Coaching Vacancies

Riding the Bench
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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Snotnose »

If miggyt information is correct, as I've said before on here, good move for Huntington.
New SVC coaches next year according to this site:
Zane Trace - Kellough
SE - Strasbaugh
Huntington - Snyder

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Eaglemaniac »

First-time poster, but long-time reader...I just had to chime in on my Eagles. Coaching is definitely not the problem. Let me explain...Why did Howie leave Eastern? Lack of talent. He knew wins were going to be scarce and was not willing to re-build. Britton was ran out cause he could not coach...this past season he was head coach of the 6th ranked team in the state. Why? He had talent to work with. Hill comes in and has little success at first, but now things are starting to pick up a little. Why? Talent. Our eagles are good kids and play hard, but they have little to no talent in the game of basketball. Please don't confuse hard work and love for the game with talent. I believe that Hill and his staff does a great job with what they have and things are going to be better next season. Most of us know that there is a certain family that has been against everything that he has done. But, he has his supporters. I set up on the stage every winter and take it all in...

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Ground Buck »

Eaglemaniac wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 7:56 am First-time poster, but long-time reader...I just had to chime in on my Eagles. Coaching is definitely not the problem. Let me explain...Why did Howie leave Eastern? Lack of talent. He knew wins were going to be scarce and was not willing to re-build. Britton was ran out cause he could not coach...this past season he was head coach of the 6th ranked team in the state. Why? He had talent to work with. Hill comes in and has little success at first, but now things are starting to pick up a little. Why? Talent. Our eagles are good kids and play hard, but they have little to no talent in the game of basketball. Please don't confuse hard work and love for the game with talent. I believe that Hill and his staff does a great job with what they have and things are going to be better next season. Most of us know that there is a certain family that has been against everything that he has done. But, he has his supporters. I set up on the stage every winter and take it all in...
No coach wins without talented players. If you're wondering if your team has any talent look to see if Howie is interested in coaching at your school. That guy can sniff out talent like a blood hound on a bone. :mrgreen:

Disclaimer: This is all an opinion and I am therefore hoping we can still express opinions on this site without retort.
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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by E High »

Truth : Again , very good points and conversation . This is not about my school . This is about my experiences and conversations with many schools. The AD is usually most knowledgeable ,but at many schools now , they have little to no say . Too many board members or other administrators get involved and they usually have little knowledge . AD' s have coached and have to work with new coach . They should have the most say , but not today . Thus , we have many questionable hires and fires today . Good luck to all schools and communities !

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Truth&fiction »

E High wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 6:00 pm Truth : Again , very good points and conversation . This is not about my school . This is about my experiences and conversations with many schools. The AD is usually most knowledgeable ,but at many schools now , they have little to no say . Too many board members or other administrators get involved and they usually have little knowledge . AD' s have coached and have to work with new coach . They should have the most say , but not today . Thus , we have many questionable hires and fires today . Good luck to all schools and communities !
High, You bring up a point that I have not been close to but sound like you have . The process that I mentioned with a couple of changes is what I have been told is the norm and to me seems the correct one . All the schools that I have knowledge the AD consults with the Supt and like I said get a third ( usually the HS Principal)party to go over the applicants . The SB is not involved until an applicant has been chosen and the reason they were chosen is explained to the Board . A motion is made for hiring then is second by a Board member then a vote is conducted . The Board would have an option to not approve the applicant if a reason in brought forth. All is Public record that is conducted in an open meeting Forum . I agree that the AD SHOULD BE THE LEAD as you have indicated . The AD in most cases has been a Head Coach and is knowledgeable about that sport and that makes the hiring or should make it more successful . Not doubting anything you have said so my advice is as a person with knowledge with the schools you have experience with ask them what their process is and see if they are following it and does it need to be improved . It's been good conversing with you and You seem like you have some valid points and will enjoy your future posts . Just as you have said Good luck to ALL !!!!!

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by TVC »

Eaglemaniac wrote: Wed May 17, 2017 7:56 am First-time poster, but long-time reader...I just had to chime in on my Eagles. Coaching is definitely not the problem. Let me explain...Why did Howie leave Eastern? Lack of talent. He knew wins were going to be scarce and was not willing to re-build. Britton was ran out cause he could not coach...this past season he was head coach of the 6th ranked team in the state. Why? He had talent to work with. Hill comes in and has little success at first, but now things are starting to pick up a little. Why? Talent. Our eagles are good kids and play hard, but they have little to no talent in the game of basketball. Please don't confuse hard work and love for the game with talent. I believe that Hill and his staff does a great job with what they have and things are going to be better next season. Most of us know that there is a certain family that has been against everything that he has done. But, he has his supporters. I set up on the stage every winter and take it all in...
Great post. Mr Hill does know the game of basketball however he gets wrapped up in the game so much that he forgets to coach. I have seen him leave his best player on the court with 2 fouls a 7 point lead and 2 minutes left until halftime. I have also seen same player pick up 3rd foul with 30 seconds till halftime and still remain on the floor those final 30 seconds. Some of that blame should be shared with assistants for not making coach aware but the main blame should go on the head coach. That's coaching 101

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by route7 »

ball57 wrote: Tue May 16, 2017 5:17 pm
eaglekid14 wrote: Fri May 12, 2017 9:40 am
waverlytiger wrote: Fri May 12, 2017 9:40 am

Why does everyone want a new coach at Eastern?
Coach Skinner would make a great hire though
No one likes the coach here
Before we start bashing the coach let's make it clear that not everyone doesn't like the coach!!! There are a few kids and of course their parents who haven't supported him from day one!!! He has put together a great staff with both Coach Simpsons and Coach Lloyd. I think they would all voice their support for Coach Hill. I find it amazing that the other night at a baseball game I hear Coach Bowen talking to his players in a very crude manner. One of the people I was with even made the comment if that was Coach Hill he would be crucified!!! Fair is fair!!!
Maybe because coach Bowen is actually a good coach and his players look up to him and respect him. Coach hill is the complete opposite. He actually wants his kids to win and get better when all coach hill cares about is his ego and winning arguments with his players. Coach Bowen has beyond earned the top level of respect not just from his players but from every team and coaching staff they play. The polar opposite can be said for coach hill. When coach bowen gets on his player, it motivates them. That's the mark of a great coach and it's a gift that coach hill does not have.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by fidgetspinner123 »

coaching is just teribble softball went 12-3 thats terrible we really excel in polvolting

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Vike73 »

So is Reedsvile Eastern open ?

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Eaglemaniac »

Nobody is questioning Bowens ability to coach. I think h does a great job with baseball an would have made a good football coach as well. However, just as an observation over last several years, not many basketball players have played baseball. Plus it's not the same sport. Different athletes and difference in skills. Could Hill do a better job relating to his players, probably so. But it's not like the others don't have the same issues. I believe some wanted Bowen fired last season and in the past. My school needs to let the coaches coach and parents need to cheer on their kids and team.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Eaglemaniac »

No...Eastern is not open

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by ball57 »

Eaglemaniac wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 6:00 pm Nobody is questioning Bowens ability to coach. I think h does a great job with baseball an would have made a good football coach as well. However, just as an observation over last several years, not many basketball players have played baseball. Plus it's not the same sport. Different athletes and difference in skills. Could Hill do a better job relating to his players, probably so. But it's not like the others don't have the same issues. I believe some wanted Bowen fired last season and in the past. My school needs to let the coaches coach and parents need to cheer on their kids and team.
You are so right Eaglemaniac!! A few years ago there were parents/players who wanted Bowen gone also. Probably one of the reasons he didn't get the football position. Everything goes in cycles. I think we are very lucky to have the coaches we do especially being in such a small school. Just because the softball team loses isn't indicative of poor coaching. Parents, encourage your children to play and work hard whether they like the coach or not!! The real world is harsh!! That would be a lesson well learned!!! I was very unhappy with my football coach my junior and senior year!! He ended up teaching me some of the best lessons that I've relied on through life!!!

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by route7 »

ball57 wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 7:41 pm
Eaglemaniac wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 6:00 pm Nobody is questioning Bowens ability to coach. I think h does a great job with baseball an would have made a good football coach as well. However, just as an observation over last several years, not many basketball players have played baseball. Plus it's not the same sport. Different athletes and difference in skills. Could Hill do a better job relating to his players, probably so. But it's not like the others don't have the same issues. I believe some wanted Bowen fired last season and in the past. My school needs to let the coaches coach and parents need to cheer on their kids and team.
You are so right Eaglemaniac!! A few years ago there were parents/players who wanted Bowen gone also. Probably one of the reasons he didn't get the football position. Everything goes in cycles. I think we are very lucky to have the coaches we do especially being in such a small school. Just because the softball team loses isn't indicative of poor coaching. Parents, encourage your children to play and work hard whether they like the coach or not!! The real world is harsh!! That would be a lesson well learned!!! I was very unhappy with my football coach my junior and senior year!! He ended up teaching me some of the best lessons that I've relied on through life!!!
Bowen didn't get the football position because of politics and who has buddies on the school board

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Eaglemaniac »

If that is the case Route7, that is no more wrong than running Hill out because of some kids not liking him or parents. Keep the coaches we have in place and let them build.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by thedogg16 »

Eaglemaniac wrote: Thu May 18, 2017 6:00 pm No...Eastern is not open

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Tomkitty »

School Boards have almost no involvement in who is hired. It is presented to the board that a position is open and who is recommended for the position by the administrators. The board does not even know who the other candidates are. The only reason the Board votes is to ensure that the criteria for hiring has been met and try to ensure the candidate has been vetted properly. Typically, the Super, AD and Building Administrator conduct the interviews and choose the candidate. Now, you are getting to the heart of the issue. The Super and Building Administrator are typically not sports...they are academics and administrators. That is what they are hired to do. Educate and administrate. While the AD can be knowledgeable in 1 or 2, it is difficult to be knowledgeable in all sports.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Eaglemaniac »

Dogg, you make it sound like you know something...sure wish you'd share with the rest of us. I am not any person of importance, but I feel like I am "in the know" so to speak.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Jayski »

Who would Eastern get to replace Hill? Not saying he is not replaceable...everyone can be replaced...but does anyone have a replacement in mind? Has anyone spoke to Hill about their displeasure? Perhaps he would resign if he was aware of any "reasonable" actions that warranted such actions.

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by N2Hoops »

Who ended up landing the Federal Hocking position?

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Re: Coaching Vacancies

Post by Tomkitty »

Eaglemaniac wrote: Fri May 19, 2017 10:18 am Dogg, you make it sound like you know something...sure wish you'd share with the rest of us. I am not any person of importance, but I feel like I am "in the know" so to speak.
Absolutely not. Did not mean to imply that. I was just trying to clear up some confusion about Boards role in hiring coaches - and specifically the comments about Bowen not being football coach at Eastern. It has been several years ago, and I don't know either person so I have no idea why one person was picked over the other. I just know that the Board didn't decide. They would have only be given the recommended candidate's name.

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