Athens Dominates the TVC again...

mister b
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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by mister b »

It appeared that at one time the TVC was on the verge of doing "things right" in their expansion.

Athens wanted in and the TVC voted to accept them and I think nobody voted against them. This did create a "big fish, small pond" situation but one can't blame Athens for going to the TVC; success breeds success and having Athens in the TVC should have only caused the other TVC Ohio schools to step up their programs.

Then Warren came calling and this is exactly what the TVC Ohio needed, another larger school from the SEOAL and freedom from their ridiculous SEOAL travel schedules for all sports, boys and girls. Sadly, Warren fell short of joining the TVC Ohio by 1 vote thanks to Vinton County getting 2 other Hocking schools to vote against them. Can't really understand why 2 Hocking schools could care about Warren coming to the TVC Ohio but all members vote on new schools to the conference.

Then Jackson did the same as Athens and Warren but they fell 4 votes shy (I think) of the 75% needed to get into the TVC Ohio. Again, the majority of the "no" votes coming from the TVC Hocking schools who would have never competed against Jackson.

Never has Athens voted against another SEOAL school for coming into the TVC Ohio.

Instead, the TVC suddenly reversed it's direction and started adding smaller schools such as Wahama, South Gallia and River Valley.

IF the TVC had added Warren and Jackson the TVC could have easily split itself into 3 divisions, based on enrollments, much like other conferences in Ohio. Some even have 4 divisions within a single conference. By adding Warren and Jackson, the TVC would have pretty much ended the SEOAL with a couple of other defections but the TVC slammed the door shut and thus stopped the TVC from being both bigger and stronger with 3 divisions.

I don't blame Athens for coming to the TVC, however, a only a fool could have not seen that they would dominant the TVC Ohio without some other larger schools to compete against.

The Athens situation will continue until the TVC AD's and principals get it thru their thick skulls that what the TVC really needs is several large schools to join and then divide the TVC into 3 divisions (for most sports, 2 divisons for a few "minor" sports) based on enrollments.

Just my thoughts :mrgreen:

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by hsfbfan »

Jackson didn't come anywhere close to being accepted to the TVC. The vote was 10-3 against the only Ohio division team that voted yes was Athens the other two yes votes came from the Hocking division

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by questionmark »

2011-2012 & 2012-2013
Tournament & Governance Enrollment Figures.

They Use Grades 9, 10 & 11 for the figures...clearly stated at the Top of the Page.
These are the ONLY numbers that matter when determing the divisions you get to play in.

ATHENS – (297) AAA
MEIGS – (209) AAA

BELPRE – (145) AA
TRIMBLE – (107) A
MILLER – (104) A
EASTERN – (87) A
WAHAMA – ???


93 -- you are right, these are the numbers they use to determine the division each team is in and the post-season play aspect...

I for one would love to see Jackson in the TVC-OHIO as soon as possible...
Travel would not be bad, with Athens/NY/Meigs having the farthest trips to Jackson.
Wellston vs. Jackson Football (Week One) could be a great League Game moved to Week 10 Like Athens vs. NY.
Jackson would bring another Big(er) school to the Ohio to end all of this useless talk.
It WOULD be great for the League in ALL-SPORTS.
It would not hurt anyone in Football, it would add another D3 school League game (BIG points for Wins by smaller schools, Good points for the other D3/D4 schools).
The SEOAL is a dying league...Athens made the right choice, Marietta made the right choice...Jackson and Warren see the writings on the wall...they want to get into a League they see getting better and where travel is not a killer...we all understand that!

Warren from what I am told and heard have BURNED their bridge with the TVC-Charters so much that they will NEVER allow them into the League. From what I have been told, it had to do with how they exited the TVC years ago and the way they handled, even though it would be nice to see Warren, it doesn't look like that is going to happen...

Like people have mentioned...the AD's had no problem adding Athens 4 years ago.
Ask anyone in Athens, we are happy in the TVC...main reason is Travel. I speak for Baseball (Can't beat short trips on the bus, having your kids play their contest and getting home by 8.)
The atmostsphere at the games have been something we could have never imagined. In high school, I played a football vs. Alexander where our visiting stands were barely filled and where our home bleachers were 2/3rds filled. Now, both are packed, the gates are huge and the games mean more!

If I could change one thing about the TVC, it would be adding Jackson as a 7th TVC-OHIO member...

coach k
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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by coach k »

Normally I pay very little attention to threads not involving track/cross country or game results, but this one piqued my interest. As a coach within the TVC, I have no problem with Athens being in the league. From my perspective, it makes our league more competitive. I welcome the challenge of trying to develop more competitive teams. It has taken years of effort on behalf of myself and my runners to win a league cross country championship. My runners realized the amount of work necessary to get the job done, and then they went out and did it. I refuse to point fingers at Athens for being too big or too resourceful or whatever excuse that has been made as to why Athens wins. I also refuse to listen to all of the excuses why Vinton County shouldn't be as competitive...too much poverty, the district's population being too spread out, or any other crazy reasons for failure. If anything, they make me want to work harder to prove these people wrong. Just my two cents worth...

Orange and Brown
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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by Orange and Brown »

coach k wrote:Normally I pay very little attention to threads not involving track/cross country or game results, but this one piqued my interest. As a coach within the TVC, I have no problem with Athens being in the league. From my perspective, it makes our league more competitive. I welcome the challenge of trying to develop more competitive teams. It has taken years of effort on behalf of myself and my runners to win a league cross country championship. My runners realized the amount of work necessary to get the job done, and then they went out and did it. I refuse to point fingers at Athens for being too big or too resourceful or whatever excuse that has been made as to why Athens wins. I also refuse to listen to all of the excuses why Vinton County shouldn't be as competitive...too much poverty, the district's population being too spread out, or any other crazy reasons for failure. If anything, they make me want to work harder to prove these people wrong. Just my two cents worth...

Good Post!

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Mister B wrote:It appeared that at one time the TVC was on the verge of doing "things right" in their expansion.

Athens wanted in and the TVC voted to accept them and I think nobody voted against them. This did create a "big fish, small pond" situation but one can't blame Athens for going to the TVC; success breeds success and having Athens in the TVC should have only caused the other TVC Ohio schools to step up their programs.

Then Warren came calling and this is exactly what the TVC Ohio needed, another larger school from the SEOAL and freedom from their ridiculous SEOAL travel schedules for all sports, boys and girls. Sadly, Warren fell short of joining the TVC Ohio by 1 vote thanks to Vinton County getting 2 other Hocking schools to vote against them. Can't really understand why 2 Hocking schools could care about Warren coming to the TVC Ohio but all members vote on new schools to the conference.

Then Jackson did the same as Athens and Warren but they fell 4 votes shy (I think) of the 75% needed to get into the TVC Ohio. Again, the majority of the "no" votes coming from the TVC Hocking schools who would have never competed against Jackson.

Never has Athens voted against another SEOAL school for coming into the TVC Ohio.

Instead, the TVC suddenly reversed it's direction and started adding smaller schools such as Wahama, South Gallia and River Valley.

IF the TVC had added Warren and Jackson the TVC could have easily split itself into 3 divisions, based on enrollments, much like other conferences in Ohio. Some even have 4 divisions within a single conference. By adding Warren and Jackson, the TVC would have pretty much ended the SEOAL with a couple of other defections but the TVC slammed the door shut and thus stopped the TVC from being both bigger and stronger with 3 divisions.

I don't blame Athens for coming to the TVC, however, a only a fool could have not seen that they would dominant the TVC Ohio without some other larger schools to compete against.

The Athens situation will continue until the TVC AD's and principals get it thru their thick skulls that what the TVC really needs is several large schools to join and then divide the TVC into 3 divisions (for most sports, 2 divisons for a few "minor" sports) based on enrollments.

Just my thoughts :mrgreen:

Mister B, you hit the nail on the head!!! I agree 100%! The TVC is now too small-school heavy, as three divisions would mean 2 of those divisions would be all D6 schools. We need larger schools to balance things out.

I would be fine with adding Jackson, Warren, and Gallia Academy. We could create 3 or 4 divisons. The divisions could be based primarily on school size, but it wouldn't have to be an end all proposition. Each current TVC OHIO team could have a choice of joining the new big school division or joining the second division with similar sized schools. It could be each schools choice. This way, if NY and Alex wanted to keep their developing rivalry going with Athens, they could do so. Or if they wanted to be in a division with similar sized schools, they could do so. As watered down as the football playoffs have become, I would venture NY would have more to build off of in the big school division. There probably wouldn't be as many league titles as we have grown accustomed to at NY, but those NY teams would be ready for war if they played in the big school division and NY could feasibly get in to the playoffs with a 7-3 or 6-4 record in most years with that type of schedule. It would come down to athletic it better to win league championships most years or is it better to win playoff games on a consistant basis?

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by fortdawg »

I again question the need to fix something that isn't broke---You are splitting up the league in a way that could end it---I see how the playoff argument could work but is there anybody out there who doesn't think that the hard hitting that went on in the NY and Athens game didn't effect those two teams the following week. Athens beat Gallia and Warren in close games that could have gone either way---they also played them early---I don't think it helps my chance to win a playoff game if I face 3 or 4 hard hitting teams right before I play in the State.

Call me old fashioned (just don't call me late to dinner) I favor league titles over playoff appearances---in the playoffs only one team is dancing at the end---I saw NY do this but I haven't seen much success from other teams in this area whether it's SEOAL OR TVC.

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by G.W.A. »

The perfect TVC in 5 years if I was in charge.


1.fed hock
5. R.V.

1.S Gallia

I think this would be the solution to all. NY may not like it but they could still play 6 non league games and get plenty of points in football plus win their share of league titles.

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by questionmark »

GWA - ^^^ Looks too much to me like an old SEOAL Division mixed in with the old Ohio/Hocking Chopped up to tiny pieces...

I posted this on another Thread...
If I could pull some strings, this would be my ideal TVC LEAGUE!

TRI (3 Divisions) OHIO, HOCKING, VALLEY Divisions
Equal Division of 6 Teams

OHIO would remain mostley intact:
GALIA ACADEMY (or Warren if old grudges could be buried)

You keep the County Battles of ATH/NY/ALX mixed in with some old SEOAL Battles ATH/NY/MEIGS/GA/JACK...
This would be a very competitive League in every sport...

HOCKING would be:

This Division sees VC and Wellston move to the HOCKING, joining Fed/Trim/Waha with RV coming into the mix as well.
Trimble and Wahama have created a great battle between the schools. VC and Wellston have played each other for years, and now they do so with newer counterparts in their league. River Valley comes into a situation where they could find success early...

VALLEY would be:

The VALLEY Division host the smaller schools of the TVC but that would be the only difference between the Divisions. Southern/Eastern/Waterford have an established battlefront built up, Belpre just switched from the OHIO to the HOCKING, and now they get another Fresh Start in the VALLEY with familiar foe Miller. South Galia, the new arrival to the HOCKING, switches to the VALLEY to round out the batch.

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Re: Athens Dominates the TVC again...

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

The name "Tri Valley" stands for the three river valleys in southeastern Ohio:

Ohio, Hocking and Muskingum

I would name a third division Muskingum, and have it be the middle division, since it is the middle of the three in terms of size of the rivers.

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