Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

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Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by PopCorn »

I have never in all my days of attending my four children's sporting events have I witnessed such an obvious attempt by an official to influence a sporting event's outcome. The home plate umpire had every intention of making it a Notre Dame victory. The last two innings were embrassing and frustrating to say the least. He needs removed and banned for good.
As for the game, Notre Dame is a very good team. They and their fans conducted themselves with class. I did not! I was too upset with blue's intentional bad calls to change the game. If I get banned on here then what ever. This man is a black eye to every decent umpire out there who preforms a service. Notre Dame may beat us when they come to SV for the rematch. If they do that is part of the competition of baseball or any other sport. It however should not be on the obvious part of an umpire to change a game.

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by ManitouDan »

dang who was the home plate blue ?

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by Regulator »

Yeah, you get really good umpiring in Symmes Valley!
:122245 ;-)

Riding the Bench
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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by superman06 »

It was consistently bad for both teams through the first five innings. After that, the calls were definitely going to Notre Dame. I really liked the fastball that bounced in the dirt that was called for a strike.

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by iam4osu »

At least when you come to SV if its bad its bad consistantly throughout the game
both sides doesnt matter what color you are wearing.
Unlike it was last night.....these are kids are there to call a fair game and go home...
where is the honor??
Where is the pride???
Not in scioto county I can tell you that!!!!

Riding the Bench
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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by superman06 »

Don't be so quick to make generalizations. Just because an individual is an umpire from a certain county does not mean he is a bad one. There are MANY good umpires in the Portsmouth chapter. With that being said, some of the calls were pretty bad last night. However, until more people have a desire to work a 2-hour plus baseball game for $40-$60, while using their own gas for travel and buying their own umpiring equipment/apparel, we need to appreciate the umpires we have. They are hard enough to find as it is.

JV Team
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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by iam4osu »

There are great umpires everywhere! They dont do these games
for recognition nor do they do it for the money.
They do it for love of the game and to be outside in 40 degree weather and
because they like what they are doing.
Even Scioto County and even SV have some good ones!!!

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by CharlieHustle »

He had a very inconsistent strike zone for both teams, it was just more evident because Notre Dame made a big comeback in the 5th and pulled to within the last two innings were tense and heated. As I said he was inconsistent both ways. And just when I thought Symmes Valley was classy last night, they cannot even be classy in an upset win.
Every team in this area has been going out to Willow Wood and getting screwed every year no matter what sport. If it was water polo, you guys would have the One-Armed Bandit throw the game or have Rusty Webb hire the 600lb Lawrence County special.

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by vikingguy12 »

one armed bandit... lol.. i thought the locals were the only ones that called him that!!!! hahahaha...

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Re: Symmes Valley at Notre Dame

Post by svplayer2013 »

It's funny how you people come up with your clever nicknames but to be honest i have played when he was the umpire, and yes he had a bad call everyonce in awhile but for the man to be challenged with only one arm he is a very great man. One other thing he hasn't done a highschool game in atleast 5 or 6 years so get you story straight! i always like seeing these comments after a hard lose for a team.

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