Why do they only show the finals?
I mean, its the best thing they have on that channel ALL year ... Why not show the darn semi-finals too?
Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
Consider yourselves lucky. At least your cable company has STO. All I get is 4 ESPNs (not the ESPN the Ocho), NBCSN, FSN, Root Sports, but no STO.
- Posts: 4447
- Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:58 pm
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
I'd say the answer is fairly obvious. OHSAA and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Years past, they showed the semi-finals and the finals. A few years ago, when Northland won the championship, I watched the semi-finals and the finals on my laptop when I was on vacation in Florida. You can't do that now.
I'm guessing that the sharp decline in attendance for the semi-finals, when they were televised, killed the deal. The return-on-investment was negative for the OHSAA (what STO paid for the semi-finals was less than what the OHSAA netted with a full house for the semi's), so, you want to watch the semi's, go to Columbus.
Years past, they showed the semi-finals and the finals. A few years ago, when Northland won the championship, I watched the semi-finals and the finals on my laptop when I was on vacation in Florida. You can't do that now.
I'm guessing that the sharp decline in attendance for the semi-finals, when they were televised, killed the deal. The return-on-investment was negative for the OHSAA (what STO paid for the semi-finals was less than what the OHSAA netted with a full house for the semi's), so, you want to watch the semi's, go to Columbus.
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 131
- Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:09 pm
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
I know the year Piketon made the Final 4 I watched on the net......thought it was on OHSAA site not sure if they still do that but was nice since I could not make it to watch Piketon.
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
I remember Channel 4 out of Columbus had state tourney games on TV with OU's Jimmy Crum doing the announcing in the 50s and 60s. Later, if I remember correctly, Channel 55 (Ohio News Network) carrled all the games until STO took over.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 65
- Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:36 pm
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
Just four years ago when chillicothe was at state both games were televised live on sto.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 64
- Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2004 7:06 am
Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
I think it has to do with the OHSAA and attendance. I used to love the finals at St John Arena. It held 13,000. The schott holds, give or take, close to 19,000. A crowd of 11 or 12 thousand still looked almost full at SJA. That same crowd makes the schott look half empty. I'd love to see it move back to St John.