said three.

You only have to win by 1. I know what was meant....but this isn't soccer. Lol

Manchester 62
Eastern Pike 57

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Sanford. Not taking anything from Manchester, seen them play a couple times this year but there are no easy games this time of the year. There will be no blowout either way. This one will be a great game. Eastern behind with under a minute to go and wins by 2. Home crowd will be the sixth man in this one. 51-49 Eastern!
Ironman I get what your saying there. Lol

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by TribeManiac10 »

IndianFan4life wrote:Sanford. Not taking anything from Manchester, seen them play a couple times this year but there are no easy games this time of the year. There will be no blowout either way. This one will be a great game. Eastern behind with under a minute to go and wins by 2. Home crowd will be the sixth man in this one. 51-49 Eastern!
Ironman I get what your saying there. Lol
That little gym will be rocking. Manchester will bring a big/loud crowd and this game is in Eastern's backyard so im sure they will have a good following as well.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Ironman92 »

Will they have SE District officials?

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Golfer101 »

I'm telling you this game won't be close. Manchester +15 in the coaching department alone before the game even starts. The best coaching Eastern Pike had was in the parking lot before the tournament draw. Manchester has experienced players that have been here and they are battle tested, no cupcakes to get here. If they don't win by 20+ I will be surprised. I say Manchester 80 Eastern 54

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Ironman92 »

I don't know much of the Eastern Pike coach....but how have they won so many games if they are always in a 15 point hole before the game starts?

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by pantherdad »

As a purely, unbiased, unaffected by results observer...

Watched both teams yesterday. I know as well as anyone, you can't judge a team by one game at the Convo. Manchester beat SW...but South Webster had at least 15 turnovers, most of them un-forced. Still, of the 4 teams on the floor for D4 yesterday, the jeeps had the most pure talent. But Manchester beat them.

For the Eastern Pike/ South Gallia Eastern Pike didn't beat them by 25, I do not know. No doubt EP has better overall players, by South Gallia had more determination. Still, shouldn't have been close.

I will be surprised if Manchester doesn't win this game by 10 or more. Like I said, that is just a one game observance on a floor that tends to make good teams look mediocre at times.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Fred has the gift of seeing into the future I guess. Shoot give Manchester the state title already. News flash they still have to play the game. I would hate to see Manchester get beat, it would crush your world Fred. Manchester can be beaten, and as far as coaching it seems Coach Fitch has done ok to this point. But, I guess the Ohsaa just gave Eastern a bye to the regionals. How generous of them. Someone needs to let Eastern players know that there is no sense in them showing up cuz its already over. Eastern wins in a close one...51-49. They too are battle tested. The SHL don't have the only game in town. Go Eagles!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Pantherdad I agree with everything you said. I just think that EP played a bad game, and we're lucky to survive. But they didn't get here by chance. They still had to play, and win. I did say that this will be the most athletic team EP have played, but they played and won some pretty tough games this year. And, this one will be in their backyard. Should be an exciting game.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by mhsfrontrowfan »

It should be a good game. It sucks for Manchester that its at Waverly, right in EPs back yard. But if Manchester continues to bring the crowd that they have been, they will have the 6th man. As was previously stated though the Hounds can't overlook EP either.... Gonna take the hounds by 9 in a good game!!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Golfer101 »

Eastern Pike has only won one game all year against a non SOC school and that was yesterday against the 6th place team in the tvc hocking. I think it is payback time for Manchester for what all those soc coaches did to them. OHSAA didn't give them a bye to the regionals but the soc coaches did.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final


Can't wait til Tuesday, should b a great game game, hope to see all the eagle faithful at the downtown town arena supporting our team. Coach fitch will have the boys well prepared for the hounds and Chad "Bad" Lands will step up again for the eagles. Eagles 57-54

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Fred Sanford is the new Joe Lunardi of the SEOP. The rest of us will just have to wait until the game to see who wins. Good luck to my East Side Brethren from The West Side of Pike County! Go get em Eagles!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by onthepitch »

Word is Ticket prices will be $5, no parking fees, and reasonable concessions...$1 dollar popcorn > $4 popcorn at the convo. Waverly will be rocking and as smurray stated is very excited to host these 2 great DIV teams. Doors will open @5:30 with 7:00pm tip with a ticket to the ELITE 8 on the line.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by live4sport »

Sanford your gift of spewing uninsightful garbage is everything but refreshing. Blah blah blah Manchester wins because I know they will blah blah blah. So original. Say something worthwhile other than just being your teams designated cheerleader. Oh, no offense, you probably were a cheerleader after reading your wealth of basketball knowledge. I hope for EP that the Manchester team (not just cheerleaders) comes into that game as overconfident as you. I will let you in on a secret but don't tell anyone ( I know how you cheerleaders can be ;-) ) . . . there aren't any teams that make it to the regionals without being good. Not saying EP wins for sure but you are diluted if you do not allow for the posibilty. So when you go to sleep tonight and hop on your unicorn and ride over the rainbow to the dreamland where Manchester wasn't lucky by winning a close game played horribly by SW and were declared state champs last November just remember what I said about ALL teams being worthy. Having stated my unbiased opinion I say EP 56 Manch 50.

As far as your jabs at the coaching... I believe EP has won 2 SOC championships( 1 undefeated in conference play), 2 sectionals and a District title in the 4 (?) years they've had their coach. Yep, he must be a total idiot. :roll:

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Troy »

Manchester cannot win this game. Lands will carry Eastern to the Elite 8.

The SHL is overrated and Eastern will end the senseless dreams of the Manchester boys.

Eastern 63
Manchester 49

Manchester proved nothing by beating South Webster. South Webster beat themselves. A definite fluke.

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by HoundsAre4Real »

Eastern will win cause they play in the SOC!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by Eaglesnest »

Fred Sanford must be working at the same crack house that Streetballer is??? Crazy posts!

First of all, Congrats to theEastern Eagles in their first DISTRiCT TITLe in 22 years! Shame on any adult that would try to diminish that great accomplishment!

As to the game, I think Eastern can play with Manchester and if Lands and Pickett play big and one other player steps up, they could pull it off. Combs is an outstanding player and their point guard (???) really played well against Webster.

Manchester has been in this spot alot the last 4-5 years. THEY HAVE HAD A TON OF TALENT AND SIZE FOR D4! Lets see how well they do when they lose their seniors next season. Both coaches must be doing something right or they wouldn't be here. How many teams/coaches are watching. That is what playoff basketball is all about!

IMHO, South Webster had more talent than any of the 4 teams in the District tourney. You don't have to be better all the time, but just better on one night to advance!

Go Eagles!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Thanks Eaglesnest! I was starting to think I was the only one thinking that Fred was broadcasting from Never Never Land!

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Re: manchester@eastern pike d-4 regional semi final

Post by thebull »

Manchester should be the favorite but they still have to play well. This time of a year it only takes one bad game to be sent sent home. Hounds by 5.

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