What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

Steely Dan wrote:This ol' boy has been sitting on the sidelines watching this crap unravel. First - there is one squawking head on here telling this unconfirmed tale that the league is booting the white falcons out. Now, I know that there are plenty of you who have direct ties to AD's and coaches in the league that with one phone call or email, you could dispel this bullsh*t. Come on now, do you really believe this garbage? Until someone from the league issues a statement about ousting Wahama from the league, this is nothing but sheer conjecture. I'd ignore all the pot-stirring that has been going on and just let the squawking continue, until the league confirms it, and no longer respond. Let it go.

If official word comes out that Wahama is leaving the league at their own volition, well, then you guys can tee off on Henery Hawk and let him have it. Until then, I'd ignore this crap if I were you.
You sound like an ardent supporter of the TVC. I applaud you for your support. Just remember that sometimes blind loyalty clouds your ability to see the facts. Wahama is being booted afte the ADs were asked to rewrite the bylaws to include the WVSSAC. The TVC supers are the ones behind his decision. I feel bad for the ADs who spent a bunch of time and gas travelling to meetings. They apparently had resolved the bylaws issue only to have the supers throw their work out the window. I seriously doubt Wahama wants to leave the TVC. The travel costs alone make staying in the TVC too attractive to them.

Bottom line......you can choose to ignore me if you so desire. You have blasted me pretty good on here. When the truth does come out, and it will, I hope you are a big enough person to apologize to me on here. BTW, I am surprised you havent gotten the boot on here for all the cursing. Are you an administrator?
on this site?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

King of Kings wrote:Wahama will choose to leave the TVC when they realize they can't dominate football. They joined when they were up and the rest of league was down. I was told by alot of people as soon as they get done with the first two years they will look to get out. Looks like they may have found the perfect scapegoat. I was told by Trimble people that awhile ago Wahama had a four year contract with them, but then backed out when the kittycats took them to the woodshed on their own field. Trimble will still win this match up 7 out of 10 years. Wahama knows this and so does Trimble. With that being said the kitties also know NY will beat them 9 out of 10 years. :lol: so Wahama fans don't run your mouths about the bucks. I remember that smackdown that was laid down on you at Boston field last year. By the way, are you scrimmaging NY again this year? or did you stick your feathers between your legs (like you have already proven you do) and find a better match up? :oops:

I cant tell whether you are a glouster rutter or a buchtel rutter :lol: . I will say this, if Trimble is so dominant over us in football they had better get on the horn and support our staying because otherwise we are getting the boot. Say what you want about how you can beat us but the proof is in the pudding. We took your candy two years in a row and I doubt things will change much this fall. As for that Nelsonvile scrimmage, my sources say it was only a one year deal to begin with. Who knows the truth and really who cares? You won a scrimmage. :122246 If we had known we would get a scrimmage trophy maybe we would have played a little harder but we were more interested in getting ready for the season. Shine that trophy up and enjoy it. Maybe you can bring it to one of our playoff games and hold it while you watch us. I doubt you will be busy that weekend anyway. :mrgreen:

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

According to our people at Wahama, here is the list of "cow manure" reasons the TVC supers want us out:

1. We kickoff in JH football.
2. We use a different size basketball in JH.
3. We couldnt play all our softball games in our first year due to weather. (No one mentions that Miller didnt play them all either. No one mentions that Belpre cancelled a game at our place that year because they "thought" it was going to rain.)
4. Our varsity basketball team needs to wear red unis instead of silver.
5. League is too big. We cant play enough nonconference games. (No one talks about the fact that waterford refuses to play "in the TVC" in junior high sports.)

All are BS excuses. So what is the real reason?

Fire away boys but I am telling you the truth and it will set you free......at least free from us. :mrgreen:

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

1- through -5 ...I did not see "Because Wahama is dominate in football."

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by BlizzardMan »

Those actually sound like legit reasons.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Super trooper »

I thought they sounded legit too

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Steely Dan »

Titletown TVC wrote:
Steely Dan wrote:This ol' boy has been sitting on the sidelines watching this crap unravel. First - there is one squawking head on here telling this unconfirmed tale that the league is booting the white falcons out. Now, I know that there are plenty of you who have direct ties to AD's and coaches in the league that with one phone call or email, you could dispel this bullsh*t. Come on now, do you really believe this garbage? Until someone from the league issues a statement about ousting Wahama from the league, this is nothing but sheer conjecture. I'd ignore all the pot-stirring that has been going on and just let the squawking continue, until the league confirms it, and no longer respond. Let it go.

If official word comes out that Wahama is leaving the league at their own volition, well, then you guys can tee off on Henery Hawk and let him have it. Until then, I'd ignore this crap if I were you.
You sound like an ardent supporter of the TVC. I applaud you for your support. Just remember that sometimes blind loyalty clouds your ability to see the facts. Wahama is being booted afte the ADs were asked to rewrite the bylaws to include the WVSSAC. The TVC supers are the ones behind his decision. I feel bad for the ADs who spent a bunch of time and gas travelling to meetings. They apparently had resolved the bylaws issue only to have the supers throw their work out the window. I seriously doubt Wahama wants to leave the TVC. The travel costs alone make staying in the TVC too attractive to them.

Bottom line......you can choose to ignore me if you so desire. You have blasted me pretty good on here. When the truth does come out, and it will, I hope you are a big enough person to apologize to me on here. BTW, I am surprised you havent gotten the boot on here for all the cursing. Are you an administrator?
on this site?
Let's start at the bottom of your post. Nope. My "cursing", really? BS is cursing? Bullsh*t is cursing? I rarely even go to these measure to make my point, but the way you were teeing off as one man against the world, with not one person validating anything that you have said, lead me to take a little stronger approach. There are a few that would like me booted from this website, but, I know how to play by the rules. And I have.

Now, had you started out your discussion on this subject with your post from today at 6:44 am, I would have never said a word about what you were saying, these could be legitimate "reasons" that the league is citing. I take exception to anecdotal statements and innuendo, thus to quote you I "blasted you pretty good on here." No need to be coy or play games. Just make reasonable statements like you did this morning, and I will not criticize you one bit.

Frankly, if this comes to fruition, and these are the only things cited for cutting ties with Wahama, I would be ashamed if I were part of the athletic program at a TVC Hocking school for being so petty, and doing something so rash.

To address your other point, no, I am not an ardent TVC follower. I ended up moving to the TVC area and my kids all went to a TVC school, participated in sports, and had very enjoyable athletic careers in HS. That being said, out of the leagues that are basically part of this website, yes, I support the TVC. I'm a PVC guy through and through and follow them the closest, since my children are now all adults.

I will be very disappointed in the league if they "boot" Wahama for some fairly feeble reasons, so quickly. I'll be interested to see how this all plays out.

If you are 100% correct on what you have stated, I will certainly acknowledge that and apologize for my criticism.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Raiderball »

Titletown TVC wrote:According to our people at Wahama, here is the list of "cow manure" reasons the TVC supers want us out:

1. We kickoff in JH football.
2. We use a different size basketball in JH.
3. We couldnt play all our softball games in our first year due to weather. (No one mentions that Miller didnt play them all either. No one mentions that Belpre cancelled a game at our place that year because they "thought" it was going to rain.)
4. Our varsity basketball team needs to wear red unis instead of silver.
5. League is too big. We cant play enough nonconference games. (No one talks about the fact that waterford refuses to play "in the TVC" in junior high sports.)

All are BS excuses. So what is the real reason?

Fire away boys but I am telling you the truth and it will set you free......at least free from us. :mrgreen:

1-2 Are these changes since Wahama invited into the TVC or were these rules already in place?
3. All games weren't played 1 year? Is that enough reason to vote someone from a league?
4. I would think you could work around this problem. I would imagine Wahama will be buying new uniforms in the next couple years. If you want them in the league work something out.
5. Hocking hasn't grown anymore since they were accepted into the league. If it wasn't a problem then, why is it a problem now?

Pretty weak if in fact these are the reasons for voting Wahama out of the league. JMO

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by mister b »

Titletown TVC wrote:According to our people at Wahama, here is the list of "cow manure" reasons the TVC supers want us out:

1. We kickoff in JH football.
2. We use a different size basketball in JH.
3. We couldnt play all our softball games in our first year due to weather. (No one mentions that Miller didnt play them all either. No one mentions that Belpre cancelled a game at our place that year because they "thought" it was going to rain.)
4. Our varsity basketball team needs to wear red unis instead of silver.
5. League is too big. We cant play enough nonconference games. (No one talks about the fact that waterford refuses to play "in the TVC" in junior high sports.)

All are BS excuses. So what is the real reason?

Fire away boys but I am telling you the truth and it will set you free......at least free from us. :mrgreen:
1. WVSSAC allows for kickoffs, the OHSAA doesn't.
2. Again, different rules for different states. Belpre ran into the same problems when we were members of the Wood County league in WV for junior high sports and got booted for not following WVSSAC rules, even when the games were in Ohio.
3. Again, the OHSAA granted the TVC an 1 time exception to allow a Ohio team to play a DH after they were eliminated from the tourney so a conference champ could be crowned. I believe Miller didn't finish out their season due to the lack of players, not a rules violation.
4. In Ohio, the road team wears dark unis. Silver is not dark. The girls have red unis, can't you buy a set of of Home (light) and Road (dark) jerseys for both teams?
5. I completely agree, the Hocking is too big. Having two 5 team divisions when RV comes in is foolish. Also having 1 10 team divison is dumb to. Who wants to play a full season of all conference games in every sport? Lets grow the TVC by adding larger schools, not taking away schools.

The real reason...you just can't matchup WV and Ohio sport seasons and different state rules very well. Can things be worked out? Yes, but it takes 2 sides to tango and that means flexibility on both sides, something that has been lacking from both sides at times. One only has to look at Point Pleasants failed venture into the SEOAL to see that it was going to be very hard making this thing work. I do agree that being in the TVC is good for Wahama in terms of travel etc and I think most TVC teams feel the same way. This is what happens when Supers get together and start nitpicking this, that and the other. Let the ADs work things out, update bylaws etc and for the love of God, get a few more larger teams in the Ohio so we can go to 3 quality divisions in the TVC. There are plenty of conferences in Ohio that have 18 or more teams divided into 3 or more divisions that are very successful and those same models could work very well here in SE Ohio like they do around the rest of the state and Warren and Jackson would love to come to the TVC but for some reason VC doesn't want either school.

Remember the movie Field of Dreams? "If you build it, he will come." Well, get some larger teams in the TVC and you will build yourself a much better TVC from top to bottom and do better come tourney time in all sports.

Just my thoughts guys... :mrgreen:

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

Its "if you build, they will come."

Come on Mister B, brush up on your movie quotes before posting ... lol

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Dundas »

Vinton County to Warren is twice as far of a drive than the current farthest drive in the league. That is a big factor on why VC doesn't want Warren back in the league. I have heard straight from the new ad that VC would like Jackson and Gallia in the TVC.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by mister b »

93Bulldog wrote:Its "if you build, they will come."

Come on Mister B, brush up on your movie quotes before posting ... lol

Last edited by mister b on Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by mister b »

Dundas wrote:Vinton County to Warren is twice as far of a drive than the current farthest drive in the league. That is a big factor on why VC doesn't want Warren back in the league. I have heard straight from the new ad that VC would like Jackson and Gallia in the TVC.
I would really like to believe this but I have my doubts concerning membership. The real truth is how they vote when a school petitions to come into the TVC and that has been NO for both Warren and Jackson. Maybe the new AD will vote differently. Somebody has to make the longest drive and it never seemed to be a problem for VC to drive to Belpre which is 3 miles less than Warren.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Dundas »

Everyone in VC was thrilled when Belpre was no longer in the Ohio. If it wasn't a problem, then VC would have continued to play them. The new ad will vote differently than in the past. There are no "old ties" with this ad.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by mister b »

Dundas wrote:Everyone in VC was thrilled when Belpre was no longer in the Ohio. If it wasn't a problem, then VC would have continued to play them. The new ad will vote differently than in the past. There are no "old ties" with this ad.
One can only hope that there are no "old ties" with the new AD. VC led the charge against both Warren and Jackson by getting enough Hocking members, who would have never played these schools, to vote against them.

As for me, I miss playing VC, especially with their new facilities. The drive was never an issue. It was almost all 4 lane as was the drive from VC to Warren. Belpre folks have been driving to McArthur since the early 1950's on worse roads.

Oh well, to each his own.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

If we want to look at travel, look what putting River Valley in the Ohio does to NY. That is over an hour drive. In comparison, NY could travel to Fairfield County and play Berne Union, Fairfield Union, Fisher Catholic or Amanda Cleercreek and only have to drive for 30-40 minutes to each school. And that long drive isn't even to play a traditional football powerhouse. NY will have to travel for over an hour to play a school that is traditionally weak in football, thus wasted gas money and nothing to show for it. Most fans won't travel to see that game. Too far and nothing to be excited about.

At least when Vinton County would drive to Warren it would be to play a school that would be a strong contendar for a league title in many seasons.

NY long drives to Jackson or Gallia Academy would be worth it because of the excitement of the atmosphere of the game. I could see huge crowds in those matchups. Not with River Valley though.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

Travel time to RV in itself is a reason why Ohio schools SHOULD vote in support of Wahama staying. RV should support Wahama because they are gonna get stomped in the Ohio but would be a solid member of the Hocking. That being said, my sources say only Athens, Meigs, and Miller voted in support of Wahama. Sounds like Wahama is staying for now. Now back in the hands of the superintendents.

Gee, I wonder where all that support from Southern and Eastern was. They blamed others schools for wanting us out.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by BlizzardMan »

So does Wahama get to stay?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Orange and Brown »

BlizzardMan wrote:So does Wahama get to stay?

I would go out on a limb and say that there was "some discussion" on asking Wahama to leave because some schools didn't want to change some rules around, but they were never really going to leave in the first place.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

Say what you want.....the facts remain. Waterford, Fed Hocker, Southern, and Eastern are vehemently opposed to our continued membership. Belpre and South Gallia arent doing anything to support us staying. The smart money says Wahama is out. It is just a matter of time. The fun part will be now when the supers have to actually say why they want us out. If it were up to me, we would get out of the WFCIO.

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